Is it safe to buy MacBook Pro with enterprise warranty?

 1 year ago
source link: https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/is-it-safe-to-buy-macbook-pro-with-enterprise-warranty.2372077/
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Is it safe to buy MacBook Pro with enterprise warranty?


macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 14, 2022
Found a pretty good deal from a private party locally for 2021 MacBook Pro 16”, but serial shows it is under Apple warranty with enterprise. Does anyone has experience if it is safe to buy such used laptop? Or is there any potential issue having it?



Moderator emeritus
May 3, 2009 70,015 38,444
Or is there any potential issue having it?
I can't answer your questions and I'm curious myself.

If I were to guess, I'd say the enterprise warranty may cause some headaches since it assumes a business owns the laptop and apple expects any interactions through their business channel. That's purely a guess however.


macrumors G5
Jul 11, 2009 12,112 5,577
Found a pretty good deal from a private party locally for 2021 MacBook Pro 16”, but serial shows it is under Apple warranty with enterprise. Does anyone has experience if it is safe to buy such used laptop? Or is there any potential issue having it?

I'd be very concerned that the seller is the legitimate owner of the computer.

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