nydusd 源码理解(一) - abin在路上

 1 year ago
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neoserver,ios ssh client

尝试通过 nydus[1] 源码理解工作流程。可能由于代码变动导致和本文记录的内容有出入。

1. 环境准备

git clone https://github.com/dragonflyoss/image-service.git cd image-service make

编译的目标文件位于 target 文件夹内,默认编译的 debug 版本。


可以看到,项目的二进制文件包含 nydusctl (命令行工具)、nydusd(nydus 主体程序,以守护进程的形式运行)、nydus-image(nydus 镜像文件处理工具)三种。

all: build

# Targets that are exposed to developers and users. build: .format ${CARGO} build $(CARGO_COMMON)$(CARGO_BUILD_FLAGS) # Cargo will skip checking if it is already checked ${CARGO} clippy $(CARGO_COMMON) --workspace $(EXCLUDE_PACKAGES) --bins --tests -- -Dwarnings

.format: ${CARGO} fmt -- --check

执行 make编译项目时,会首先使用 cargo fmt -- --check 命令对代码格式进行检查。

本文使用的 nydus 版本:

./target/debug/nydusd --version


2. 代码流程理解

项目的入口函数位于 src/bin 目录下:


分别对应生成的二进制文件 nydusctlnydusdnydus-image,首先,理解最重要的部分nydusd

Nydusd 是运行在用户态的守护进程,可以通过 nydus-snapshotter 进行管理,主要负责处理 fuse 下发的 I/O 请求,当数据不存在本地缓存时,从 backend(registry,OSS,localfs)获取数据内容。


mkdir /rafs_mnt ./target/debug/nydusd fuse --thread-num 4 --mountpoint /rafs_mnt --apisock api_sock

2.1 入口函数




接下来是解析子命令,nydusd 包括 3 个子命令,分别是 singleton、fuse 和 virtiofs:


对于每个子命令,都会再次获取对应的命令参数也就是 args 中 subcommand 的参数内容。fuse指定nydusd 作为专门针对 FUSE 的 server 运行,virtiofs指定nydusd专门作为 virtiofs 的 server 运行,singleton指定nydusd作为全局守护进程运行,可以同时为 blobcache/fscache/fuse/virtio-fs 提供服务。


2.2 FUSE subcommand 启动流程

process_default_fs_service(subargs, bti, apisock, true)?;

// 函数声明 fn process_default_fs_service( args: SubCmdArgs, //提取的子命令参数 bti: BuildTimeInfo, // 编译时信息 apisock: Option<&str>, // api socket 路径 is_fuse: bool, // 是否为 fuse 文件系统 ) -> Result<()> { 内容太长,省略 }




virtual_mnt 是挂载的目录位置。

(1)shared_dir 不为空时

let cmd = FsBackendMountCmd { fs_type: nydus::FsBackendType::PassthroughFs, source: shared_dir.to_string(), config: "".to_string(), mountpoint: virtual_mnt.to_string(), prefetch_files: None, };

(2)bootstrap 不为空(只使用 rafs 文件系统)

检测是否传入localfs-dir参数,如果传入,则根据传入的参数生成配置信息,否则,必须传入config参数。此外,解析传入的 prefetch_files 列表:

let config = match args.value_of("localfs-dir") { Some(v) => { format!( r###" {{ "device": {{ "backend": {{ "type": "localfs", "config": {{ "dir": {:?}, "readahead": true }} }}, "cache": {{ "type": "blobcache", "config": {{ "compressed": false, "work_dir": {:?} }} }} }}, "mode": "direct", "digest_validate": false, "iostats_files": false }} "###, v, v ) } None => match args.value_of("config") { Some(v) => std::fs::read_to_string(v)?, None => { let e = DaemonError::InvalidArguments( "both --config and --localfs-dir are missing".to_string(), ); returnErr(e.into()); } }, };

let prefetch_files: Option<Vec<String>> = args .values_of("prefetch-files") .map(|files| files.map(|s| s.to_string()).collect());

let cmd = FsBackendMountCmd { fs_type: nydus::FsBackendType::Rafs, source: b.to_string(), config: std::fs::read_to_string(config)?, mountpoint: virtual_mnt.to_string(), prefetch_files, };

当生成挂载命令cmd后,接下来会根据 opts 参数新建 vfs 实例。

let vfs = fuse_backend_rs::api::Vfs::new(opts); let vfs = Arc::new(vfs);

