Tesla shareholder attorneys taunted Elon Musk over his attempt to move a trial t...

 1 year ago
source link: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/tesla-shareholder-attorneys-taunted-elon-173316061.html
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Tesla shareholder attorneys taunted Elon Musk over his attempt to move a trial to Texas due to 'local negativity:' He has a 'knack for attracting 'negative' coverage'

Tesla shareholder attorneys taunted Elon Musk over his attempt to move a trial to Texas due to 'local negativity:' He has a 'knack for attracting 'negative' coverage'
Grace Kay
Fri, January 13, 2023, 2:33 AM GMT+9·3 min read
Elon Musk
Elon Musk is attempting to move a class action lawsuit from California to Texas.Bill Pugliano/Getty Images
  • Tesla shareholder attorneys poked fun at Elon Musk's attempt to move a trial to Texas in court filing.

  • Last week, Musk's lawyer said a trial should not be held in California due to "local negativity."

  • Attorneys for the investors said the billionaire has a "knack for attracting 'negative' coverage."

Lawyers in a Tesla shareholder class action lawsuit appeared to mock Elon Musk and his attempt to move the trial to another state over concerns about bad press in a court filing on Wednesday.

Last week, Musk's lawyers contended that the billionaire's recent purchase of Twitter has caused so much "local negativity" in California that the trial should be moved to Tesla's new home state of Texas. Musk's attorney, Alex Spiro of Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, also requested the trial be delayed if a venue change could not be approved "to allow time [for] the passions that have been inflamed" by "recent events and biased local media coverage to dissipate."

But lawyers for the Tesla shareholders were quick to poke fun at Spiro's claims that press coverage was "so pervasive and inflammatory that the jurors cannot be believed when they assert that they can be impartial."

"What they refer to as 'biased' coverage is, in fact, factual reporting about his management of Twitter, Inc., and has no bearing on the jury's ability to render a fair verdict," attorneys Adam Apton and Adam McCall wrote in a response to the motion.

Musk and a Tesla spokesperson did not respond to a request for comment from Insider ahead of publication.

The trial revolves around 2018 tweets from Musk in which the Tesla CEO said he had funding secured to take the carmaker private. After the deal failed to materialize, Musk paid a $20 million fine and settled fraud charges with the SEC for making "false and misleading statements." Northern California District Judge Edward Chen, who is overseeing the trial, ruled last year that Musk knowingly made the false statements, which may have impacted Tesla's share price.

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