.NET, Go, Kamelets, and more: Top articles from November 2022

 1 year ago
source link: https://developers.redhat.com/articles/2022/11/18/net-go-kamelets-and-more-top-articles-november-2022
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Whether you'll soon be signing off for a fall November break or working through the end of the month, take a moment to check out Red Hat Developer's latest top-performing articles. We've highlighted the tutorial guides and announcements that our developer community has engaged with the most.





  • 3 ways to embed a commit hash in Go programs: When you need to view the source code of an older version of your software, it is handy to have the history feature turned on. Panagiotis Georgiadis's guide explains how to see what your Go program looked like at various points in time, so you can debug issues that may have been introduced at specific points.

  • How static application security testing improves software security: Join Florencio Cano Gabarda as he explains why static application security testing (SAST) is an effective tool for improving the security of your application. Developers can use SAST to identify potential security problems in the source code for an application, its bytecode, or its binary code. Many SAST tools are mature and widely used by software developers.

  • An introduction to debug events: Learn how to use breakpoints: This article kicks off a series about GDB's debugging capabilities. Keith Seitz will be covering the commands, convenience variables, and functions that will aid you in stopping GDB at the right place at the right time.

  • How Kamelets simplify Camel integrations on Kubernetes: Modern applications are often made of a collection of several smaller applications, or subsystems. This article explains how Apache Camel and Kubernetes make it easy to integrate such services through Kamelets.

  • Build reactive apps on Kubernetes using Camel K: In this article, Sumit Mukherjee will explain how Apache Camel K can make it easier to develop reactive applications on Kubernetes by integrating data sources, Apache Kafka brokers, and Knative for event management.

  • Node.js Reference Architecture, Part 10: Accessibility: Michael Dawson guides you through the importance of integrating accessibility within your Node.js applications. Making your applications accessible to disabled users is good business and often required by law. As a Node.js developer, you need to understand the issues around accessibility so that you can build truly accessible components into the applications you build.

  • Set up an OpenShift cluster to deploy an application in odo CLI and Implement a Rest API application with MongoDB using SBO: In this two-part series, Francesco Ilario shows you how to use odo to create an application and a database service, bind the application to the database using the Service Binding Operator, and get access to the application's REST API. You'll deploy a REST API application and bind it to a MongoDB using odo and the Service Binding Operator. The series shows you how easy it is to create an instance of a database and a binding (connection) between the application and that database.

November 2022 on Red Hat Developer

November 2022 on Red Hat Developer

Here's the full lineup of articles published on Red Hat Developer this month:

Last updated: November 21, 2022

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