
 1 year ago
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neoserver,ios ssh client


首页 - Python/2020-04-18

    在之前的几篇文章中,介绍了业界中比较火爆的图片技术SVG(Scalable Vector Graphics),比如 Iconfont(矢量图标)+iconmoon(图标svg互转)配合javascript来打造属于自己的个性化社交分享系统 ,我们可以使用svg来打造精美炫酷的分享小图标(icon),这一次我们使用python来将普通的静态的网站logo图片转换为带路径(path)的svg图片,这样就可以让网站logo能够变成动态的,作为一名不折腾不舒服斯基,一枚炫酷自带动画的网站logo自然能够满足我们的折腾欲,同时亦能击中我们的虚荣心。


import sys
import os
from PIL import Image

def convertPixel(r, g, b, a=1):
color = "#%02X%02X%02X" % (r, g, b)
opacity = a
return (color, opacity)

for r in sys.argv[1:]:
root, ext = os.path.splitext(r)

image = Image.open(r)
mode = image.mode
pixels = image.load()
width, height = image.size


if "RGB" in mode:
output = "<svg width="%d" height="%d" viewBox="0 0 %d %d" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">" % (width, height, width, height)

for r in range(height):
for c in range(width):
color, opacity = convertPixel(*pixels[c, r])
output += "<rect x="%d" y="%d" width="1" height="1" fill="%s" fill-opacity="%s"/>" % (c, r, color, opacity)

output += "</svg>"

with open(root + ".svg", "w") as f:


python3 png_to_svg.py logo.png




<svg version="1.0" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
width="255.000000pt" height="200.000000pt" viewBox="0 0 255.000000 200.000000"
preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet">

<g class="v3u-icon-group" transform="translate(0.000000,200.000000) scale(0.100000,-0.100000)"
fill="#2b2b2b" stroke="none">
<path class="v3u-icon1" d="M1500 1950 c0 -27 -49 -39 -175 -45 -231 -10 -298 -27 -374 -91 -53
-44 -79 -119 -65 -190 l7 -35 31 29 c36 34 87 62 113 62 10 0 -4 -13 -32 -29
-69 -39 -191 -170 -222 -238 -55 -119 10 -194 193 -223 38 -6 72 -14 76 -18 3
-4 8 -20 10 -37 6 -61 143 -105 330 -105 181 0 238 22 238 93 0 32 -15 48
-132 145 -109 89 -157 105 -234 75 -10 -4 -12 0 -8 11 5 13 -2 16 -42 16 -35
0 -45 3 -34 10 21 14 100 13 100 -1 0 -7 12 -9 34 -5 48 9 103 -13 173 -67 33
-26 69 -47 80 -47 35 0 142 37 179 62 32 22 64 79 64 116 0 65 -53 147 -114
179 -108 56 -326 58 -436 4 l-25 -12 23 20 c84 73 382 68 478 -8 35 -28 47
-16 48 48 1 65 -25 100 -90 123 -65 23 -129 22 -298 -3 -137 -20 -208 -21
-228 -1 -6 6 9 7 39 5 26 -3 104 4 172 16 68 12 143 21 167 21 43 0 44 1 38
28 -11 43 -32 80 -53 92 -24 13 -31 13 -31 0z m-125 -784 c39 -17 45 -40 16
-56 -28 -15 -46 -13 -72 9 -23 19 -24 19 -5 40 23 25 18 24 61 7z"/>
<path class="v3u-icon1" d="M1340 1146 c0 -14 5 -26 10 -26 6 0 10 9 10 19 0 11 -4 23 -10 26 -6
4 -10 -5 -10 -19z"/>