2.3 Vfs 结构体分析

/// A union fs that combines multiple backend file systems. pubstruct Vfs { next_super: AtomicU8, root: PseudoFs, // mountpoints maps from pseudo fs inode to mounted fs mountpoint data mountpoints: ArcSwap<HashMap<u64, Arc<MountPointData>>>, // superblocks keeps track of all mounted file systems superblocks: ArcSuperBlock, opts: ArcSwap<VfsOptions>, initialized: AtomicBool, lock: Mutex<()>, }

新建 Vfs 实例的时候:

impl Vfs { /// Create a new vfs instance pubfn new(opts: VfsOptions) -> Self { Vfs { // 下一个可用的 pseudo index next_super: AtomicU8::new((VFS_PSEUDO_FS_IDX + 1) asu8), // 挂载点,是一个 Hashmap mountpoints: ArcSwap::new(Arc::new(HashMap::new())), // 超级块,数组 superblocks: ArcSwap::new(Arc::new(vec![None; MAX_VFS_INDEX])), // root,是一个 PseudoFs 实例 root: PseudoFs::new(), // 传入的参数 opts: ArcSwap::new(Arc::new(opts)), // 锁 lock: Mutex::new(()), // 是否已经初始化 initialized: AtomicBool::new(false), } } ... }

next_super的值初始化为 1,长度为 64 位的 inode number 被拆分为两部分,前 8 位用于标记被挂载的文件系统类型,剩下的 56 位供后端文件系统使用,最大值为VFS_MAX_INO

/// Maximum inode number supported by the VFS for backend file system pubconst VFS_MAX_INO: u64 = 0xff_ffff_ffff_ffff;

// The 64bit inode number for VFS is divided into two parts: // 1. an 8-bit file-system index, to identify mounted backend file systems. // 2. the left bits are reserved for backend file systems, and it's limited to VFS_MAX_INO. const VFS_INDEX_SHIFT: u8 = 56; const VFS_PSEUDO_FS_IDX: VfsIndex = 0;


pubstruct PseudoFs { // 下一个可用的 inode next_inode: AtomicU64, // 根 inode,指向 PseudoInode 类型的指针 root_inode: Arc<PseudoInode>, // inodes,类行为 Hashmap inodes: ArcSwap<HashMap<u64, Arc<PseudoInode>>>, lock: Mutex<()>, // Write protect PseudoFs.inodes and PseudoInode.children }


struct PseudoInode { // 当前 inode ino: u64, // parent 的 inode parent: u64, // children 的列表(PseudoInode 类型的指针) children: ArcSwap<Vec<Arc<PseudoInode>>>, name: String, }

nydus 中 Vfs 结构体的组成图示:


回到新建 vfs 实例之后的流程。接下来会获取 daemon_id 和 supervisor 参数(在 live-upgrade/failover 的时候需要)。

然后,根据挂载命令创建 NydusDaemon

2.4 针对 FUSE 的 NydusDaemon

is_fusetrue 时,开始创建 daemon:

(1)获取 fuse server 的线程数量值;

(2)获取 mountpoint 参数的值;

(3)创建 daemon

let daemon = { fusedev::create_fuse_daemon( mountpoint, // 挂载点路径 vfs, // 创建的 vfs 实例 supervisor, daemon_id, threads, // 线程数量 apisock, // api socket 路径 args.is_present("upgrade"), !args.is_present("writable"), p, // failover-policy mount_cmd, // 挂载命令 bti, ) .map(|d| { info!("Fuse daemon started!"); d }) .map_err(|e| { error!("Failed in starting daemon: {}", e); e })? }; DAEMON_CONTROLLER.set_daemon(daemon);

fusedev::create_fuse_daemon 函数中,主要的逻辑如下:

(1)创建两个 channel

let (trigger, events_rx) = channel::<DaemonStateMachineInput>(); let (result_sender, result_receiver) = channel::<DaemonResult<()>>();

channel 是用于线程间通信,返回值分别为 senderrecver,例如:(trigger, events_rx) 中,trigger 为发送者,events_rx 为接收者。

(2)创建 Service 实例

let service = FusedevFsService::new(vfs, &mnt, supervisor.as_ref(), fp, readonly)?;

impl FusedevFsService { fn new( vfs: Arc<Vfs>, mnt: &Path, supervisor: Option<&String>, fp: FailoverPolicy, readonly: bool, ) -> Result<Self> { // 创建和 FUSE 的 session let session = FuseSession::new(mnt, "rafs", "", readonly).map_err(|e| eother!(e))?; let upgrade_mgr = supervisor .as_ref() .map(|s| Mutex::new(UpgradeManager::new(s.to_string().into())));

