Building an ASCII Particle Engine in Janet

 1 year ago
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Building an ASCII Particle Engine in Janet

⟵ Back 13 min · 2022-12-02

Building an ASCII Particle Engine in Janet

Over the past month, I've been busy adding a set of simple particle effects to my hobby roguelike, Oathbreaker. This was mainly intended to provide some visual effects to go alongside the usage of monster or player abilities, reducing dependence on the message log to notify the player in such cases.


Many of the effects are modeled after Cogmind's particle effects, and the similarities are especially pronounced in, for example, the explosion animations. However, since Oathbreaker does not revolve around big shooty guns firing shiny projectiles in a single direction, most of the later effects necessarily took a more original turn.


The engine, implemented in the Janet scripting language, is quite small at about 450 of code, not including effect templates or FFI glue code in the main game engine. The remaining 400 lines are mostly effects definitions and effect templates. If you like, you can view the entire thing here.


My implementation is as follows: The game engine first calls the Janet particle engine, which grabs the effect definition from a global table and passes an origin and a target coordinate. Each effect definition is defined simply as a list of emitters which are spawned in the origin coordinate, and each emitter has a specific particle that it creates at its location (or any other arbitrary location) at set intervals, before aging out and being deactivated. Particles, in their turn, move at a set speed towards its target (which may be the same as the initial target coordinate, but is usually modified by the emitter), before dying.

This architecture would be quite inflexible, but each particle (and emitter) also possesses a set of triggers that can be conditionally executed. In this way particles can reset their speed at arbitrary points, lerp their color to another, reset their lifetime limits, or even spawn additional emitters. With this trigger and condition system, more complex effects can be created and chained together.

Let's take a tour of one of the first implemented effects, the explosion.

(new-emitter @{
  :lifetime 2
  :spawn-count      (fn [&] 180)
  :get-spawn-params (:SPAR-explosion Emitter)
  :get-spawn-speed  (Emitter :SSPD-min-sin-ticks)

  :particle (new-particle @{
    :tile (new-tile @{ :ch " " :fg 0 :bg 0xffff00 :bg-mix 0.8 })
    :speed 2
    :triggers @[
      [[:COND-reached-target? true] [:TRIG-set-explosion-expand-status 1 true]]

       [:COND-explosion-still-expanding? 1] [:COND-percent? 30]
       [:TRIG-modify-color :bg "g" [:random-factor 0.70 0.72]]
      [[:COND-explosion-still-expanding? 1] [:TRIG-reset-original-tile]]

      [[:COND-explosion-done-expanding? 1] [:TRIG-reset-lifetime-once 3 0]]
      [[:COND-explosion-done-expanding? 1] [:TRIG-lerp-color :bg 0x851e00 "rgb" [:completed-lifetime 0.8] :inverse true]]

      [[:COND-explosion-done-expanding? 1] [:COND-percent? 1] [:TRIG-create-emitter (new-emitter @{
        :particle (new-particle @{
          :tile (new-tile @{ :ch " " :fg 0 :bg 0xffff00 :bg-mix 0.8 })
          :lifetime 3
          :speed 0
          :triggers @[ [[:COND-true] [:TRIG-lerp-color :bg 0x851e00 "rgb" [:completed-lifetime 2]]] ]
        :lifetime 1
In case you're unfamiliar with Janet's syntax, here's a quick rundown:
  • @{ :foo "bar" } creates a mutable table with a :foo field set to "bar".
  • { :foo "bar" } is the same, but the table is immutable.
  • @[] and [] create arrays and tuples (immutable arrays), respectively.
  • :foo creates an "identifier" (which is, simply put, a fancy immutable string).
  • (fn [foo bar baz &]) creates a function which takes foo, bar, and baz, and then ignores any additional arguments (due to the &).
  • (bar :foo) is the same as bar.foo.
  • (:foo bar) is the same as bar.foo().

Let's get some of the basic emitter stuff out of the way.

  • :lifetime specifies that the emitter dies after creating two volleys of particles (i.e. inactivates after two frames).
  • :spawn-count is simply a callback that just returns 180, specifying that the emitter will create 180 particles on each frame (yes, that's slightly excessive for smaller explosions...);
  • :get-spawn-params (:SPAR-explosion Emitter) sets the :get-spawn-params callback (which is used to modify the trajectory of particles) to a preset callback (it's just a constant declared in the Emitter "class", equivalent to Emitter.SPAR_EXPLOSION in C-like languages). Here, SPAR-explosion simply causes each particle to shoot off at a different angle from the origin to an arbitrary point some distance away.
  • :get-spawn-speed (Emitter :SSPD-min-sin-ticks) sets the :get-spawn-speed callback (which is used to modify the speed of particles) to the SSPD-min-sin-ticks preset callback. This preset causes each particle to be varied slightly according to (sin(current_frame_number) + 1) / 2, preventing the explosion from appearing too even.

