Free ports 80 and 443 on Synology NAS

 1 year ago
source link: https://gist.github.com/hjbotha/f64ef2e0cd1e8ba5ec526dcd6e937dd7
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Free ports 80 and 443 on Synology NAS · GitHub

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Free ports 80 and 443 on Synology NAS

@Synaesthesia0 So I applied this same fix a few days ago and I did not have to disable redirection. It just worked.


My SWAG listens at port 443 now with that setting enabled. Not sure why it's a different case with yours.

@Synaesthesia0 I had the same issue, fixed by removing a record in the DSM reverse proxy - forgot it was there lol.

it's python version for DSM7

import os
import shutil
import time

print("Start OK")


NGINX = "/usr/syno/share/nginx"
MUSTACHE = ["DSM.mustache","server.mustache","WWWService.mustache"]
BACKUP_FILES = True # change to false to disable backups
BACKUP_DIR = "/volume1/sw/nginx/backup"
DELETE_OLD_BACKUPS = True # change to true to automatically delete old backups.
DATE = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")

for file in MUSTACHE:
        os.makedirs(CURRENT_BACKUP_DIR, exist_ok=True)
        print("Backup Done")
    data = open(os.path.join(NGINX,file), 'rt').read().replace('listen 80', 'listen 81').replace('listen [::]:80','listen [::]:81').replace('listen 443','listen 444').replace('listen [::]:443', 'listen [::]:444')
    open(os.path.join(NGINX,file), 'wt').write(data)
print("Mod Done")

    for f in os.listdir(BACKUP_DIR):
        f = os.path.join(BACKUP_DIR, f)
        if os.stat(f).st_mtime < time.time() - KEEP_BACKUP_DAYS * 86400:
            if os.path.isdir(f):

# Perform nginx reload if running on DSM 7.X
if open('/etc.defaults/VERSION','r').read().find('majorversion="7"') != -1:
    print("Restart service")
    os.system('systemctl restart nginx')
print("All Done")

It's work for me after reboot DSM

@thatisfree I changed your code a little bit, by adding 4 variables regarding the ports, so other users can change the values easier.
Besides that, thanks for the code! It worked for me DS918+ DSM 7.0.1-42218 Update 3

import os
import shutil
import time

print("Start OK")


NGINX = "/usr/syno/share/nginx"
MUSTACHE = ["DSM.mustache","server.mustache","WWWService.mustache"]
BACKUP_FILES = True # change to false to disable backups
BACKUP_DIR = "/volume1/docker/nginx/backup"
DELETE_OLD_BACKUPS = True # change to true to automatically delete old backups.
DATE = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")

for file in MUSTACHE:
        os.makedirs(CURRENT_BACKUP_DIR, exist_ok=True)
        print("Backup Done")
    data = open(os.path.join(NGINX,file), 'rt').read().replace('listen 80', 'listen 81').replace('listen [::]:80',f'listen [::]:{NEW_HTTP_PORT}').replace('listen 443',f'listen {NEW_HTTPS_PORT}').replace('listen [::]:443', F'listen [::]:{NEW_HTTPS_PORT}')
    open(os.path.join(NGINX,file), 'wt').write(data)
print("Mod Done")

    for f in os.listdir(BACKUP_DIR):
        f = os.path.join(BACKUP_DIR, f)
        if os.stat(f).st_mtime < time.time() - KEEP_BACKUP_DAYS * 86400:
            if os.path.isdir(f):

# Perform nginx reload if running on DSM 7.X
if open('/etc.defaults/VERSION','r').read().find('majorversion="7"') != -1:
    print("Restart service")
    os.system('systemctl restart nginx')
print("All Done")

@thatisfree what do you mean by "it's python version" for DSM7? I used the original code on my DS1817+ DSM7 and it seems to be working fine so I want to understand what is wrong with it and what improvements you made?

@JVT038 since you added new variables, you should remove the old ones as they're no longer being used in the code:


Oops yeah, forgot about those 2 vars, my bad

@thatisfree thanks for the original work.
@JVT038 Thank you so much for producing a python version. You saved me the exercise :)

Works like a charm with python3.8 on my Synology DS916+.