Ok(FusedevFsService { vfs: vfs.clone(), conn: AtomicU64::new(0), failover_policy: fp, session: Mutex::new(session), server: Arc::new(Server::new(vfs)), upgrade_mgr,

backend_collection: Default::default(), inflight_ops: Mutex::new(Vec::new()), }) } ... }

(3)创建 Daemon 实例:

let daemon = Arc::new(FusedevDaemon { bti, id, supervisor, threads_cnt, // 线程数量

state: AtomicI32::new(DaemonState::INIT asi32), result_receiver: Mutex::new(result_receiver), request_sender: Arc::new(Mutex::new(trigger)), service: Arc::new(service), state_machine_thread: Mutex::new(None), fuse_service_threads: Mutex::new(Vec::new()), });

其中,FusedevFsService::new() 函数会调用FuseSession::new函数,创建和内核 FUSE 通信的 session,只是还没有挂载和连接请求。

FuseSession::new() 为外部 fuse-backend-rs[2] creat,对应代码如下:


创建好的 session 实例存储在 FusedevFsService 结构体的 session 属性,同时用 Mutex 包裹,只允许互斥访问。

创建好的service 作为 FusedevDaemon 结构体 service 属性的值,使用 Arc 包裹,允许并发访问。

2.5 nydusd 状态机

machineDaemonStateMachineContext 结构体的实例,存储了 daemon 的 PID,指向 daemon 实例的指针,以及接收请求和返回结果的 channel,用于线程间通信。

let machine = DaemonStateMachineContext::new(daemon.clone(), events_rx, result_sender);

nydusd 的状态机用于维护 nydusd 的状态,具体的状态转移策略如下:

state_machine! { derive(Debug, Clone) pub DaemonStateMachine(Init) // Init意味着 nydusd 刚启动,可能已经配置好了, // 但还没有和内核协商双方的能力,也没有尝试通过 // 挂载 /fuse/dev 来建立fuse会话(如果是fusedev后端) Init => { Mount => Ready, Takeover => Ready[Restore], Stop => Die[StopStateMachine], }, // Ready表示 nydusd 已经准备就绪, // Fuse会话被创建。状态可以转换为 Running 或 Die Ready => { Start => Running[StartService], Stop => Die[Umount], Exit => Die[StopStateMachine], }, // Running 意味着 nydusd 已经成功地准备好了 // 作为用户空间 fuse 文件系统所需的内容, // 但是,必要的 capability 协商可能还没有完成, // 通过 fuse-rs 来判断 Running => { Stop => Ready [TerminateService], }, }

machine.kick_state_machine() 方法用于启动状态机线程。

let machine_thread = machine.kick_state_machine()?;

该线程的名称为state_machine,通过 top -Hp NYDUSD_PID 可以看到:


该线程是一个死循环,用于接收来自 channel 消息。(消息从哪发送?)


其中,recv() 函数会阻塞,接收 DaemonStateMachineInput 类型的消息,保存在 event 变量中,self.sm.consume(&event) 方法处理每个 event,完成相应操作,并修改状态为新的值。


处理完成后,通过 result_sender channel 返回状态消息。(传递给谁?)


启动 nydusd 时打印的关于 State machine 的日志信息:


状态机线程接收的消息来自哪里呢?这就需要回到创建 channel的地方:

request_receiver对应的 channel名为trigger,和result_sender对应的channel名为result_receiver,都存储在daemon中:

let daemon = Arc::new(FusedevDaemon { ... result_receiver: Mutex::new(result_receiver), request_sender: Arc::new(Mutex::new(trigger)), ... });


impl DaemonStateMachineSubscriber for FusedevDaemon { fn on_event(&self, event: DaemonStateMachineInput) -> DaemonResult<()> { self.request_sender .lock() .unwrap() .send(event) .map_err(|e| DaemonError::Channel(format!("send {:?}", e)))?;

self.result_receiver .lock() .expect("Not expect poisoned lock!") .recv() .map_err(|e| DaemonError::Channel(format!("recv {:?}", e)))? } }

因此,state_machine 通过 channel接收来自nydusd 的消息,从而改变状态,例如,对于stop操作:


