Ionic Enterprise SDK: The cross-platform mobile SDK for every enterprise

 1 year ago
source link: https://ionic.io/blog/ionic-enterprise-sdk-the-cross-platform-mobile-sdk-for-every-enterprise
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Ionic Enterprise SDK: The cross-platform mobile SDK for every enterprise

Conner Simmons

Product Marketing Manager


Picture this – your team is tasked with building three mission-critical native applications simultaneously. Already spread thin and with 3 new high-priority projects, there’s no room for error. In addition to creating and maintaining multiple code bases, if something breaks – there’s nowhere to turn. This is the reality for many enterprise teams today, but it doesn’t have to be. 

Ionic’s Enterprise SDK is here.

Long-standing industry leader Ionic specializes in clean, simple cross-platform development. Trusted by more than 5 million developers and thousands of enterprises worldwide, Ionic empowers your team to build high-quality apps from a single codebase. In addition to a powerful open-source tool, Ionic’s Enterprise SDK provides a complete set of solutions to help teams scale development and ship higher-quality, more secure apps faster than ever. And, it’s got world-class support to boot.

What is Ionic’s Enterprise SDK?

Ionic’s Enterprise SDK is the premier, fully supported version of Ionic’s open-source cross-platform mobile SDK.

Designed for professional development teams building mission-critical apps, Enterprise SDK provides advanced features to help speed up development, safeguard users and data, and enhance mobile app stability and reliability.

Key features of Enterprise SDK include:

  • Complete development kit for building cross-platform mobile applications for iOS and Android, and mobile-optimized Progressive Web Apps (PWA)
  • Advanced mobile security features, including biometrics, single sign-on, and secure storage
  • Premier, supported integrations with popular 3rd-party services 
  • Professional support and advisory services to help teams reach their goals, avoid technical debt, and improve app security and performance

Safeguarding users and protecting sensitive data requires a great deal of effort and ongoing maintenance. Integrating with third-party libraries can be cumbersome and tedious. Creating your own solutions to these problems takes up valuable time and introduces security risks if not properly implemented. That’s why Enterprise SDK includes Ionic’s set of fully managed security solutions–Auth Connect, Identity Vault, and Secure Storage–and a suite of premier integrations for popular third-party integrations with the likes of Microsoft Intune, Couchbase Lite, and more

These plug-and-play solutions don’t just add security, stability, and reliability to your mobile applications, they also speed up your time-to-market. Teams can cut development time by weeks, if not months, by buying a solution that works out-of-the-box. Added stability is afforded by the access to Ionic’s world-class support and advisory team–backed by a guaranteed response Service Level Agreement–enterprises are able to ship faster with expert guidance offered at each stage of the development lifecycle. No other mobile SDK on the market provides this same level of assistance.

Why teams love Enterprise SDK

Ionic’s Enterprise SDK is transforming how development teams bring their apps to market.

AAA was quickly able to create its industry-leading app by utilizing Ionic’s best-in-class UI/UX. Sesha Sai Ram Peteti, Product Manager for AAA’s Auto Club Group, says it best, “Ionic helps us to build and deliver enterprise-grade applications in weeks instead of months.”

Doosan Bobcat experienced a similar speed to market, but it was the sense of security by offloading the most challenging problems that Brandon Bakke, a Solution Architect at Doosan Bobcat, valued most. By implementing Ionic’s best-in-class security solutions, their team could turn their focus elsewhere. Not to mention, by leveraging Ionic’s cloud deployment services, their team was able to cut their infrastructure costs.

Outside of the peace of mind that Enterprise SDK’s security features offered T-Mobile, the team valued the partnership with Ionic’s support team. Eric Madsen, Learning Technology Architect at T-Mobile, found that having a team at Ionic to call for help through each step of the development process was pivotal to his team accomplishing their goals.

How to get started

If your team is looking to move faster, safeguard users, and build with confidence knowing you have expert help available every step of the way, Ionic’s Enterprise SDK is for you. It’s free to get started with a 14-day trial!

If you have an Ionic account already, you can sign up for a trial by logging in and visiting the subscriptions page. If you’ve tried the Ionic paid solutions in the past you can still trial our new Enterprise SDK. Contact our sales team to learn more.

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