Extremely happy I just needed that today and here it is done just 3 weeks ago! You ROCK!

Hi all!

I've had this script runningin my ds918+ with dsm7 and the drive where it was stored (with the backups) crashed.

Now i Want/need to access DSM at ports 80/433 but they don't work anymore. I can access by ports 5000 and 5011..

Is there anything I can do?

Thank you

Hi all!

I've had this script runningin my ds918+ with dsm7 and the drive where it was stored (with the backups) crashed.

Now i Want/need to access DSM at ports 80/433 but they don't work anymore. I can access by ports 5000 and 5011..

Is there anything I can do?

Thank you

You could change the values of the port variables in the script so it changes them to 80/443.

The script did not work for me. After executing it there where 3 files that changed: server.mustache, WWWService.mustache, DSM.mustache.
The ports 80 and 443 are still not available. They still redirect to the DSM login page running on port 5000. Reboot didn't work either.

Here my setup:
DSM 7.0.1-42218 Update 3

Also why do i need to add the script as a scheduled task which runs at boot-up? After restarting my synology diskstaion, the changes in those files where still there.

@danielstorch because after an update of DSM those changes will be reverted. Can you try and run this command: sudo systemctl restart nginx this will restart the whole nginx service. Reload did not work for me on DSM 7.1 maybe that also changed on Updated 3 of DSM 7.0

The redirect thing doesn't seem to be true. With firefox or safari the port 80 gives me connection failed. So the Ports seem to be free. But i still can't create a docker container using the ports?
Im trying to create a container in bridge which uses port 80 and 443.

The most elegant solution I can imagine is the following. There is no need to change configuration files of the already running nginx server. Use the following commands to redirect incoming traffic on ports 80 and 443:

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth+ -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8080
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth+ -p tcp --dport 443 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8443

When this is done, you can put your your new webserver on ports 8080 and 8443. The original webserver is still running on 80/443 but the traffic from outside will never reach it anymore.

For anyone who might have the same problem. After running the script the ports where free. But i couldn't create the container with the Synology UI or Portainer. I had to create the nginx container on ports 80 and 443 with Docker cli. Now it works fine.

I saw, elsewhere, that someone was running this @restart.....Is that good? Should it be run more or less often possibly?

On a related note:

The most elegant solution I can imagine is the following. There is no need to change configuration files of the already running nginx server. Use the following commands to redirect incoming traffic on ports 80 and 443:

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth+ -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8080 iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth+ -p tcp --dport 443 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8443

When this is done, you can put your your new webserver on ports 8080 and 8443. The original webserver is still running on 80/443 but the traffic from outside will never reach it anymore.

While this does work, for most....I am trying to free the ports up, so that I can have another application take them over. Your solutions would actually make things much worse. (for those out there trying to do the same; e.g. Traefik)

@thatisfree I changed your code a little bit, by adding 4 variables regarding the ports, so other users can change the values easier. Besides that, thanks for the code! It worked for me DS918+ DSM 7.0.1-42218 Update 3

import os
import shutil
import time

print("Start OK")


NGINX = "/usr/syno/share/nginx"
MUSTACHE = ["DSM.mustache","server.mustache","WWWService.mustache"]
BACKUP_FILES = True # change to false to disable backups
BACKUP_DIR = "/volume1/docker/nginx/backup"
DELETE_OLD_BACKUPS = True # change to true to automatically delete old backups.
DATE = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")

for file in MUSTACHE:
        os.makedirs(CURRENT_BACKUP_DIR, exist_ok=True)
        print("Backup Done")
    data = open(os.path.join(NGINX,file), 'rt').read().replace('listen 80', 'listen 81').replace('listen [::]:80',f'listen [::]:{NEW_HTTP_PORT}').replace('listen 443',f'listen {NEW_HTTPS_PORT}').replace('listen [::]:443', F'listen [::]:{NEW_HTTPS_PORT}')
    open(os.path.join(NGINX,file), 'wt').write(data)
print("Mod Done")

    for f in os.listdir(BACKUP_DIR):
        f = os.path.join(BACKUP_DIR, f)
        if os.stat(f).st_mtime < time.time() - KEEP_BACKUP_DAYS * 86400:
            if os.path.isdir(f):

