Vagrant box aracpac/ubuntu22 - Vagrant Cloud

 1 year ago
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Full Stack Web Development Environment

This Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS virtual machine is preconfigured with support for a variety of full stack web development frameworks, including:

  • ✅ LAMP/LAPP: Laravel / Symfony / CakePHP / CodeIgnitor
  • ✅ JS: Angular / Ember / Express / Vue / React
  • ✅ Java Spring
  • ✅ Ruby on Rails
  • ✅ Django
  • ✅ ASP.Net

Download a turbocharged Vagrantfile made specifically for this box.

Stack summary:

  • Apache 2.4.52
  • dotnet 6.0.108
  • Java 8 / 11 / 17
  • Linux 5.15.0-47-generic
  • MongoDB 6.0.1
  • MySQL 8.0.30
  • Node 16.17.0 via NVM
  • PHP 8.1.9
  • PostgreSQL 14.5 and PostGIS 3.2
  • Python 3.10.4
  • Ruby 3.1.2p20 via RVM
  • Varnish 7.1.1 (with VMODs)
  • Xdebug 3.1.5

5 minute quickstart

The quickstart assumes you've:

  1. already installed vagrant, VirtualBox, and the vagrant-hostmanager plugin (if you need help with this step, navigate to the AracPac Vagrantfile repository and checkout the Beginner's Guide section in the README)
  2. downloaded the Vagrantfile optimized for this box to an empty directory
  3. run vagrant up from a command shell within that directory
  4. run vagrant ssh to connect to the guest machine
  5. navigated to /var/www inside the guest machine and removed any existing files in the directory

Now find the name of the framework you want to work with in the following list. Under the name of the framework are the shell commands you'll need to run to initialize a new project and to start seeing your work on your host machine's web browser (just navigate to the URL adjacent the framework name after you've run all the commands). The first time you access the box via an HTTPS url, you will get a browser-specific error like MOZILLA_PKIX_ERROR_SELF_SIGNED_CERT or NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID — this is expected due to the self-signed certificate generated in the virtual machine. Follow the prompts in your browser to trust the certificate and proceed.

✅ LAMP ( https://dev.local/ )

# everything is preconfigured and you can start modifying `/var/www/index.php` immediately

✅ Symfony ( https://dev.local/ )

symfony new . --webapp
# install apache and doctrine support (be sure to answer 'y' when prompted to run the recipe)
composer require symfony/apache-pack symfony/orm-pack:^2.1
# update the default vhost to match symfony's file structure
sudo sed -i -e 's/var\/www.*$/var\/www\/public/g' /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/vhosts.conf
# restart apache2 to reload the vhost
sudo systemctl restart apache2
# create a local .env override and add the local machine's database information
sed -i -e 's/app:!ChangeMe!/vagrant:vagrant/g' .env
# create the database
bin/console doctrine:database:create --if-not-exists --no-interaction

✅ Laravel (https://dev.local/ )

composer create-project laravel/laravel .
# update the default vhost to match Laravel's file structure
sudo sed -i -e 's/var\/www.*$/var\/www\/public/g' /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/vhosts.conf
# restart apache2 to reload the vhost
sudo systemctl restart apache2

✅ CakePHP ( https://dev.local/ )

composer create-project --prefer-dist cakephp/app .
# update the default vhost to match CakePHP's file structure
sudo sed -i -e 's/var\/www.*$/var\/www/g' /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/vhosts.conf
# restart apache2 to reload the vhost
sudo systemctl restart apache2

✅ CodeIgniter ( https://dev.local/ )

composer create-project codeigniter4/appstarter .
# update the default vhost to match CodeIgniter's file structure
sudo sed -i -e 's/var\/www.*$/var\/www\/public/g' /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/vhosts.conf
# restart apache2 to reload the vhost
sudo systemctl restart apache2

✅ Angular ( http://dev.local:4200/ )

ng new web --directory .
ng serve --host --disable-host-check

✅ Ember ( http://dev.local:4200/ )

ember init
ember serve --host

✅ Express ( http://dev.local:3000/ )

express --view=twig .
npm install
DEBUG=.:* npm start

✅ Vue ( http://dev.local:8080/ )

vue create .
# create a vue.config.js file and add our host to the allowed hosts list
echo "module.exports = { devServer: { allowedHosts: ['dev.local'] } }" > vue.config.js
yarn serve --host --public dev.local

