Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! (“The Jean Genie”)

 1 year ago
source link: https://richardfoote.wordpress.com/2022/12/22/merry-christmas-and-happy-new-year-the-jean-genie/
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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! (“The Jean Genie”) December 22, 2022

Posted by Richard Foote in Christmas, David Bowie, Richard's Blog, Richard's Musings, The Jean Genie.


I would like to take this opportunity to wish all my readers who celebrate the festive season a very Merry Christmas and a most happy, peaceful and prosperous New Year.

2023 promises to be a big year for me, in that I’ll be officially retiring from work early in the year, after close to 40 years working in IT. I’ve had an absolute blast and met and worked with some truly amazing people, but it’s time to move on and enjoy other things that life has to offer.

But I’ll hopefully keep my hand in enough to perhaps attend the odd Oracle conference during the year and say my farewells and have a quiet drink with as many of my many Oracle-related friends and colleagues as I can. So you haven’t perhaps heard the last from me quite yet.

My Christmas gift this year is of course David Bowie related. 50 years ago, Bowie had a huge hit in the UK (and elsewhere) with the glam rock classic that is “The Jean Genie”. 50 years ago to the day, it was sitting in the UK 1972 Christmas charts at No. 16, but would reach as far as No. 2 in the coming weeks.

This is the official video, directed by the late, great Mick Rock. Enjoy !!


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