# Perform nginx reload if running on DSM 7.X
if open('/etc.defaults/VERSION','r').read().find('majorversion="7"') != -1:
    print("Restart service")
    os.system('systemctl restart nginx')
print("All Done")

This had a hard coded value for replacing 80 with 81 which was causing the files to have 2 different ports in the configuration, port 81 and the NEW_HTTP_PORT value. It was reading "replace('listen 80', 'listen 81')" when it should have read "replace('listen 80',f'listen {NEW_HTTP_PORT}')". You can see it in the quote. Also removed the old HTTP_PORT and HTTPS_PORT values.

Here is the updated python script

import os
import shutil
import time

print("Start OK")

NGINX = "/usr/syno/share/nginx"
MUSTACHE = ["DSM.mustache","server.mustache","WWWService.mustache"]
BACKUP_FILES = True # change to false to disable backups
BACKUP_DIR = "/volume1/docker/nginx/backup"
DELETE_OLD_BACKUPS = True # change to true to automatically delete old backups.
DATE = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")

for file in MUSTACHE:
        os.makedirs(CURRENT_BACKUP_DIR, exist_ok=True)
        print("Backup Done")
    data = open(os.path.join(NGINX,file), 'rt').read().replace('listen 80',f'listen {NEW_HTTP_PORT}').replace('listen [::]:80',f'listen [::]:{NEW_HTTP_PORT}').replace('listen 443',f'listen {NEW_HTTPS_PORT}').replace('listen [::]:443', F'listen [::]:{NEW_HTTPS_PORT}')
    open(os.path.join(NGINX,file), 'wt').write(data)
print("Mod Done")

    for f in os.listdir(BACKUP_DIR):
        f = os.path.join(BACKUP_DIR, f)
        if os.stat(f).st_mtime < time.time() - KEEP_BACKUP_DAYS * 86400:
            if os.path.isdir(f):

# Perform nginx reload if running on DSM 7.X
if open('/etc.defaults/VERSION','r').read().find('majorversion="7"') != -1:
    print("Restart service")
    os.system('systemctl restart nginx')
print("All Done")

Got bit by the generic system event "Some web pages cannot function properly because of web server error. Please contact Tech support..." with this script running on boot after I updated to DSM 7.1 update 2 this afternoon.

I've tweaked the original script provided by the OP (with a few suggested changes in the comments since it was posted) to enable easily resetting the ports for Nginx back to the defaults expected in addition to supporting changing the defaults to custom ports (as is the default behavior). This allowed me to reset the ports back to defaults, update my packages that were failing within Package Center, and then re-enable my custom ports and free up ports 80 and 443 for Traefik as usual.

In case anyone is interested in it, here's my modified version:

#! /bin/bash
# SRC: https://gist.github.com/hjbotha/f64ef2e0cd1e8ba5ec526dcd6e937dd7

# Developed for DSM 6 - 7.0.1. Not tested on other versions.
# Steps to install
# Save this script in one of your shares
# Edit it according to your requirements
# Backup /usr/syno/share/nginx/ as follows:
# # cd /usr/syno/share/
# # tar cvfz $DOCKER_USER_DIR/.bak/nginx.bak.tar.gz nginx
# Run this script as root
# Reboot and ensure everything is still working
# If not, restore the backup and post a comment on this script's gist page
# If it did, schedule it to run as root at boot
#   through Control Panel -> Task Scheduler


CUSTOM_HTTP_PORT=5080  # DO NOT USE 5000 as it creates a duplicate server config block in Nginx and pukes
CUSTOM_HTTPS_PORT=5443 # DO NOT USE 5001 as it creates a duplicate server config block in Nginx and pukes

if [ "$RESET_TO_DEFAULTS" == "true" ];  then
  # Reverse the port replacement logic in the mustache files to "reset"
  echo "Resetting ports to default ports..."
  # Default behavior is to update Nginx for DSM to use ports 5000 & 50001
  echo "Overriding default ports..."

echo "Replacing port $HTTP_PORT_TO_REPLACE with $HTTP_NEW_PORT"
echo "Replacing port $HTTPS_PORT_TO_REPLACE with $HTTPS_NEW_PORT"
echo " "

if [ "$BACKUP_FILES" == "false" ]; then
  # Default to backing up all modified files

DELETE_OLD_BACKUPS=false # change to true to automatically delete old backups.

