Holders Will Win: Oryen Network 90% APY Will Cause Polkadot And OKB Community To...

 1 year ago
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Holders Will Win: Oryen Network 90% APY Will Cause Polkadot And OKB Community To Buy In

December 1, 2022

Holding cryptocurrencies has been a profitable investment strategy in the crypto market. However, the system only performs well during the bull run. When the bear market kicks in, turmoil sets in, causing a threat to capital gains held for a long time. With Oryen, investors will enjoy having the project for capital gains. In addition, Oryen buyers will get a 90% APY on their investment that auto-compounds over time.

Other communities get interested in Oryen

Polkadot is one of the leading crypto projects supporting diverse financial technology ledgers. The platform provides a scalable, heterogeneous multi-chain technology to the crypto community, including developers and creators.

Through its interoperability, Polkadot connects different chains to incorporate projects investing in privacy protection. Polkadot has a native token known as DOT. The ecosystem also has an inbuilt staking service that allows DOT staking to yield 18% of the invested capital. Polkadot uses the staked funds to secure the network, reward the community members, and develop Web3 projects. Polkadot has a massively growing community that has so far staked 49% of the total DOT supply with historic rewards of up to 15.1%.

OKB is the utility token for the OKX ecosystem owned by OKX, a renowned crypto and derivatives exchange. OKX was founded in 2017 with its headquarters in Seychelles and has since grown and expanded to join the top 20 largest crypto exchanges globally by market cap and number of active users. OKB coins are ERC-20 tokens that allow OKX users to enjoy a wide variety of privileges using OKX services and purchasing the company’s products.

Holding OKB tokens in an OKX account allows users to access discounted trading fees. As a ripple effect, crypto traders will save a lot on trading commissions as well as increase their profitability. OKX consumers will save 25% of trading fees for each trade by having OKB tokens in their OKX account wallets. OKB is also a deflationary token whose supply reduces over time. In addition to getting a cut on trading fees, OKB investors also enjoy capital gains when the crypto increases in value. Being one of the largest exchanges in the world, OKX has an extensive crypto community, just like Polkadot.

Oryen Network is Bigger than Everyone Thinks

While exciting projects such as Polkadot and OKB continue to make headlines in the crypto space, many members from these two communities are looking to venture into the untapped Oryen ecosystem, which is making the rounds on Youtube. Oryen offers a high return on investment for all ORY tokens staked. This is much more than what OKB provides, as well as what Polkadot holders receive in rewards.

Final Word

Amidst the bear market, earning passive income in the crypto market is essential to keep a digital asset portfolio alive. Oryen offers 90% annualized percentage returns for all ORY tokens staked, attracting both Polkadot and OKX communities. ORY tokens can show massive gains once the project launches later this year.

For More Information:

Join Presale: https://presale.oryennetwork.io/register

Website: https://oryennetwork.io/

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