2022 ‘a real rollercoaster ride’ for the film industry, analyst says

 1 year ago
source link: https://finance.yahoo.com/video/2022-real-rollercoaster-ride-film-170908066.html
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2022 ‘a real rollercoaster ride’ for the film industry, analyst says


2022 ‘a real rollercoaster ride’ for the film industry, analyst says

Comscore Sr. Media Analyst Paul Dergarabedian joins Yahoo Finance Live to review the year in movies, the industry's box office lineup in 2022, and the outlook for 2023.

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2022 ‘a real rollercoaster ride’ for the film industry, analyst says

Sat, December 31, 2022, 2:09 AM GMT+9

Comscore Sr. Media Analyst Paul Dergarabedian joins Yahoo Finance Live to review the year in movies, the industry's box office lineup in 2022, and the outlook for 2023.

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