The Unlikely Rise of Barnes & Noble

 1 year ago
source link: https://birchtree.me/blog/the-unlikely-rise-of-barnes-noble/
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By Matt Birchler
I've been writing here since 2010! Back when personal blogs were all the rage. Kids, ask your parents.
December 29, 2022link

The Unlikely Rise of Barnes & Noble

Ted Gioia: What Can We Learn From Barnes & Noble's Surprising Turnaround?

“Staff are now in control of their own shops,” he explained. “Hopefully they’re enjoying their work more. They’re creating something very different in each store.”
Then it started to happen—book sales at Barnes & Noble began rising again. Sales in 2021 quickly got back to pre-pandemic levels, and then kept growing. Readers regained trust in the company. The workers at the stores were more motivated and started genuinely acting like booksellers.

You love to see it.


Hey there, I'm Matt!

I'm a UI/UX designer at NMI and I make videos over on A Better Computer, which I think you'll love.

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