Question - Who's comin with me man? | XDA Forums

 1 year ago
source link: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/whos-comin-with-me-man.4534077/#post-87910783
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Question Who's comin with me man?


New member
Dec 26, 2022
I have had a OnePlus device and never planned on changing that until I did some reading and file system digging. It seems that a deliberate move to stop any rooting or Interpreting files' function is happening from Oppo/OnePlus. Looking around there are a few things that seem out of place like build prop and other things. I've had a few A/B devices so nothing to that affect but it's just weird.

Anyways, i have sent a few messages and will keep doing it and asking for a more formal way if complaining than talking to some low-mid level employee will do. Figuring XDA is one of the biggest groups that have control in the android community I'd ask you turds to hop in with me and see if we can bug them enough because after this crap I'm out of the OnePlus game.


Senior Member
Aug 3, 2014 2,127 Olean
I have had a OnePlus device and never planned on changing that until I did some reading and file system digging. It seems that a deliberate move to stop any rooting or Interpreting files' function is happening from Oppo/OnePlus. Looking around there are a few things that seem out of place like build prop and other things. I've had a few A/B devices so nothing to that affect but it's just weird.

Anyways, i have sent a few messages and will keep doing it and asking for a more formal way if complaining than talking to some low-mid level employee will do. Figuring XDA is one of the biggest groups that have control in the android community I'd ask you turds to hop in with me and see if we can bug them enough because after this crap I'm out of the OnePlus game.

You know. Not trying to sound negative, but the amount of regular users outnumber the users that modify the oneplus phones. Won't harm them at all. Love the push on trying to get a answer, but this is bound to happen to all developer friendly phones. Eventually and sad to say I feel the same will happen to pixel devices.

sad to say I feel the same will happen to pixel devices.

Doubtful. Real Android software developers buy Pixel phones too and Google's phones have *always* been glorified dev kits going all the way back to the Nexus days. Google also benefits from the openness of the Pixel platform as it makes it easy for devs to fix things and submit patches so Google doesn't have to pay someone else to do it. Now phones that have been tampered with will undoubtedly find it harder and harder to dodge security checks implemented by devs who believe such mods are a security risk but that's an entirely different issue.

It's also not really worth speculating about the future as there are alternatives right now, like the Pixel 7 series, that are totally wide open for tinkering.

Reactions: SelfElevated2


Senior Member
Aug 3, 2014 2,127 Olean
Doubtful. Real Android software developers buy Pixel phones too and Google's phones have *always* been glorified dev kits going all the way back to the Nexus days. Google also benefits from the openness of the Pixel platform as it makes it easy for devs to fix things and submit patches so Google doesn't have to pay someone else to do it. Now phones that have been tampered with will undoubtedly find it harder and harder to dodge security checks implemented by devs who believe such mods are a security risk but that's an entirely different issue.

It's also not really worth speculating about the future as there are alternatives right now, like the Pixel 7 series, that are totally wide open for tinkering.

People said the same thing about one plus. Google is definitely making it harder for the pixel especially going to a/b. Just watch Google will lock down their pixel devices as well and then it be the end of modding devices unless people can find back holes in the software. Guarantee that's going to happen soon.

People said the same thing about one plus. Google is definitely making it harder for the pixel especially going to a/b. Just watch Google will lock down their pixel devices as well and then it be the end of modding devices unless people can find back holes in the software. Guarantee that's going to happen soon.

A/B was never meant to lock down the phone, just to allow background updates and some redundancy so that in case something goes wrong, the phone can revert to the other partition instead of it just bricking. The issues for third party development have largely been addressed by this point. Google hired away the developer of Magisk and still lets him work on it so I'm not too concerned about it for now. My Pixel 7 Pro is fully unlocked and rooted and working great. The only things I miss from my OnePlus 9 are the fast charging and the fingerprint reader that wasn't testy. Everything else I'm much happier with and I highly encourage anyone who's not happy with OnePlus to take a look at the Pixel series.

It's also not relevant what might happen in the future as there are devices that have the openness people are looking for available *today*.

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