Lighthouse India offloads Nykaa shares worth Rs 335 crore

 1 year ago
source link: https://nextbigwhat.com/lighthouse-india-offloads-nykaa-shares-worth-rs-335-crore/
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Lighthouse India offloads Nykaa shares worth Rs 335 crore

Home » News » Lighthouse India offloads Nykaa shares worth Rs 335 crore

Lighthouse India Fund-III previously sold shares in Nykaa for Rs 525 crore. Other previous sellers included Segantiii India Mauritius and the American private equity firm TPG.

A handful of pre-IPO investors have begun selling the assets they had been holding since the lock-in expiry earlier this month. Mala Gopal Gaonkar, an NRI investor, sold 5.75 billion shares of Nykaa last week.

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