Twig acquires French challenger bank for teens Vybe

 1 year ago
source link: https://fintechranking.com/2023/01/05/twig-acquires-french-challenger-bank-for-teens-vybe/
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Twig acquires French challenger bank for teens Vybe

Sustainability-focused and self-described “bank of things” Twig is acquiring Vybe, a French neobank for young people.

The teen banking services provider adds to Twig’s recent acquisitions – UK-based Loopster and Mobi.market – and marks the latest step forward in the company’s aim to become “the go-to platform for the Gen Z market”.

Launched in 2021, Twig describes itself as a fintech based on circular economy principles, allowing users to sell or trade in their clothes or electronics for “instant” cash.

Read more: AltFi

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