The Best Movie Posters of 2022

 1 year ago
source link: https://kottke.org/23/01/the-best-movie-posters-of-2022?ref=sidebar
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The Best Movie Posters of 2022

posted by Jason Kottke   Jan 05, 2023
movie poster for Everything Everywhere All at Once
movie poster for Fire of Love
movie poster for White Noise
movie poster for The Act of Coming Out
movie poster for Pinocchio
movie poster for Tár
movie poster for Everything Everywhere All at Once
movie poster for Corsage
movie poster for White Noise

It feels weird to admit this, even to myself, but maybe I love movie poster design even more than I love book cover design. After running across Daniel Benneworth-Gray’s list of his favorite movie posters of 2022 (via his newsletter), I found some more best-of lists — Mubi, Indiewire, Collider, The Playlist, First Showing, The Film Stage — and selected a few of my favorites to include here. I couldn’t decide between the different versions of the posters for White Noise and Everything Everywhere All at Once, so I included both of each. *shrug*

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