5 Surprising Benefits of Learning SAP Technologies for Cloud-Native Developers

 1 year ago
source link: https://blogs.sap.com/2022/12/12/5-surprising-benefits-of-learning-sap-technologies-for-cloud-native-developers/
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December 12, 2022 2 minute read

5 Surprising Benefits of Learning SAP Technologies for Cloud-Native Developers

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As a cloud-native developer, staying up-to-date with the latest technologies and trends is essential for your success and career growth. One area worth considering is SAP technologies, which offer a range of tools and services for building, extending, and deploying cloud-native applications. This blog post will explore the benefits of learning SAP technologies for cloud-native developers and provide tips and resources to help you get started. Learning SAP technologies can provide many advantages and opportunities, whether you are just starting out in cloud-native development or are an experienced developer looking to expand your skills and knowledge:

Increased career opportunities

Learning SAP technologies can open up new career opportunities, such as working on SAP’s flagship cloud platform, SAP BTP, or developing and extending applications for SAP’s next-generation ERP system, SAP S/4HANA.

Improved productivity and efficiency

SAP technologies provide a range of tools and services that can help cloud-native developers be more productive and efficient in their work. For example, the Cloud Application Programming Model (CAP) and SAP Business Application Studio make it easy to build and deploy cloud-native applications.

Access to SAP’s customer base

SAP technologies are used by many of the world’s largest and most successful companies across a wide range of industries. This means that as a cloud-native developer with expertise in SAP technologies, you will have access to a large and growing customer base and the opportunity to work on a wide range of exciting and challenging projects. Also, SAP has over 21,000 Partners across the globe, who also need skilled SAP developers.

Integration with SAP’s ecosystem

SAP technologies are designed to be integrated with each other and with other SAP products and services. This means that as a cloud-native developer with expertise in SAP technologies, you can easily integrate your applications with SAP’s ecosystem and take advantage of SAP’s many tools and services to build and extend your applications.

Access to SAP’s support and resources

SAP is a global leader in enterprise software and offers a wide range of support and resources to help developers learn and use its technologies. As a cloud-native developer learning SAP technologies, you will have access to these resources to help you be successful in your work.

How to get started learning SAP technologies?

SAP provides plenty of learning resources dedicated to learning relevant cloud skills.

This includes online tutorials, video courses, forums, developer communities, and access to SAP’s support teams and experts. The number one destination for learning SAP technologies is SAP Learning.


SAP Learning Platform

All learning journeys are free of charge, and many come with hands-on exercises to directly practice your newly gained knowledge.

If you are specifically interested in building a career as an SAP Cloud Developer, check out “The Essential Guide to Building a Career as an SAP Cloud Developer”.

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