Understanding Go's Time Format

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.ardanlabs.com/blog/2022/12/understanding-go-time-format.html
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Understanding Go's Time Format

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Cheikh Seck

December 16, 2022


Most apps that work with time values eventually need to display time to a user. Go has a unique way of allowing you to specify how to display time values that is different from the C library function strftime. The strftime function tends to be the standard for languages and tooling to format time. Go developed its own format specification instead of using any existing format with the idea of being able to maintain a mental model for formatting time.

In this video, join Ayan as he explores Go’s time format specification and helps you build intuition for formatting time in Go. Ayan will start by writing a program that will take keyboard input that specifies the layout to use to display the current time. This approach is effective as he visually demonstrates how time formatting works in Go. He also covers common pitfalls to anticipate when working with a time layout.

Things you will learn in this video

  • How to build intuition to format time with Go.
  • Format and display time with Go.
  • The pitfalls to avoid while formatting time.


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