America's Workplace Safety Agency Announces Ongoing Investigations at Six Amazon...

 1 year ago
source link: https://yro.slashdot.org/story/22/12/17/2235205/americas-workplace-safety-agency-announces-ongoing-investigations-at-six-amazon-warehouses
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America's Workplace Safety Agency Announces Ongoing Investigations at Six Amazon Warehouses

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Friday America's Department of Labor announced that its Occupational Safety and Health Administration has launched an ongoing investigation into six Amazon warehouses in five different states, and has already cited Amazon during those inspections for failing to properly record work-related injuries and illnesses.

OSHA issued Amazon citations for 14 recordkeeping violations, including failing to record injuries and illnesses, misclassifying injuries and illnesses, not recording injuries and illnesses within the required time, and not providing OSHA with timely injury and illness records....

"Our concern is that nothing will be done to keep an injury from recurring if it isn't even recorded in the logbook," said Assistant Secretary for Occupational Safety and Health Doug Parker, "which — in a company the size of Amazon — could have significant consequences for a large number of workers."

You can read all the specifics in a 70-page document online. The Chicago Tribune writes that "In one case, a worker's head injury was classified as a muscle strain, OSHA said." ABC News writes that workers at the six investigated Amazon fulfillment-center warehouses "have complained of a grueling pace, uncomfortable heat and the potential for injury."

Amazon faces proposed penalties of $29,008.


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