The Nvidia RTX 4080 is Newegg's best-selling GPU, but the card doesn't make Amaz...

 1 year ago
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The Nvidia RTX 4080 is Newegg's best-selling GPU, but the card doesn't make Amazon's top 20

Who's more reliable?

By Rob Thubron Today 8:35 AM 14 comments
The Nvidia RTX 4080 is Newegg's best-selling GPU, but the card doesn't make Amazon's top 20

WTF?! We've seen plenty of reports about weak RTX 4080 sales, but is Nvidia's expensive Lovelace product really that unpopular? Not according to Newegg, whose list of top-selling graphics cards is topped by the RTX 4080. Amazon, however, has some very different figures.

The RTX 4080 started life with a rocky launch. Despite the card's power, it appeared that the $1,200 MSRP proved a hard sell for gamers, especially during the current economic climate in which consumers are prioritizing spending on essentials, and shipments of everything from PCs to smartphones are crashing.

The RTX 4080 was so unpopular that even scalpers couldn't sell them above MSRP, leading to sites such as Newegg refusing to allow refunds for the cards. However, according to the popular hardware retailer (via Tom's Hardware), an RTX 4080 is currently its best-selling card.

The site's list of best-selling GPUs is topped by the Gigabyte Gaming OC GeForce RTX 4080, priced at $1,459. Another RTX 4080, the Gigabyte Eagle OC that sells for $1,399, is in seventh place, while the MSI Gaming RTX 4080 ($1,619) is eighth and the Asus TUF RTX 4080 is tenth.


Another pretty surprising entry in the top five is the Gigabyte Gaming RTX 4090 in third, which has a $2,199 price tag. The flagship has been more popular than the RTX 4080, but seeing it this high is unexpected, and it's been marked as Out of Stock in the last few hours.

The rest of Newegg's chart is filled with the mid-range GPUs that have been climbing up the Steam Survey recently, including the RTX 3060, RTX 3050, and Radeon RX 6600.

So, are reports of the RTX 4080's poor sales exaggerated? Not according to Amazon. Its top-selling GPU chart consists mostly of RTX 3060 cards. The highest-placed RTX 4080, meanwhile, is right down in 23rd, and the highest RTX 4090 is twelfth.


There are a few explanations here. Amazon is a more popular destination for casual gamers looking for mid-range to low-end cards, while the more hardcore crowd often head to Newegg. Most people seem inclined to trust Amazon's list, which is automatically updated hourly, but the lack of unit sales from either retailer makes it hard to judge the card's popularity. Then there's the conspiracists' view, who say Newegg is artificially pushing the RTX 4080 up the charts in order to sell more of its excess inventory.

We'd long heard that the Radeon RX 7900 XTX ($999) and Radeon RX 7900 XT ($899) would be many gamers' choices because of their low prices, but they're both near the bottom of Newegg's list. On Amazon, the RX 7900 XTX is 28th, and the XT is 33rd, both lower than the RTX 4080. But AMD's RDNA 3 line only arrived recently, and the company has 200,000 units ready for this quarter, so they could soon rise up the ranks.

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