WingetUI latest update gets improvements for Windows 11 as well as Windows 10, a...

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.neowin.net/news/wingetui-latest-update-gets-improvements-for-windows-11-as-well-as-windows-10-and-more/
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WingetUI latest update gets improvements for Windows 11 as well as Windows 10, and more

WingetUI discover packages page

WingetUI, which is a third-party GUI utility tool for managing CLI package managers like Winget or Scoop, has received its latest update today. The new update, version 1.5.2, fixes blurry textures on Windows 10, and improves task manager context menu positioning on Windows 11. Aside from these, there are several other improvements and bug fixes like those related to .NET, PNG files, and more. You can view the changelog for WingetUI 1.5.2 below:

General Changelog:

  • Improvements in the settings page:
    • Utilities regarding winget shouldn't enable scoop anymore
    • Reorganized the headers
    • Added a submenu for experimental features
  • Added a section to view, add and remove scoop buckets
  • Added a new screenshot viewer on the info window
  • Improved general keyboard navigation
  • Improved blurry textures on Windows 10 systems
  • Fixed issues with scoop custom buckets
  • Fixed some issues regarding global scoop installations
  • Improved taskbar context menu positioning on Windows 11 systems
  • Added the update date and the release notes on the information window
  • The number of installed packages will vary when uninstalling an app
  • Fixed an issue where the window would drift across app restarts
  • Fixed an issue where winget wouldn't detect wingetui
  • Improved dialogs, fixing an issue where the user couldn't interact with them
  • Fixed issues with application info parsing on botw winget and scoop
  • Optimized PNG files, thanks to @panther7
  • Fixed issues with .NET runtimes and with MSVC++2010 (thanks microsoft for messing up IDs and adding double spaces on them)
  • Improved scoop installer, thanks to @panther7
  • Fixed broken select/unselect all on the updates and the installed section
  • Fixed loading loops when no package menagers were enabled
  • Fixed misidentified packages
  • WingetUI now detects Microsoft Store packages properly on the installed tab
  • Added fluent context menus to even more areas of the UI
  • migrated servers to www.marticliment.com, instead of the old www.somepythonthings.tk

You can download the latest WingetUI from GitHub where you can also view the detailed changelog.

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