Multiline Structural Search - CodeQue

 1 year ago
source link: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=CodeQue.codeque
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CodeQue is multiline search and replace tool for TypeScript and JavaScript!

It's pre-release, Readme will be updated later :)

For more information visit codeque.co website

Apart from all search features provided by CodeQue core, VScode extension offers a handy UI for managing search results. Search results can be removed, collapsed or marked as done making it easy to iterate over long list of matches.



Run yarn watch:extension and yarn watch:webviews

Open Vscode and run Run extension configuration in debugger

While in VSCode with extension host run > Reload Extension to refresh webview bundles

To refresh extension backed re-run debugger configuration.


Bump version manually in package.json

And just run

vsce publish

vsce will automatically run pre-publish hooks from script vscode:prepublish to run checks and build package

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