✅ React ( http://dev.local:3000/ )

create-react-app .
serve -s public

✅ Java Spring ( http://dev.local:8080/ )

spring init --dependencies=web -j=17 ./
mvn spring-boot:run

✅ Ruby on Rails ( http://dev.local:3000/ )

rails new .
# whitelist all IPs in config/environments/development.rb so we can view our work from the host machine
sed -i "\$i config.hosts << \"dev.local\"\nconfig.web_console.whitelisted_ips = ''" config/environments/development.rb
rails server -b

✅ Django ( http://dev.local:8080 )

django-admin startproject web .
# whitelist all hosts in web/settings.py so we can view our work from the host machine
sed -i -e 's/^ALLOWED_HOSTS = \[\]$/ALLOWED_HOSTS = ["*"]/g' web/settings.py
python3 manage.py runserver

✅ ASP.Net ( http://dev.local:5000 )

dotnet new webapp -o .
dotnet run --urls "" --project .

Reverse mounts

Traditionally, a major downside of developing in a virtual machine has been synced folders. Because the host machine (your desktop) and the guest machine (the virtual machine) are two logically separate operating systems, files on one filesystem are not immediately accessible to the other. This is a challenge if you want to work on your code using your favorite desktop IDE, but the code requires the software and infrastructure of the virtual machine to actually run. The most common solution is using a synced folder, which syncs code from one environment to the other using rsync, NFS, samba, etc.

Unfortunately, synced folders have some performance penalty, especially on projects that require constance recompilation (think most JavaScript frameworks). On the one hand, you could run your code locally on your desktop and mount your working folder to your virtual machine. This is the default vagrant behaviour, and it allows for a speedy IDE experience with code analysis, refactoring, linting, and all the other IDE goodies. Unfortunately, this setup can cause a delay between the work you're doing and the results you see in the browser.

AracPac can support the default vagrant behaviour but uses a different approach sometimes called a reverse mount. Here, the Vagrantfile is used to automatically mount the /var/www directory from the virtual machine to your project directory on your computer. Though a reverse mount can make some IDE features a little less responsive, there are big wins in terms of how quickly your work is displayed in the browser, which makes debugging code and working on features a much nicer experience.


Mailcatcher runs a local mail server and allows you to review mail sent to it from a web browser on your host machine. This can be very useful during development.

Run Mailcatcher by using a command shell on the guest machine:

mailcatcher --http-ip

Mailcatcher will run in the background as a daemon. If you want to route all local mail to port 1025 so Mailcatcher will catch it, just add a line to /etc/postfix/main.cf:

relayhost = [localhost]:1025

Now use a command shell to send a test message:

echo "Mailcatcher test!" | mail -s "Testing 1, 2 ,3" -r [email protected] [email protected]

Finally, use a web browser on your host machine and review your caught messages at http://dev.local:1080/. messages.

Configuration details:

  • root user with password root
  • vagrant user with password vagrant, passwordless sudo, and an entry for the vagrant insecure key in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
  • apache listening on port 80 and 443 and serving from /var/www
  • java 8 / 11 / 17 JDKs and JREs (with 17 set as the default)
  • mysql listening on port 3306 and with root password root
  • mongodb configured to listen on 27017 but disabled by default
  • postgresql listening on port 5432 and with vagrant password vagrant, with postgis
  • php-xdebug installed and available on port 9003 but disabled by default
  • varnish configured to listen on 8080 but disabled by default
  • nginx installed but disabled by default
  • nfsd installed and configured with the following share: /var/www *(all_squash,anonuid=1000,anongid=1000,async,crossmnt,insecure,nohide,fsid=9999,rw)
  • firewalld installed, enabled, and configured for the stack
  • a purpose-built local dev.crt and dev.pem in /etc/ssl
  • 500G VirtualBox primary disk (useful on larger projects -- most publicly available boxes have 40G disks)
  • apache daemon's umask set to 0002
  • vagrant user belongs to the apache group; apache user belongs to the vagrant group

Notable system packages:

  • acl
  • atop
  • bash-completion
  • composer
  • curl
  • docker-ce
  • git
  • golang
  • gradle
  • htop
  • iotop
  • java
  • maven
  • memcached
  • nodejs
  • ncat
  • pv
  • vim
  • rsync
  • rustc
  • sendmail
  • spring
  • sqlite
  • subversion
  • supervisor
  • symfony
  • tmux
  • tree
  • unzip
  • vim
  • Virtual Box Guest Additions
  • wp
  • wget
  • zip

Notable NPM packages:

Notable PIP packages:

Notable Ruby packages:

About Joyk

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Joyk means Joy of geeK