<path class="v3u-icon1" d="M45 738 c-20 -50 -29 -108 -16 -108 8 0 11 -44 11 -140 l0 -140 128
0 127 0 80 140 c43 77 85 140 92 140 12 0 25 36 39 108 l7 33 -98 -3 -98 -3
-18 -65 c-10 -36 -14 -66 -9 -68 8 -3 -39 -115 -54 -130 -3 -3 -6 20 -6 51 0
34 5 61 14 69 12 13 46 112 46 137 0 7 -38 11 -116 11 l-115 0 -14 -32z"/>
<path class="v3u-icon1" d="M626 760 c-37 -12 -66 -38 -82 -77 -27 -64 -23 -68 62 -65 65 3 77 6
81 23 6 23 23 25 23 3 0 -29 -21 -54 -44 -54 -16 0 -26 -7 -30 -22 -9 -35 -8
-38 20 -38 21 0 24 -4 20 -20 -3 -11 -9 -29 -12 -40 -9 -33 -26 -24 -19 10 l7
30 -85 0 -86 0 -12 -53 c-21 -97 6 -117 164 -117 77 0 110 4 137 18 43 21 76
69 85 123 6 33 3 45 -14 63 l-21 23 23 12 c32 17 47 45 54 100 5 43 3 50 -22
69 -24 19 -40 22 -124 21 -53 0 -109 -5 -125 -9z"/>
<path class="v3u-icon1" d="M970 746 c-22 -59 -31 -109 -21 -115 7 -5 2 -37 -14 -96 -29 -104
-32 -157 -9 -176 27 -22 114 -23 156 -1 30 16 38 17 42 6 4 -10 27 -14 88 -14
l83 0 17 63 c10 39 12 64 6 68 -13 9 20 130 41 147 16 13 52 128 43 137 -3 3
-47 5 -98 5 -79 0 -95 -3 -102 -17 -5 -10 -24 -74 -42 -143 -32 -120 -44 -150
-55 -139 -2 3 13 68 34 145 21 76 36 142 34 147 -2 4 -47 7 -99 7 -90 0 -95
-1 -104 -24z"/>
<path class="v3u-icon1" d="M1705 751 c-55 -25 -69 -50 -110 -198 -55 -200 -42 -217 159 -211
109 3 124 5 155 27 32 23 61 75 75 134 l6 27 -89 0 -90 0 -11 -40 c-6 -22 -15
-40 -20 -40 -14 0 -13 0 16 112 15 54 31 98 37 98 9 0 7 -23 -9 -84 l-6 -26
89 0 89 0 27 95 c15 52 27 102 27 110 0 23 -115 21 -128 -1 -9 -16 -11 -16
-33 0 -32 22 -132 21 -184 -3z"/>
<path class="v3u-icon1" d="M2101 747 c-23 -60 -32 -110 -22 -116 14 -9 -22 -139 -43 -155 -11
-8 -46 -102 -46 -123 0 -2 42 -3 93 -3 l94 0 12 41 c9 31 10 44 1 49 -8 5 -8
14 0 36 14 36 24 21 35 -50 11 -79 6 -76 114 -76 l97 0 16 62 c10 35 13 65 8
68 -13 8 20 132 40 150 9 8 24 41 33 73 19 70 20 69 -88 65 l-79 -3 -12 -47
c-7 -29 -8 -48 -2 -50 11 -4 0 -58 -12 -58 -5 0 -12 21 -15 48 -4 26 -10 61
-14 77 l-7 30 -97 3 c-95 3 -97 2 -106 -21z"/>
<path class="v3u-icon1" d="M1377 473 c-3 -5 -10 -27 -17 -51 -6 -24 -14 -50 -17 -58 -4 -11 9
-14 74 -14 l79 0 14 53 c7 28 15 58 17 65 4 9 -14 12 -70 12 -42 0 -78 -3 -80
<path class="v3u-icon1" d="M1258 204 c-9 -8 3 -44 13 -38 11 7 12 44 1 44 -5 0 -11 -3 -14 -6z"/>
<path d="M480 130 l0 -70 45 0 c33 0 45 4 45 15 0 9 -9 15 -25 15 -24 0 -25 3
-25 55 0 48 -2 55 -20 55 -18 0 -20 -7 -20 -70z"/>
