Next Palindrome - A possible New Problem

 1 year ago
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Next Palindrome - A possible New Problem

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Rodion (admin)     2022-12-23 09:15:42
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Clive, thanks a lot, it is ready now! Just upon reading your letter I understood that Christmas is coming in a couple of days so seemingly your problem becomes another Christmas puzzle :)

Meanwhile I recollected couple of similar puzzles in some book of my childhood:

  • truck driver noticed 15951 reading on speedometer (rather, "kilometrage") and wondered "probably next symmetrical number won't pop up soon" - but it "popped" in two hours, so the question is the truck speed;

  • the book is published in 1961 so we wonder when is going to happen next "rotational-symmetry" year (these seemingly happen more rare and it depends on which digits we consider "rotational" at all - I guess 1,2,5,6,8,9,0).

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