The State of Mozilla: 2021 — 2022 Annual Report — Mozilla

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/foundation/annualreport/2021/
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Mozilla was built to make
the internet better

The internet is awesome, but it can be so much better.

Mozilla was created to take on this challenge. We exist to advance the interests of people who use the internet — not profit for shareholders.

We break every conventional notion about what a tech company is. In fact, we don’t fit the traditional definition of ‘tech company’ at all. We’re a non-profit that champions privacy, human dignity and an open internet. We’re a mission-driven business that builds and invests in products that make people’s online lives safer and more joyful. And we’re a global community of millions of people who donate their time, money, and brainpower to make the internet better. Put all this together and you get: Mozilla.

Each year, we use this report to look back at the products we’ve built and the campaigns we’ve run. This year, we also want to look forward and invite you to join us in building a better internet in the years ahead.

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