Product Metrics for Effective Digital Wellbeing Tools

 1 year ago
source link: https://uxplanet.org/product-metrics-for-effective-digital-wellbeing-tools-b7ca73f7d1ae
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Source: Midjourney

Product Metrics for Effective Digital Wellbeing Tools

Measuring the Success of Digital Wellbeing Initiatives: Key Metrics to Track

The importance of promoting digital well-being for users has been increasing in recent years, thanks to technology companies. We must find a balance in how we use these devices now that smartphones are so common and we rely on technology so much. Tech companies like Apple, Samsung, and Google have tried to address this issue by introducing features and tools to help users track and manage screen time, set limits on app usage, and find a healthy balance in their technology use. Experts and users praise these efforts and have helped raise awareness for digital well-being.

What is Digital well-being?

People can use technology and the internet in a healthy and balanced way to support their mental well-being and mental health in the digital age. You can do this by finding and using online resources, setting boundaries around using technology, and practicing good digital habits that keep you from getting stressed or burned out online. Although technology is an excellent tool for staying connected and informed, it’s important to use it in a way that promotes balance and healthy habits.

Tech companies raising awareness

Here’s why tech companies like Samsung, Apple, and Instagram are interested in building mental well-being tools:

  1. By providing mental health resources and tools, tech companies can help their users live healthier, more balanced lives.
  2. Including mental well-being, tools can make a tech company stand out in a competitive market.
  3. Many people are looking for ways to manage their digital well-being, and they’d like to have tools and resources inside the apps they’re already using.
  4. In response to the growing awareness of the negative effects of technology on mental health, tech companies see mental health tools as a way to address these concerns and show their commitment to their users’ well-being.

User-valued metrics to track

You’ve got to track key metrics if you want to make sure your digital well-being initiatives are working. You can track things like overall screen time, the use of specific app features, and the impact it has on user behavior. App developers can track these metrics to see how their digital well-being tools are working. For a deeper understanding of users’ experiences and preferences, it’s great to collect qualitative feedback through surveys or focus groups in addition to tracking quantitative data. The right metrics and user feedback can help app developers ensure their digital well-being initiatives meet the needs of users and promote balance and well-being.

Here’s a breakdown of a few important well-being considerations that I felt are worth breaking down further in detail:

Unlocking phone

When you unlock your phone all the time, it can be a sign you’re addicted to it, and that’s bad for your mental health. Excessive phone use can raise stress and anxiety, decrease social interaction, and make you feel stressed. Also, constantly checking your phone can interrupt your day and keep you from being fully present in the moment. This can make you feel disconnected and hard to relax and do other things. When it comes to phone use, it’s important to set limits on how often and when you check your phone. This can help protect your mental well-being and allow you to fully engage in the things and people that matter most to you.

Using a phone at night

  • Having a hard time falling asleep and staying asleep: The blue light emitted by phone screens can interfere with the production of the sleep hormone melatonin, thereby making it difficult for people to fall asleep. In addition to increased stress and anxiety, poor sleep can also adversely affect mood and cognitive functioning, leading to a range of negative mental health outcomes.
  • Stress and anxiety increase: Seeing notifications or messages on your phone during the night can be a source of anxiety and stress for many people, and you may feel pressured to respond right away if you feel you cannot ignore the messages.
  • Reduced time for relaxation and self-care: When someone uses their phone at night, they can lose sleep, which can be very detrimental to their mental health, so it is imperative to cut down on the time that they use their phones at night to save time for relaxing and self-care.

Uninterrupted Focus Time

A time when you are fully devoted to a task or activity without interruption is known as uninterrupted focus time. It can be very helpful when working on tasks that require a great deal of attention to detail and deep focus, as it can help you to be more productive and to be fully engaged in the task at hand. With today’s technological advancements, it is becoming increasingly difficult to achieve uninterrupted focus time, as we are constantly being bombarded with notifications and distractions from our phones and other devices. Creating a distraction-free environment and setting aside dedicated focus time can help you focus.

Uninterrupted focus time can be beneficial for mental well-being and mental health for a few reasons:

  • Fully engage in and complete tasks: When you have uninterrupted focus time, you’re able to fully focus on a task or activity, which will help you feel accomplished and more productive.
  • Reduce anxiety and stress by allowing yourself uninterrupted focus time: Constantly switching between tasks and being interrupted can lead to stress and anxiety.
  • Promotes relaxation and self-care: You can reduce stress and promote relaxation by taking regular breaks to focus on something you enjoy.

Need for setting app timers

  • It helps to promote balance and prevent overuse: By setting time limits for app use, you can find a balance between your phone and technology use, which is important for keeping your mind healthy. Technology overuse has been linked to several negative mental health outcomes, including increased stress and anxiety, as well as reduced social interaction and overall well-being.
  • The goal is to reduce distractions and increase focus: Setting a time limit for your app users will keep you focused and help you stay focused. It can be really helpful when you’re working or studying because it helps you focus and be more productive.
  • It helps you be more mindful of your phone use: Setting a time limit for your apps can help you be more mindful of your phone use and make you more intentional about when and how you use it. It can help you use your phone in a way that promotes balance and well-being and make more deliberate choices about your use.

Need for Volume Control & Monitoring

Volume control and monitoring can help improve digital well-being in a few different ways:

  • Setting your phone’s volume to an appropriate level for your environment reduces distractions and makes it easier to focus.
  • Monitoring the volume of your phone and other devices helps protect your hearing since prolonged exposure to loud sounds can damage it.
  • Lowering the volume when relaxing or engaging in self-care activities can help create a more calming atmosphere.

Need for screentime goal and reducing total screentime

Setting a screentime goal and reducing total screentime can enhance digital well-being for a few reasons:

  • To maintain positive mental health, you need to find a balance between using your phone and technology. Setting a screentime goal and reducing screentime can help. A range of negative mental health outcomes has been linked to the overuse of technology, such as increased stress and anxiety, as well as decreased social interaction.
  • Limiting screen time can help you reduce distractions and focus on the task at hand, thereby improving your focus. When you are trying to work or study, this can be especially helpful, because it can help you focus and increase your productivity.
  • Reducing screentime can provide you with more time for relaxation and self-care activities, which can aid in maintaining your mental health.

To measure the success of digital well-being initiatives, technology companies can track a number of key metrics. Screentime, app usage, and how digital well-being tools affect user behavior are all examples of these. Companies can gain a better understanding of their users’ interactions with their digital well-being tools and how those tools impact their overall technology usage by tracking these metrics. To better understand the effectiveness of their digital well-being initiatives and make improvements, companies need to gather feedback from their users. Technology companies can measure the success of their digital well-being initiatives and make sure they’re effectively promoting balance and well-being by tracking metrics and gathering user feedback.

That’s the end of this short yet hopefully insightful read. Thanks for making it to the end. I hope you gained something from it.

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Joyk means Joy of geeK