<path d="M600 130 c0 -56 3 -70 15 -70 12 0 15 14 15 70 0 56 -3 70 -15 70
-12 0 -15 -14 -15 -70z"/>
<path d="M660 152 c0 -60 21 -92 60 -92 44 0 60 23 60 86 0 40 -4 54 -14 54
-11 0 -16 -15 -18 -52 -3 -45 -6 -53 -23 -53 -17 0 -20 8 -23 53 -3 44 -6 52
-23 52 -16 0 -19 -7 -19 -48z"/>
<path d="M834 156 c14 -25 26 -56 26 -70 0 -19 5 -26 19 -26 14 0 18 5 14 20
-3 11 6 39 21 64 14 25 26 47 26 50 0 16 -27 3 -46 -21 l-22 -28 -13 28 c-7
16 -20 27 -32 27 -18 0 -17 -3 7 -44z"/>
<path d="M970 147 c0 -61 19 -87 63 -87 41 0 57 24 57 86 0 40 -4 54 -14 54
-11 0 -16 -15 -18 -52 -3 -45 -6 -53 -23 -53 -17 0 -20 8 -23 53 -3 44 -6 52
-23 52 -16 0 -19 -7 -19 -53z"/>
<path d="M1120 130 l0 -70 55 0 c42 0 55 3 55 15 0 11 -11 15 -40 15 -22 0
-40 5 -40 10 0 6 11 10 25 10 31 0 34 27 3 32 -41 6 -32 28 11 28 30 0 41 4
41 15 0 12 -13 15 -55 15 l-55 0 0 -70z"/>
<path d="M1330 185 c-23 -28 -4 -56 55 -79 7 -2 7 -7 0 -14 -8 -8 -18 -7 -38
3 -25 13 -29 12 -34 -1 -8 -21 14 -34 58 -34 66 0 80 53 21 79 -40 18 -42 36
-3 28 20 -4 31 -2 34 8 11 26 -71 36 -93 10z"/>
<path d="M1520 130 l0 -70 49 0 c30 0 53 5 61 15 13 16 5 55 -13 55 -8 0 -8 3
1 12 16 16 15 23 -4 42 -9 9 -32 16 -55 16 l-39 0 0 -70z m70 30 c0 -5 -9 -10
-20 -10 -11 0 -20 5 -20 10 0 6 9 10 20 10 11 0 20 -4 20 -10z m8 -62 c-7 -20
-48 -23 -48 -4 0 11 9 16 26 16 16 0 24 -5 22 -12z"/>
<path d="M1660 130 l0 -70 51 0 c36 0 49 4 47 13 -3 6 -17 13 -31 15 -26 3
-27 6 -27 58 0 47 -2 54 -20 54 -18 0 -20 -7 -20 -70z"/>
<path d="M1791 174 c-12 -15 -21 -34 -21 -44 0 -10 9 -29 21 -44 41 -52 129
-23 129 44 0 67 -88 96 -129 44z m89 -24 c22 -40 -26 -80 -58 -48 -25 25 -6
68 30 68 9 0 22 -9 28 -20z"/>
<path d="M1970 180 c-43 -43 -11 -120 49 -120 49 0 61 9 61 46 0 30 -3 34 -25
34 -16 0 -25 -6 -25 -15 0 -8 5 -15 10 -15 6 0 10 -4 10 -10 0 -5 -11 -10 -25
-10 -32 0 -50 32 -34 61 9 17 17 20 45 16 36 -6 56 9 33 24 -25 16 -78 10 -99







pointer-events: fill;

.v3u-icon1 {

transition: 600ms all;

.v3u-icon-group:hover .v3u-icon1 {

fill: #4099ff;





pointer-events: fill;

.v3u-icon1 {

transition: 600ms all;

.v3u-icon-group:hover .v3u-icon1 {

transform: rotateY(80deg);
fill: #4099ff;



pointer-events: fill;

.v3u-icon1 {

transition: 600ms all;

.v3u-icon-group:hover .v3u-icon1 {

fill: #4099ff;




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Joyk means Joy of geeK