2.5.1 FUSE 启动 service

上面提到,state_machine线程会改变nydusd的状态,对于 StartService 事件,会运行 d.start() 方法,并且在运行成功之后通过 set_state(DaemonState::RUNNING) 将 Daemon 的状态设置为 RUNNING。

let r = match action { Some(a) => match a { StartService => d.start().map(|r| { d.set_state(DaemonState::RUNNING); r }), ... }, _ => Ok(()), };

不同类型 Daemon 的 d.start() 方法实现不一样,对于 FusedevDaemon,start() 内容如下:

fn start(&self) -> DaemonResult<()> { info!("start {} fuse servers", self.threads_cnt); for _ in0..self.threads_cnt { let waker = DAEMON_CONTROLLER.alloc_waker(); self.kick_one_server(waker) .map_err(|e| DaemonError::StartService(format!("{:?}", e)))?; } Ok(()) }

这里会根据 threads_cnt,开启对应数量的线程。其中,DAEMON_CONTROLLER.alloc_waker() 只是复制了对 DAEMON_CONTROLLER.waker 的引用。

pubfn alloc_waker(&self) -> Arc<Waker> { self.waker.clone() }

kick_one_server(waker)FusedevDaemon 结构体的方法:

fn kick_one_server(&self, waker: Arc<Waker>) -> Result<()> { letmut s = self.service.create_fuse_server()?; let inflight_op = self.service.create_inflight_op(); let thread = thread::Builder::new() .name("fuse_server".to_string()) .spawn(move || { ifletErr(err) = s.svc_loop(&inflight_op) { warn!("fuse server exits with err: {:?}, exiting daemon", err); ifletErr(err) = waker.wake() { error!("fail to exit daemon, error: {:?}", err); } } // Notify the daemon controller that one working thread has exited.

Ok(()) }) .map_err(DaemonError::ThreadSpawn)?;


Ok(()) }

kick_one_server方法启动了名为 fuse_server 的线程,成功启动的线程存储在 FusedevDaemon.fuse_service_threads 中。

2.5.2 FUSE server 线程(处理 FUSE 请求)

在启动线程前,创建了 fuse serverinflight operatoinscreate_fuse_server() 是 FusedevFsService 结构实现的方法:

fn create_fuse_server(&self) -> Result<FuseServer> { FuseServer::new(self.server.clone(), self.session.lock().unwrap().deref()) }

create_fuse_server()方法通过 FuseServer::new()方法进行实例化,传入的参数中,self.server.clone() 是对 server 的引用,self.session.lock().unwrap().deref()session 的去引用实例,方法的返回值是 FuseServer 结构的实例。

fn new(server: Arc<Server<Arc<Vfs>>>, se: &FuseSession) -> Result<FuseServer> { let ch = se.new_channel().map_err(|e| eother!(e))?; Ok(FuseServer { server, ch }) }

创建 FuseServer 结构的实例之前,首先通过 FuseSessionnew_channel() 方法创建 fuse channel,并存储在 FuseServer 实例中。

FuseSession 是 fuse-backend-rs 中的结构,new_channel() 方法用于创建新的 channel:




create_inflight_op() 方法也是 FusedevFsService 结构实现的方法,返回的 inflight_op 被添加到 FusedevFsService 结构的 inflight_ops中:

fn create_inflight_op(&self) -> FuseOpWrapper { let inflight_op = FuseOpWrapper::default();

// "Not expected poisoned lock" self.inflight_ops.lock().unwrap().push(inflight_op.clone());

inflight_op }

FuseOpWrapper::default() 方法用于对 FuseOpWrapper 初始化,随后被追加到self.inflight_ops中。

创建好fuse serverinflight operatoins之后,启动fuse_server线程。其中,s.svc_loop(&inflight_op) 方法是线程的主要处理逻辑:

fn svc_loop(&mutself, metrics_hook: &dyn MetricsHook) -> Result<()> { // Given error EBADF, it means kernel has shut down this session. let _ebadf = Error::from_raw_os_error(libc::EBADF);

loop { // 通过 channel(epoll)获取 FUSE 请求 ifletSome((reader, writer)) = self.ch.get_request().map_err(|e| { warn!("get fuse request failed: {:?}", e); Error::from_raw_os_error(libc::EINVAL) })? { ifletErr(e) = self.server .handle_message(reader, writer.into(), None, Some(metrics_hook)) { match e { fuse_backend_rs::Error::EncodeMessage(_ebadf) => { returnErr(eio!("fuse session has been shut down")); } _ => { error!("Handling fuse message, {}", DaemonError::ProcessQueue(e)); continue; } } } } else { info!("fuse server exits"); break; } }