DATE=$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S)

if [ "$BACKUP_FILES" == "true" ]; then
  mkdir -p "$CURRENT_BACKUP_DIR"
  cp -r /usr/syno/share/nginx/ "$CURRENT_BACKUP_DIR"

if [ "$DELETE_OLD_BACKUPS" == "true" ]; then
  find "$BACKUP_DIR/" -type d -mtime +$KEEP_BACKUP_DAYS -exec rm -r {} \;

# Replace ports as desired in mustache config files
sed -i "s/^\([ \t]\+listen[ \t]\+[]:[]*\)$HTTP_PORT_TO_REPLACE\([^0-9]\)/\1$HTTP_NEW_PORT\2/" /usr/syno/share/nginx/*.mustache
sed -i "s/^\([ \t]\+listen[ \t]\+[]:[]*\)$HTTPS_PORT_TO_REPLACE\([^0-9]\)/\1$HTTPS_NEW_PORT\2/" /usr/syno/share/nginx/*.mustache

echo "Made these changes:"
diff /usr/syno/share/nginx/ $CURRENT_BACKUP_DIR 2>&1 | tee $CURRENT_BACKUP_DIR/changes.log
echo " "

echo "[ ] Updating Nginx..."
if grep -q 'majorversion="7"' "/etc.defaults/VERSION"; then
  nginx -s reload
  echo "[✔] Nginx reloaded!"
  if which synoservicecfg; then
    synoservicecfg --restart nginx
    synosystemctl restart nginx
  echo "[✔] Nginx restarted!"

exit 0

Then you would simply invoke this with sudo as usual, but pass in an ENV variable to restore the configs to their default ports:
sudo RESET_TO_DEFAULTS=true ./free_ports.sh

Script worked good on DSM 7.0.3
Thank you

This is exactly what I need to free up port 80/443 on my Synology box.

Thanks to all who contributed !!

Anyone tried this on DSM 7.1-42661 Update 4 ?

Updated recently and port 443 still seems to be held by nginx

sudo netstat -tulpn | grep LISTEN | grep ':80 \|:443 '
tcp        0      0   *               LISTEN      15598/nginx: master 
tcp6       0      0 :::443                  :::*                    LISTEN      15598/nginx: master

Nevermind me, I had a rogue reverse proxy entry in the DSM control panel. Removed and all good now.

works a treat with - DSM 6.2.4-25556 Update 6
added to the end of script

netstat -tulpn | grep LISTEN | grep '80|443'
netstat -tulpn | grep LISTEN | grep '81|444'

I used to run a different script which worked as well.
I changed my router from a Synology MR2200ac to a RT2600ac, with the same configuration, using a backup.
Everything works except for my Traefik2 configuration.

Running the script, I get this error which I can't figure out. Any idea? Thanks! is my NAS local IP.

[ ] Updating Nginx...
nginx: [warn] low address bits of are meaningless in /etc/nginx/conf.d/dsm.ssdp.conf:2
nginx: [warn] low address bits of are meaningless in /etc/nginx/conf.d/dsm.ssdp.conf:2

EDIT: After removing "/24" in dsm.sspd.conf:2 the error message disappeared.

Also, my issue with Traefik was that restoring the configuration from backup did not restore the DDNS settings, just a stupid mistake.

Got bit by the generic system event "Some web pages cannot function properly because of web server error. Please contact Tech support..." with this script running on boot after I updated to DSM 7.1 update 2 this afternoon.

