An Unique Projectile Completion

 1 year ago
source link: http://francismurillo.github.io/2016-08-02-An-Unique-Projectile-Completion/
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An Unique Projectile Completion

I cannot live without projectile and probably helm and projectile-find-files is my bread-and-butter command. But they say, familiarity breeds contempt and once you been using it so much; you want some customization. But which part? For my contempt, I really just want to change how the helm-completion buffer displays the options.

What I really want is rather to display the filename in the front and display the file path in reverse order since my eyes naturally scan from left to right. And so if you want proof of how this looks like to me, I used the projectile-find-files on my emacs directory and this is what it looks like with just helm.

Helm Completion

After some hacking and discussion, this is what I settled on.

Customized Completion

So if you think this is weird or offensive, feel free to do something more meaningful in your life. But if you are curious, keep reading.

Or if you just want to know the code, here it is for your consumption.

(require 'dash)
(require 's)
(require 'f)

(defun fn/custom-helm-completion (prompt choices)
  "Just a custom helm completion for projection"
      ((fn-separator "..")
        (lambda (path)
          (lexical-let ((fn-pieces (f-split path)))
            (string-join (reverse fn-pieces) fn-separator))))
        (lambda (path relative-path)
              ((split-path (f-split path))
               (split-relative-path (f-split relative-path)))
             (-drop-last (length split-relative-path) split-path)

       (as-pair (lambda (ish)
                  (if (listp ish)
                      ish (cons ish ish))))
       (swap-pair (lambda (pair)
                    (cons (cdr pair) (car pair))))
       (map-car (lambda (f pair)
                  (cons (funcall f (car pair))
                        (cdr pair))))

        (lambda (pairs)
          (lexical-let* ((labels
                             (mapcar #'cdr pairs))

                          (apply #'max label-lengths))



                          (lambda (name description)
                             (format label-format name)
                             "  |->  "
                             (format description-format description)
                             "  <-|"))))
            (lambda (pair)
                  ((unique-path (car pair))
                   (full-path (cdr pair))
                    (funcall relative-parent-path

                    (funcall fn-notation unique-path))
                    (funcall fn-notation parent-path))

                    (funcall display-formatter
                (cons display-label (cdr pair)))))))
       (refined-choices (f-uniquify-alist choices))
        (mapcar (-compose
                 (funcall pair-as-label refined-choices)
    (helm-comp-read prompt mapped-choices
                    :must-match 'confirm)))

(setq projectile-completion-system #'fn/custom-helm-completion)

I admit the code looks long, but I think it follows my functional and aesthetic instincts.

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