Following that, we have our particle definition which the emitter will use when spawning new particles. It starts by specifying an appearance (blank, with a background of 0xffff00, mixing with the original in-game tile's background with a factor of 0.8) and a speed (2 tiles per turn, further modified by the emitters :get-spawn-speed callback covered earlier).

The particle's triggers, as we will see, are written in a DSL-like way, with an array of any number of condition function references (with any arguments the function should be passed, in addition to the effect's context) and a single trigger function reference at the end (also with any additional arguments). For example, the first trigger

[[:COND-reached-target? true] [:TRIG-set-explosion-expand-status 1 true]]

is composed of a single condition ([:COND-reached-target? true]) which indicates that the function Particle.COND-reached-target? should be called with the arguments particle, ticks, context (the default arguments) and true (the argument stated here), along with a trigger Particle.TRIG-set-explosion-expand-status that will be called with the arguments particle, ticks, context, 1, and true.

The particle's triggers (the :triggers field) have three sections: one which checks if any particle in the explosion has reached its destination, a set which triggers if that is the case, and another which triggers otherwise.

The first section is the trigger dissected earlier, which checks if the particle has reached its target (which may be slightly off the initial target, due to the emitter randomizing it slightly), and sets a global variable in the parent emitter if that's the case. With this method, every particle will immediately know if any one of them has reached the target.

The second section is only executed if no particles have yet reached the target:

 [:COND-explosion-still-expanding? 1] [:COND-percent? 30]
 [:TRIG-modify-color :bg "g" [:random-factor 0.70 0.72]]
[[:COND-explosion-still-expanding? 1] [:TRIG-reset-original-tile]]

The first trigger (with the :TRIG-modify-color trigger) has the effect of modifying the particle's color to a "cooler" color, by reducing the g component.

The second trigger (:TRIG-reset-original-tile) is an implementation detail that I won't get into, so I'll just note that it makes the transition into the third trigger stage smoother.

Finally, we have the third stage of triggers:

[[:COND-explosion-done-expanding? 1] [:TRIG-reset-lifetime-once 3 0]]
[[:COND-explosion-done-expanding? 1] [:TRIG-lerp-color :bg 0x851e00 "rgb" [:completed-lifetime 0.8] :inverse true]]

[[:COND-explosion-done-expanding? 1] [:COND-percent? 1] [:TRIG-create-emitter (new-emitter @{
  :particle (new-particle @{
    :tile (new-tile @{ :ch " " :fg 0 :bg 0xffff00 :bg-mix 0.8 })
    :lifetime 3
    :speed 0
    :triggers @[ [[:COND-true] [:TRIG-lerp-color :bg 0x851e00 "rgb" [:completed-lifetime 2]]] ]
  :lifetime 1

Here things become more interesting.

First, we reset the particle's lifetime, so that it dies three frames later (without this the particles would die only when reached their target, which can have the effect of making the explosion seem too even):

# :TRIG-reset-lifetime-once takes two arguments: the new lifetime (3), and the
# new age (0).
# The "-once" indicates that the lifetime/age will only be set if it's `nil`,
# preventing it from being set on each frame (resulting in the particle never
# dying).

[[:COND-explosion-done-expanding? 1] [:TRIG-reset-lifetime-once 3 0]]

Then, we lerp the color from whatever it was before to 0x851e00, depending on how close the particle is to death.

# :TRIG-lerp-color takes a few arguments here:
# 1. lerp the :bg or the :fg?                            (:bg)
# 2. what color to lerp to?                              (0x851e00)
# 3. what components of the color should be modified?    (all components)
# 4. based on what should the color be lerped: the
#    completed lifetime, completed journey, completed
#    *parent's* lifetime, sine(current_frame_count), or
#    something else?                                     (completed lifetime)
# 5. `:inverse true` is papering over a design mistake.

  [:COND-explosion-done-expanding? 1]
  [:TRIG-lerp-color :bg 0x851e00 "rgb" [:completed-lifetime 0.8] :inverse true]

Finally, we randomly (1% of the time) add a new single-particle-spawning emitter at the particle's current position, creating an "ember" that doesn't move and cools down at an uneven rate.

# Notice the presence of a second condition here: [:COND-percent? 1], which
# indicates that only if `rand(0, 100) <= 1` the ember will be created.

