Asset Management in Utilities – part 6: Are all your Construction Projects on Ti...

 1 year ago
source link: https://blogs.sap.com/2022/11/28/asset-management-in-utilities-part-6-are-all-your-construction-projects-on-time-and-in-budget/
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November 28, 2022 2 minute read

Asset Management in Utilities – part 6: Are all your Construction Projects on Time and in Budget?

If you answer “yes” to this question you probably do not need to read any further. If you however see some optimization potential in major construction projects SAP Capital Project Engineering Management (CaPEM) might be of interest for you. SAP CaPEM makes use of the recent collaboration of Siemens and SAP, that provides an integration of Siemens products like Teamcenter Capital Asset Lifecycle-Management (CALM) and SAP’s Intelligent Asset Management (IAM) solutions.

Teamcenter CALM enables the creation of an engineering digital twin during the construction phase and an optimization of the handover process from the construction phase to the operations phase. With the Teamcenter integration to SAP IAM the handover is a continuous process in parallel to the construction project – as shown in the picture – and does not happen as an individual step when the construction has been finalized. Thus the handover, that often takes 6 to 12 months up to now, can be shortened considerably.

The SAP Teamcenter integration however not only speeds up the handover but also improves data consistency as data from the construction phase is transferred to the operations phase and does not have to be re-entered. Overall SAP CaPEM is about consolidating the engineering definition from multiple sources including BIM Design Tools, Simulation Tools and GIS. Thus it enables one environment with data structures completely representing the asset definition.


With the many capital projects going on in the utility industry due to the energy transformation, SAP CaPEM should be of high interest for utilities to improve the capital asset lifecycle processes. As stated in this Webinar about capital-intensive operations, asset intensive industries lose $15.2 Billion USD each year due to inadequate systems interoperability, in the handover process from CAPEX to OPEX alone there is a loss of 4.2%. SAP CaPEM promises to considerably lower these numbers.

You find more details about this approach in the blog PLM for Asset Intensive Industries: From Product Lifecycle Management to Capital Asset Lifecycle Management. The partnership of SAP and Siemens for the energy industry is detailed in the blog Siemens’ & SAP’s CALM partnership boosts energy operations – Energy & Utilities

Kind regards

By the way, if you participate at Enlit 2022 in Frankfurt this week, please feel free to drop me a note so that we can meet, for example during the SAP & Capgemini Networking Event Wednesday afternoon.


Asset Management in Utilities – part 5: Are you aware of the relevance of SAP EH&S for Asset Management processes?

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