Episode 543: Jon Smart on Patterns and Anti-Patterns for Successful Software Del...

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source link: https://www.se-radio.net/2022/12/episode-543-jon-smart-on-patterns-and-anti-patterns-for-successful-software-delivery-in-enterprises/
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Episode 543: Jon Smart on Patterns and Anti-Patterns for Successful Software Delivery in Enterprises

Filed in Episodes

by SE-Radio

on December 21, 2022


Jon Smart, author of the book Sooner Safer Happier: Patterns and Antipatterns for Business Agility, discusses patterns and anti-patterns for the success of enterprise software projects. Host Brijesh Ammanath speaks with him about the various common patterns and principles needed to survive and prosper in the digital age. They discuss why doing an Agile or Lean or DevOps transformation is an anti-pattern and how the focus should be on outcomes rather than outputs, and why psychological safety is the number one factor in building high-performing teams. Jon goes into depth on the need for a mindset change and why transformational leadership is required for leaders to coach and guide teams on this journey.

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