Suit Up & Get Ready to Dive Into PEGA Pool in 2023

 1 year ago
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Suit Up & Get Ready to Dive Into PEGA Pool in 2023

January 3, 2023
CryptoMode PEGA Pool Bitcoin Mining

Bitcoin miners everywhere are amped, and it’s not hard to see why. The long-awaited launch of the eco-friendly mining pool, PEGA Pool, is finally almost here – set for Q1 of 2023. Any Bitcoin miner or mining company that owns an ASIC machine can connect to the network and collaborate to build a greener, more sustainable crypto industry for all. Aside from encouraging the use of more renewable mining activity, PEGA Pool will be helping miners save significantly on pool fees. 

PEGA Pool’s fees will be set at 2% for clients who are not yet mining Bitcoin using renewable energy, and 1% for those who are. This is part of PEGA Pool’s efforts to incentivize and reward Bitcoin miners for doing their part to reduce the amount of CO2 they spew into the atmosphere every single day. 

One of the most exciting parts of PEGA Pool’s arrival on the crypto stage is the fact that they are planting trees against global warming. Trees absorb and store CO2, while releasing new oxygen into their environment. Studies do show that we’d need around 300 million trees worldwide to see a real difference, but the new Bitcoin mining pool is moving closer to that daunting number every single day – with almost 85,000 trees planted so far as we write this. 

The PEGA Pool team and their growing international army of green Bitcoin miners are excited to be changing the crypto industry for the better. While they are currently in their pre-launch / BETA phase, miners everywhere are amped for the mining pool’s imminent launch in Q1 of next year.

The pool will be open to all miners, regardless of whether or not they are currently mining Bitcoin using renewable energy. Those who join the early access waiting list will enjoy a 50% pool fee reduction for life, and anyone accepted as a BETA tester won’t pay a cent in pool fees during the pre-launch phase. If Bitcoin miners can save on pool fees, they stand a higher chance of emerging in a better financial state on the other side of today’s prolonged bear market.

Another aspect about PEGA Pool that’s got miners excited is the network’s incredibly durable infrastructure. The architecture has been designed with potential outages in mind, whether these are the result of natural disaster or anything else. PEGA Pool’s architecture is built to be resilient to traditional equipment outages. 

This comes as a huge relief for Bitcoin miners who can get on with what they do best, uninterrupted, 24/7 – 365. With integrated performance monitoring and rapid repairs where needed, the global Bitcoin mining community undoubtedly has a lot to look forward to. 

About the Company

PEGA Pool’s eco-friendly mining pool is owned and operated in the UK – good news for Bitcoin miners who no longer wish to be a part of mining pools of questionable origin. While many operate out of suspicious locations across the United States and China, PEGA Pool is giving its clients peace of mind with more credibility.

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