Extending the AES-GCM Nonce Without Nightmare Fuel

 1 year ago
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Extending the AES-GCM Nonce Without Nightmare FuelSkip to the content

Software, Security, Cryptography, and Furries

When it comes to AES-GCM, I am not a fan. Most of my gripes fall into one of two categories:

  1. Gripes with AES itself
  2. Gripes with AES-GCM as a construction

However, one of my gripes technically belongs in both categories: The small nonce size, which is caused by AES’s block size, limits the amount of data you can safely encrypt with a single symmetric key.

While this problem is less significant for AES-GCM-SIV, I’ve been marinating on the problem of the short AES-GCM nonce for a while.

“Wouldn’t it be great if we could define an extended-nonce construction for AES-GCM?”

Contemplating, Thinking Sticker
Art: CMYKat

I’ve previously written about extended-nonce constructions with a focus on ChaCha.

How ChaCha Became XChaCha

If you’d like a deeper dive, check out this section of my previous blog post on the topic of extended-nonce constructions.

XChaCha is just ChaCha with a fast key derivation function. You feed in an additional 16 bytes (your extension to the nonce) and your key, and it outputs a subkey. You use this subkey with ChaCha as normal.

What makes XChaCha interesting is that the fast key derivation function, HChaCha, is a tweak of ChaCha (minus the final addition) that acts as a keyed hash function.

This means that the performance cost of this key derivation is roughly the same as extending your plaintext by 64 bytes (one internal ChaCha block), if slightly faster because the final addition is skipped.

If we wanted to propose a fast alternative to AES-GCM, we would need to have a similar performance story.

Most systems that have hardware-accelerated AES would not get the same performance if we opted for, say, HKDF-HMAC-SHA256 for such a construction.

For years, this was where my line of inquiry had stopped, because there didn’t seem like an obvious or elegant way to solve this problem.

Coffee Sip Sticker
Art: CMYKat

Interlude: Meet AES-CCM

AES-GCM has a cousin in the world of AES-based and NIST-approved authenticated encryption modes. It’s called CCM (Counter with CBC-MAC).

AES-CTR isn’t particularly interesting (AES-GCM also uses Counter Mode under the hood), but CBC-MAC is a compelling construct (if one that cryptographers have strong negative feelings about).

If you’re like most people, you don’t have a strong opinion about CBC-MAC. In fact, if you’re like most people, you don’t have a strong opinion about any crypto primitive.

This is healthy. Keep up the good work.

Matthew Green

Notably, AES-CCM is the default mode of the Stanford Javascript Crypto Library (SJCL). More things are using AES-CCM than you might suspect!

If AES-CCM is a secure construction for authenticated encryption, then we can reason about the security of CBC-MAC (when used correctly; see Matthew Green’s post).

Introducing AES-XGCM

With these separate thoughts joined together, I’d like to propose a construction I like to call AES-XGCM (named in the spirit of XSalsa20 and XChaCha).

The security of AES-XGCM depends on two assumptions:

  1. The overall security of AES-GCM (minus birthday attacks)
  2. The IND-KPA security of AES-CBC-MAC

Additionally, the construction is morally equivalent to the incumbent extended-nonce designs: You have a novel fast key derivation step, but then you’re back in familiar territory.

AES-XGCM Definition



  1. Nonce extension (E), 16 bytes
  2. Key (K), 16 or 32 bytes


  1. If |K| = 32
    • Set b0 = AES-CBC-MAC over the following inputs:
      • Plaintext: E || 0x01
      • Key: K
    • Set b1 = AES-CBC-MAC over the following inputs:
      • Plaintext: E || 0x02
      • Key: K
    • Return b0 || b1
  2. If |K| = 16
    • Return AES-CBC-MAC over the following inputs:
      • Plaintext: E || 0xFF
      • Key: K
  3. If |K| is anything else, error.


16 or 32 byte subkey (same length as input key)

AES-XGCM Encryption


  1. Plaintext (P)
  2. AAD (A)
  3. Nonce (N), 28 bytes
  4. Key (K), 16 or 32 bytes


  1. Derive a subkey (sk) using AES-DeriveSubKey with the first 16 bytes of N and K
  2. AES-GCM Encrypt with:
    • Plaintext (P)
    • AAD (A)
    • Nonce (remaining 12 bytes of N)
    • Subkey (sk)

AES-XGCM Decryption


  1. Ciphertext (C)
  2. Authentication tag (T), 16 bytes
  3. Nonce (N), 28 bytes
  4. Key (K), 16 or 32 bytes

Design Rationale

This proposal supports both AES-128 and AES-256. To ensure domain separation, the suffix for AES-128 is 0xFF (-1 as an unsigned char) while the suffixes for AES-256 are 0x01 and 0x02.

The output of AES-CBC-MAC is never revealed, since we’re using the algorithm for fast key derivation. Thus, we don’t need any of the CBC-MAC tweaks (length prefix, encrypt last block, etc.). Additionally, we use an all-zero IV.

Security Properties

The additional 16 bytes of randomness yields 128 extra bits of nonce misuse-resistance on top of AES-GCM. This changes the safety limit of vanilla AES-GCM.

Previously, AES-GCM would become unsafe after 2^32 messages encrypted under the same key. This nonce extension adds 2^128 different possible subkeys into the risk calculus. This implies a birthday bound such that:

  • You have a 50% chance of nonce reuse after 2^112 messages
  • You have a 1 in 2^32 chance of nonce reuse after 2^96 messages

Performance Properties

The data being fed into AES-CBC-MAC is always a fixed length of 32 bytes. (16 bytes of nonce, 1 byte of suffix, and 15 bytes of PKCS#7 padding.)

AES-128-DeriveSubKey invokes AES-CBC-MAC once. AES-256-DeriveSubKey invokes AES-CBC-MAC twice.

The performance characteristic is therefore roughly equivalent to:

  • 2 additional blocks of AES-128 (plus some XORing) for AES-128-XGCM.
  • 4 additional blocks of AES-256 (plus some XORing) for AES-256-XGCM.

Due to hardware-accelerated AES, this should be very fast.

The only additional performance penalty is that you have to setup the AES key schedule twice: Once for AES-DeriveSubKey, once for AES-GCM.

I posit that, despite this double key schedule, AES-XGCM will still outperform hash functions; i.e. SHA-256.

Is There a Proof of Concept?

A node.js implementation is open source on GitHub.

Should I Use This?

This is an experimental block cipher mode written by a furry blogger. What do you think?

Art: CMYKat

If you feel comfortable with using AES-CBC-MAC this way, the underlying result is like if you used AES-GCM (which is broadly considered a conservative design choice). That’s probably safe. However, that’s a big “if”.

Is it safe to use CBC-MAC in this way? Well, NIST SP-800 108 certainly does something similar with CBC-MAC in Counter mode.

Aside: There was a loss of key control security in that design (as noted in Rev. 1 of that standard), but this shouldn’t matter for our use case.

Ultimately, this is just an idea I’m yeeting at the cryptography community to examine and critique. Implementors and users should absolutely hold off until an expert they trust says, “Actually, this is fine.”

Header art by MrJimmyDaFloof.

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