[[:COND-explosion-done-expanding? 1] [:COND-percent? 1] [:TRIG-create-emitter (new-emitter @{
  :particle (new-particle @{
    :tile (new-tile @{ :ch " " :fg 0 :bg 0xffff00 :bg-mix 0.8 })
    :lifetime 3
    :speed 0
    :triggers @[ [[:COND-true] [:TRIG-lerp-color :bg 0x851e00 "rgb" [:completed-lifetime 2]]] ]
  :lifetime 1

It may seem simple in hindsight, but this effect took several days of wrangling over the colors to get it to look just right (and realize the need for the "embers").

Notice in particular that the effect is completely decoupled from the game effects: in the explosion, for example, particles are not responsible for doing the job of destroying objects or eviscerating helpless goblins, only for creating the visual animations. The changes made to the game world are always executed separately, right before (or, occasionally, after) the animation is called.

One benefit of this approach is that it vastly simplifies the FFI glue code (the only thing the FFI does right now is call the animation function with a string argument (specifying the effect to use) and a few coordinates), negating the need to allow Janet code to check if a certain tile is a wall, if there's a monster at a particular coordinate, if there are objects in the explosion which should create secondary explosions, etc.

Another advantage is that animations are completely decoupled from gameplay, which is highly desirable if the game allows the player to have allies that could potentially walk out of the player's line-of-sight and start fighting. If the particle engine were responsible for modifying game state, it would be necessary for the animation to play out of the player's line-of-sight and could introduce unnecessary lag. Cogmind's developer, Josh Ge, repeatedly mentioned this issue while discussing his particle engine implementation:

On the technical side, my implementation is pretty terrible. As is I just sort of made it all up as I went along (but the results are satisfactory =p). I can't even decouple the animations from the game logic; they're one in the same, which is a big no-no in the world of "real programming," and also the sole reason I have difficulty implementing a recording and playback feature.

Of course, I also made up my implementation as I went along, with the result that while I managed to avoid the mentioned drawback, I introduced my own: the effects of an particular ability in-game won't match perfectly with the ability's animation. This is a non-issue for a simple damage-dealing bolt animation, but becomes extremely apparent for explosions, as you have the explosion expanding in empty space (since the explosion's area-of-effect was already carved out and destroyed prior to running the animation). (Just as I was writing this it occurred to me that I could remove the "expanding" component of the explosion and potentially paper over this design flaw, but I have yet to explore that possibility.)

Why Janet?

Being my first particle engine, I was at first unsure whether writing a particle engine in a scripting language would not incur a significant performance penalty. My fears were unfounded, of course, since due to the nature of ASCII even ridiculously large effects only need about 800 particles, not the thousands that might be otherwise required in a 3D game.

But that doesn't really answer the question, after all, I could have easily have picked Lua, Gluon, Wren, or other ones of the vigintillions of scripting languages in existence. My choice of Janet boiled down to a few reasons:

  • I was already familiar with embedding Janet in a C program from cel7ce, and felt it at the time to be more ergonomic than Lua (in hindsight, I was wrong, and the "ergonomics" of embedding Lua vs. Janet are essentially the same).
  • I felt (and still do!) that Janet's prototypes are far more intuitive and less clumsy than Lua's metatables and whatever framework one must use in order to get them to work right. Janet's prototypes happen to be a massive boon where most of the particle engine revolves around just a few classes (Rect, Coord, Emitter, and Particle), at least for me. I'm sure someone learned in the ways of Lua could as easily write a particle engine in Lua, but I don't want to have to learn a new OOP framework just for a one-month project that I'll only touch occasionally afterwards.

So, was Janet the right choice?

On one hand, Janet's prototypes have definitely helped. Plus, having used Janet earlier meant I was able to easily port much of the FFI-related code from a previous C project.

On the other hand, it took some work to ensure Janet could be cross-compiled to Windows with Zig, involving some trial and error in messing with arcane #ifdefs in Janet's build system. And Janet's prototypes are not perfect, having some sharp corners that one must be aware of.

Also, I'm not entirely sure that writing a particle engine in a postfixed language was an especially bright idea.

To illustrate my point: which is easier to read?

(fn [self &]
  (+ 0.15 (/ (+ (math/sin (- (- (* 3 (:completed-journey self)) (/ math/pi 2)))) 1) 2)))

# OR

function (self ...)
  ((math.sin(-(self.completed_journey * 3) - (math.pi / 2)) + 1) / 2) + 0.15

One might argue that neither are, but it's still much easier to figure out what's going on with the second one.

And this isn't a contrived example -- it's straight from the pulse-twice-explosion animation. Feast your eyes on the air pouring out scalding bolts of electricity into a helpless adventurer's veins:


This isn't to say that I ever intend to rewrite the particle engine in any other language. It works good enough, despite its flaws, and most of the effects are write-only anyway. If I had to write it again, though, I would seriously consider doing it in Lua.

But, hey, I like Janet prototypes.


Kiëd Llaentenn © 2019-2022 —

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