Ok(()) }

这是一个死循环,self.ch.get_request() 也是 fuse-backend-rs 中 FuseChannel 结构的方法,用于通过 channel 从 fuse 内核模块获取(通过 unix socket fd 进行通信) fuse 请求。


返回的值包括 readerwriter,作为方法handle_message() 的参数,同时还会传入metrics_hook用于收集数据。self.server.handle_message() 负责处理每个 fuse 请求,也是 fuse-backend-rs 中 Server 实现的方法:



let res = match in_header.opcode { x if x == Opcode::Lookup asu32 => self.lookup(ctx), x if x == Opcode::Forget asu32 => self.forget(ctx), // No reply. x if x == Opcode::Getattr asu32 => self.getattr(ctx), x if x == Opcode::Setattr asu32 => self.setattr(ctx), x if x == Opcode::Readlink asu32 => self.readlink(ctx), x if x == Opcode::Symlink asu32 => self.symlink(ctx), x if x == Opcode::Mknod asu32 => self.mknod(ctx), x if x == Opcode::Mkdir asu32 => self.mkdir(ctx), x if x == Opcode::Unlink asu32 => self.unlink(ctx), x if x == Opcode::Rmdir asu32 => self.rmdir(ctx), x if x == Opcode::Rename asu32 => self.rename(ctx), x if x == Opcode::Link asu32 => self.link(ctx), x if x == Opcode::Open asu32 => self.open(ctx), x if x == Opcode::Read asu32 => self.read(ctx), x if x == Opcode::Write asu32 => self.write(ctx), x if x == Opcode::Statfs asu32 => self.statfs(ctx), x if x == Opcode::Release asu32 => self.release(ctx), x if x == Opcode::Fsync asu32 => self.fsync(ctx), x if x == Opcode::Setxattr asu32 => self.setxattr(ctx), x if x == Opcode::Getxattr asu32 => self.getxattr(ctx), x if x == Opcode::Listxattr asu32 => self.listxattr(ctx), x if x == Opcode::Removexattr asu32 => self.removexattr(ctx), x if x == Opcode::Flush asu32 => self.flush(ctx), x if x == Opcode::Init asu32 => self.init(ctx), x if x == Opcode::Opendir asu32 => self.opendir(ctx), x if x == Opcode::Readdir asu32 => self.readdir(ctx), x if x == Opcode::Releasedir asu32 => self.releasedir(ctx), x if x == Opcode::Fsyncdir asu32 => self.fsyncdir(ctx), x if x == Opcode::Getlk asu32 => self.getlk(ctx), x if x == Opcode::Setlk asu32 => self.setlk(ctx), x if x == Opcode::Setlkw asu32 => self.setlkw(ctx), x if x == Opcode::Access asu32 => self.access(ctx), x if x == Opcode::Create asu32 => self.create(ctx), x if x == Opcode::Bmap asu32 => self.bmap(ctx), x if x == Opcode::Ioctl asu32 => self.ioctl(ctx), x if x == Opcode::Poll asu32 => self.poll(ctx), x if x == Opcode::NotifyReply asu32 => self.notify_reply(ctx), x if x == Opcode::BatchForget asu32 => self.batch_forget(ctx), x if x == Opcode::Fallocate asu32 => self.fallocate(ctx), x if x == Opcode::Readdirplus asu32 => self.readdirplus(ctx), x if x == Opcode::Rename2 asu32 => self.rename2(ctx), x if x == Opcode::Lseek asu32 => self.lseek(ctx), #[cfg(feature = "virtiofs")] x if x == Opcode::SetupMapping asu32 => self.setupmapping(ctx, vu_req), #[cfg(feature = "virtiofs")] x if x == Opcode::RemoveMapping asu32 => self.removemapping(ctx, vu_req), // Group reqeusts don't need reply together x => match x { x if x == Opcode::Interrupt asu32 => { self.interrupt(ctx); Ok(0) } x if x == Opcode::Destroy asu32 => { self.destroy(ctx); Ok(0) } _ =>ctx.reply_error(io::Error::from_raw_os_error(libc::ENOSYS)), }, };



这个fs指的是什么呢?在Server结构体定义中看到,fs是实现了FileSystem + Sync的 trait:

