Product, dance, and pockets of brilliance by Pippa Topp

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.mindtheproduct.com/product-dance-and-pockets-of-brilliance-by-pippa-topp/
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In her keynote session at #mtpcon London 2022, Pippa Topp, Interim Head of Product at Charlotte Tilbury, talks about product and creating pockets of brilliance.

Watch this video or read on for key highlights from the talk.

Pippa started her career as a project manager and never wanted to be a product manager. She had mixed emotions when she moved British Gas’ connected homes division to product managing the UK’s first smart boiler. The few product managers she knew were a bit smug and made her feel stupid.

Being a ‘proper’ product manager

She explains how it’s hard to get to grips with the idea that you’re a “proper” product manager when so often you’re given projects to work on by the rest of the business. She says even members of her own team would say “we’re not doing proper product”.

Why do we fee…


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Eira Hayward

Eira is an editor for Mind the Product. She's been a business journalist, editor, and copywriter for longer than she cares to think about.

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