I've tweaked the original script provided by the OP (with a few suggested changes in the comments since it was posted) to enable easily resetting the ports for Nginx back to the defaults expected in addition to supporting changing the defaults to custom ports (as is the default behavior). This allowed me to reset the ports back to defaults, update my packages that were failing within Package Center, and then re-enable my custom ports and free up ports 80 and 443 for Traefik as usual.

In case anyone is interested in it, here's my modified version:

#! /bin/bash
# SRC: https://gist.github.com/hjbotha/f64ef2e0cd1e8ba5ec526dcd6e937dd7

# Developed for DSM 6 - 7.0.1. Not tested on other versions.
# Steps to install
# Save this script in one of your shares
# Edit it according to your requirements
# Backup /usr/syno/share/nginx/ as follows:
# # cd /usr/syno/share/
# # tar cvfz $DOCKER_USER_DIR/.bak/nginx.bak.tar.gz nginx
# Run this script as root
# Reboot and ensure everything is still working
# If not, restore the backup and post a comment on this script's gist page
# If it did, schedule it to run as root at boot
#   through Control Panel -> Task Scheduler


CUSTOM_HTTP_PORT=5080  # DO NOT USE 5000 as it creates a duplicate server config block in Nginx and pukes
CUSTOM_HTTPS_PORT=5443 # DO NOT USE 5001 as it creates a duplicate server config block in Nginx and pukes

if [ "$RESET_TO_DEFAULTS" == "true" ];  then
  # Reverse the port replacement logic in the mustache files to "reset"
  echo "Resetting ports to default ports..."
  # Default behavior is to update Nginx for DSM to use ports 5000 & 50001
  echo "Overriding default ports..."

echo "Replacing port $HTTP_PORT_TO_REPLACE with $HTTP_NEW_PORT"
echo "Replacing port $HTTPS_PORT_TO_REPLACE with $HTTPS_NEW_PORT"
echo " "

if [ "$BACKUP_FILES" == "false" ]; then
  # Default to backing up all modified files

DELETE_OLD_BACKUPS=false # change to true to automatically delete old backups.

DATE=$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S)

if [ "$BACKUP_FILES" == "true" ]; then
  mkdir -p "$CURRENT_BACKUP_DIR"
  cp -r /usr/syno/share/nginx/ "$CURRENT_BACKUP_DIR"

if [ "$DELETE_OLD_BACKUPS" == "true" ]; then
  find "$BACKUP_DIR/" -type d -mtime +$KEEP_BACKUP_DAYS -exec rm -r {} \;

# Replace ports as desired in mustache config files
sed -i "s/^\([ \t]\+listen[ \t]\+[]:[]*\)$HTTP_PORT_TO_REPLACE\([^0-9]\)/\1$HTTP_NEW_PORT\2/" /usr/syno/share/nginx/*.mustache
sed -i "s/^\([ \t]\+listen[ \t]\+[]:[]*\)$HTTPS_PORT_TO_REPLACE\([^0-9]\)/\1$HTTPS_NEW_PORT\2/" /usr/syno/share/nginx/*.mustache

echo "Made these changes:"
diff /usr/syno/share/nginx/ $CURRENT_BACKUP_DIR 2>&1 | tee $CURRENT_BACKUP_DIR/changes.log
echo " "

echo "[ ] Updating Nginx..."
if grep -q 'majorversion="7"' "/etc.defaults/VERSION"; then
  nginx -s reload
  echo "[✔] Nginx reloaded!"
  if which synoservicecfg; then
    synoservicecfg --restart nginx
    synosystemctl restart nginx
  echo "[✔] Nginx restarted!"

exit 0

Then you would simply invoke this with sudo as usual, but pass in an ENV variable to restore the configs to their default ports: sudo RESET_TO_DEFAULTS=true ./free_ports.sh

So I wanted to reset everything back to the default ports because I'm not using SWAG in this Synology anymore. I run your script (which I assume is the "latest" version) and I got this result:

root@synology:~# RESET_TO_DEFAULTS=true /volume1/system/scripts/free-ports.sh
Resetting ports to default ports...
Replacing port 5080 with 80
Replacing port 5443 with 443

