Can Rancher Help You Better Manage Kubernetes?

 1 year ago
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Can Rancher Help You Better Manage Kubernetes?

Stunning resources, news and tutorials about Kubernetes, Distributed Systems and Containers
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👉 kubectl Cheat Sheet
Kubectl is the default command-line tool for Kubernetes. It makes it easier to manage, maintain, and troubleshoot Kubernetes clusters. This guide looked at some common and useful kubectl commands you can apply in your day-to-day operations for managing your Kubernetes clusters.

Learn more
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Local Kubernetes Development with Hashi Corp Vault | Side Car Injection
This article will help you learn how to install Hashi Corp Vault in local Kubernetes cluster, how to manage secrets in Vault and also how to inject these secrets via side car to .Net Core container.

By @arkapravasinha , Software Engineer, Walmart
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From the web
Kubernetes Resource Quotas
Those who work with kubernetes often encounter resource quotas, such as cpu, memory, but few people know that these are not all quotas and what their mechanism is built on.
How to beat the Kubernetes skills shortage
While Kubernetes container management is key to digital transformation, Kubernetes talent is in short supply.

Follow these 4 strategies of successful companies to fill the gap.
Can Rancher Help You Better Manage Kubernetes?
This article will explore the features and capabilities of Rancher, an open source Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) certified Kubernetes distribution designed to make it easy to deploy, manage, and monitor multi-cluster environments from a centralized UI.

Here, you’ll learn about Rancher and the different deployment options it provides, and understand the aspects that make it unique.
Kubernetes Removals, Deprecations, and Major Changes in 1.26
Change is an integral part of the Kubernetes life-cycle: as Kubernetes grows and matures, features may be deprecated, removed, or replaced with improvements for the health of the project.

For Kubernetes v1.26 there are several planned: this article identifies and describes some of them, based on the information available at this mid-cycle point in the v1.26 release process, which is still ongoing and can introduce additional changes.
Hands-on Kubernetes interview questions
Review these in-depth Kubernetes interview questions and answers to showcase your applied knowledge of Kubernetes and container orchestration.
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Quick Hits
.NET 7 adds an aggressive garbage collection strategy for containers and Kubernetes.
The majority of cloud developers are now using Kubernetes and containers as part of their daily operations, according to new research from Civo which found 51% of those are doing so.
Having Fun Building on Kubernetes From Day One
Kubernetes complexity and perceived technical debt haven’t slowed the quick rise in adoption. Instead, it’s become a solid first choice that’s easy to migrate to.

Kubernetes proven value adds capabilities like infrastructure automation, a thriving open-source ecosystem backed by top companies, and flexibility to endure future growth.

This video goes into the benefits of adopting Kubernetes early and how to make adoption painless and fun.
Book picks
50 Kubernetes Concepts Every DevOps Engineer Should Know
Your go-to guide for making production-level decisions on how and why to implement Kubernetes.

What you will learn:
  • How Kubernetes works on-prem, in the cloud, and in PaaS environments
  • Work with networking, cluster management, and application deployment
  • Understand why cloud-native is crucial for Kubernetes applications
  • Deploy apps from all sides including Stateless, Stateful, and more
  • Properly monitor and implement observability into your environment
  • Kubernetes security at the cluster, user, and application level
Yep, the repo name is buzzword soup, but this is based on the code used to set up and maintain macaw.social.
The API traffic viewer for Kubernetes providing deep visibility into all API traffic and payloads going in, out and across containers and pods inside a Kubernetes cluster. Think TCPDump and Wireshark re-invented for Kubernetes
A collective list of free APIs
A roadmap to learn Kubernetes from scratch (Beginner to Advanced level)
Production Grade Nifi & Nifi Registry. Deploy for VM (Virtual Machine) with Terraform + Ansible, Helm & Helmfile for Kubernetes (EKS)
Meme of the week
Kaptain #348: Can Rancher Help You Better Manage Kubernetes?
Legend: ✅ = editors' choice / ♻️ = Old but gold / ✨ = sponsored / 🔰 = beginner friendly

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