Bringing products to market - Lea Hickman - Mind the Product

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.mindtheproduct.com/bringing-products-to-market-lea-hickman-on-the-product-experience/
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Bringing products to market – Lea Hickman on The Product Experience

BY The Product Experience ON DECEMBER 14, 2022

New products get tested and brought to market every day across different scales and sectors. What are the most essential go-to-market keys to make a product launch successful?

There was no one better to discuss this with than Lea Hickman, now Partner at Silicon Valley Product Group—who played a crucial part in introducing Adobe’s subscription model for the creative cloud—joins us on the podcast to discuss bringing products to market.

Featured Links: Follow Lea on LinkedIn and Twitter | Silicon Valley Product Group | Marketecture definition | Martina Lauchengco’s book ‘Loved: How to Rethink Marketing for Tech Products’



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