Made these changes:
Only in /usr/syno/share/nginx/: acl.mustache
Only in /usr/syno/share/nginx/: acl_rule.mustache
Only in /usr/syno/share/nginx/: Alias_v2.mustache
Only in /usr/syno/share/nginx/: cgi.mustache
Only in /usr/syno/share/nginx/: cgi.pass.mustache
Only in /usr/syno/share/nginx/: conf.d
Only in /usr/syno/share/nginx/: default_redirect.html
Only in /usr/syno/share/nginx/: deny.mustache
Only in /usr/syno/share/nginx/: deny.PhotoStation.mustache
Only in /usr/syno/share/nginx/: deny.synoman.mustache
Only in /usr/syno/share/nginx/: DSM_Main.mustache
Only in /usr/syno/share/nginx/: DSM.mustache
Only in /usr/syno/share/nginx/: error.html
Only in /usr/syno/share/nginx/: error_page.mustache
Only in /usr/syno/share/nginx/: Firewall.mustache
Only in /usr/syno/share/nginx/: gzip.mustache
Only in /usr/syno/share/nginx/: HSTS.mustache
Only in /usr/syno/share/nginx/: https.mustache
Only in /usr/syno/share/nginx/: LetsEncrypt.mustache
Only in /usr/syno/share/nginx/: logo.jpg
Only in /root/.bak/free_ports//2022-11-07-22-40-11: nginx
Only in /usr/syno/share/nginx/: nginx.mustache
Only in /usr/syno/share/nginx/: open_file_cache.mustache
Only in /usr/syno/share/nginx/: optimization.mustache
Only in /usr/syno/share/nginx/: Portal.mustache
Only in /usr/syno/share/nginx/: redirect_html.mustache
Only in /usr/syno/share/nginx/: server.mustache
Only in /usr/syno/share/nginx/: synoscgi.sock.pass.mustache
Only in /usr/syno/share/nginx/: SynoSharing.mustache
Only in /usr/syno/share/nginx/: TLSProfile.mustache
Only in /usr/syno/share/nginx/: WWW_Main.mustache
Only in /usr/syno/share/nginx/: WWWService.mustache
Only in /usr/syno/share/nginx/: X-Accel.mustache

[ ] Updating Nginx...
nginx: [warn] low address bits of are meaningless in /etc/nginx/conf.d/dsm.ssdp.conf:2
nginx: [warn] low address bits of are meaningless in /etc/nginx/conf.d/dsm.ssdp.conf:3
nginx: [warn] low address bits of are meaningless in /etc/nginx/conf.d/dsm.ssdp.conf:4
nginx: [warn] low address bits of are meaningless in /etc/nginx/conf.d/dsm.ssdp.conf:5
nginx: [warn] low address bits of are meaningless in /etc/nginx/conf.d/dsm.ssdp.conf:2
nginx: [warn] low address bits of are meaningless in /etc/nginx/conf.d/dsm.ssdp.conf:3
nginx: [warn] low address bits of are meaningless in /etc/nginx/conf.d/dsm.ssdp.conf:4
nginx: [warn] low address bits of are meaningless in /etc/nginx/conf.d/dsm.ssdp.conf:5
nginx: [warn] low address bits of are meaningless in /etc/nginx/conf.d/dsm.ssdp.conf:2
nginx: [warn] low address bits of are meaningless in /etc/nginx/conf.d/dsm.ssdp.conf:3
nginx: [warn] low address bits of are meaningless in /etc/nginx/conf.d/dsm.ssdp.conf:4
nginx: [warn] low address bits of are meaningless in /etc/nginx/conf.d/dsm.ssdp.conf:5
nginx: [warn] low address bits of are meaningless in /etc/nginx/conf.d/dsm.ssdp.conf:2
nginx: [warn] low address bits of are meaningless in /etc/nginx/conf.d/dsm.ssdp.conf:3
nginx: [warn] low address bits of are meaningless in /etc/nginx/conf.d/dsm.ssdp.conf:4
nginx: [warn] low address bits of are meaningless in /etc/nginx/conf.d/dsm.ssdp.conf:5
[✔] Nginx reloaded!

All good even with those warnings?

If you have a domain, you can reverse proxy with synology dsm without any scripts....
just set Config Panel > External Access > Advanced to the following:

  • Hostname: intranet.mydomain,com (any subdomain will do actually)
  • DSM Http: something else than 80 (5080 for exemple)
  • DSM Https: something else than 443 (5043 for exemple)

Then the reverse proxy will allow you to reverse proxy on port 80/443 as long as you specify a domain other than the one specified above, including the root domain,

Tested on 7.1.1-42962 Update 1: Works

If you have a domain, you can reverse proxy with synology dsm without any scripts.... just set Config Panel > External Access > Advanced to the following:

* Hostname: intranet.mydomain,com (any subdomain will do actually)

* DSM Http: something else than 80 (5080 for exemple)

* DSM Https: something else than 443 (5043 for exemple)

Then the reverse proxy will allow you to reverse proxy on port 80/443 as long as you specify a domain other than the one specified above, including the root domain,

Can you clarify what you mean here? I have synology.me domain specified in Control Panel -> Externl Access -> Advanced and ports other than 80/443, but when I create a SWAG container with ports 80/443 it still won't let me because the Syno's nginx reverse proxy is still listening on ports 80 and 443.

Tested on 7.1.1-42962 Update 1: Works

Which version of the script did you exactly use?

If you have a domain, you can reverse proxy with synology dsm without any scripts.... just set Config Panel > External Access > Advanced to the following:

* Hostname: intranet.mydomain,com (any subdomain will do actually)

* DSM Http: something else than 80 (5080 for exemple)

* DSM Https: something else than 443 (5043 for exemple)

Then the reverse proxy will allow you to reverse proxy on port 80/443 as long as you specify a domain other than the one specified above, including the root domain,

Can you clarify what you mean here? I have synology.me domain specified in Control Panel -> Externl Access -> Advanced and ports other than 80/443, but when I create a SWAG container with ports 80/443 it still won't let me because the Syno's nginx reverse proxy is still listening on ports 80 and 443.

I am not sure that's what you meant with settings a SWAG container with port 80/443 but I don't recomend you to open the port 80 and 443 in your containers. as you know a docker container that can open a port below 1024 has host admin rights or something has been tempered with the container during build. This is not basically a docker feature but a linux kernel feature that is also present in dsm. That means a hacker who gets access to your container may freely do what they want with your docker host in that state.

That aside, the dns reverse proxy is not litteraly blocking port 80/443 as people suggest here. your DSM can be configured through the configuration panel to use ports other than 80/443 with the three settings mentioned above. Beyond that, the web station package can also blocking port 80/443 but it can be uninstalled if that is the case for you. I personally made the reverse proxy accept port 80/443 without a fuss without touching the web station package in the least and that resulted in having the web station package as a fallover of the reverse proxy when no entry match the request, I think that's pretty well designed. so well, the web station package is a problem only if you want to open the port 80/443 directory to your host network interface and not inside docker.

Please take a look at

theses screenshots

All you need is to set the settings i mentioned above from the control panel to use ports other and 80/443 and ensure your synology server is accessed via a specified FQDN (synology doesn't explain that very well in its documentation) so if you have myserver.synology.me (i use a paid domain and not synology ddns so i required to setup a dns server with the dns package but it should be the same nonetheless since you have unlimited subdomains on your domain). So set your synology server configuration to be accessible through a subdomain, let's say dsm.myserver.synology.me and then the reverse proxy allows you to use anything else than that as an entry. For exemple you could setup swag.myserver.synology.me on port 80/443.

You container will not have port 80/443 (it shouldn't anyway) but the reverse proxy will forward the requests to your containers using port 80/443 for each subdomains you have an entry for in it.

Tested on 7.1.1-42962 Update 1: Works

Which version of the script did you exactly use?

Used the bash script in gist (rev 14)

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