/// Fuse Server to handle requests from the Fuse client and vhost user master. pubstruct Server<F: FileSystem + Sync> { fs: F, vers: ArcSwap<ServerVersion>, }


struct FuseServer { server: Arc<Server<Arc<Vfs>>>, ch: FuseChannel, }

impl FuseServer { fn new(server: Arc<Server<Arc<Vfs>>>, se: &FuseSession) -> Result<FuseServer> { let ch = se.new_channel().map_err(|e| eother!(e))?; Ok(FuseServer { server, ch }) } ... }


fuse-backend-rs中对 Vfs 实现了 FileSystem trait:


fuse_server 线程可以通过top -Hp NYDUSD_PID 看到:



2.5.3 FUSE 终止 service


TerminateService => { d.interrupt(); let res = d.wait_service(); if res.is_ok() { d.set_state(DaemonState::READY); }

res }

interrupt() 方法:

fn interrupt(&self) { let session = self .service .session .lock() .expect("Not expect poisoned lock."); ifletErr(e) = session.wake().map_err(DaemonError::SessionShutdown) { error!("stop fuse service thread failed: {:?}", e); } }

wait_service() 方法:

fn wait_service(&self) -> DaemonResult<()> { loop { let handle = self.fuse_service_threads.lock().unwrap().pop(); ifletSome(handle) = handle { handle .join() .map_err(|e| { DaemonError::WaitDaemon( *e.downcast::<Error>() .unwrap_or_else(|e| Box::new(eother!(e))), ) })? .map_err(DaemonError::WaitDaemon)?; } else { // No more handles to wait break; } }

Ok(()) }

2.5.4 FUSE Umount 操作

Umount 事件和 TerminateService 事件的操作几乎一样,只是会在执行d.interrupt()之前先断开和 fuse 内核模块的连接:

Umount => d.disconnect().map(|r| { // Always interrupt fuse service loop after shutdown connection to kernel. // In case that kernel does not really shutdown the session due to some reasons // causing service loop keep waiting of `/dev/fuse`. d.interrupt(); d.wait_service() .unwrap_or_else(|e| error!("failed to wait service {}", e)); // at least all fuse thread stopped, no matter what error each thread got d.set_state(DaemonState::STOPPED); r }),

断开连接的d.disconnect() 方法:

fn disconnect(&self) -> DaemonResult<()> { self.service.disconnect() }

最终调用了session.umount() 方法:

fn disconnect(&self) -> DaemonResult<()> { let mutsession = self.session.lock().expect("Not expect poisoned lock."); session.umount().map_err(DaemonError::SessionShutdown)?; session.wake().map_err(DaemonError::SessionShutdown)?; Ok(()) }

fuse-backend-rs 中umount方法的实现:

/// Destroy a fuse session. pub fnumount(&mutself) -> Result<()> { ifletSome(file) =self.file.take() { ifletSome(mountpoint) =self.mountpoint.to_str() { fuse_kern_umount(mountpoint, file) } else { Err(SessionFailure("invalid mountpoint".to_string())) } } else { Ok(()) } }

此外,还有 Restore 和 StopStateMachine 事件:

Restore => { let res = d.restore(); if res.is_ok() { d.set_state(DaemonState::READY); } res } StopStateMachine => { d.set_state(DaemonState::STOPPED); Ok(()) }

Daemon 的状态为 STOPPED 时会结束此进程:

if d.get_state() == DaemonState::STOPPED { break; }




2.6 Mount FUSE 文件系统

如果不是热升级和 failover 操作,会向 FUSE 内核模块发起 mount 操作请求:

// 1. api_sock 已经存在,但不是热升级操作,也不是 failover // 2. api_sock 不存在 if (api_sock.as_ref().is_some() && !upgrade && !is_crashed(&mnt, api_sock.as_ref().unwrap())?) || api_sock.is_none() { ifletSome(cmd) = mount_cmd { daemon.service.mount(cmd)?; } daemon.service.session.lock().unwrap() .mount() .map_err(|e| eother!(e))?; daemon.on_event(DaemonStateMachineInput::Mount) .map_err(|e| eother!(e))?; daemon.on_event(DaemonStateMachineInput::Start) .map_err(|e| eother!(e))?; daemon.service.conn .store(calc_fuse_conn(mnt)?, Ordering::Relaxed); }

如果mount_cmd不为 None,则通过daemon.service.mount(cmd)挂载后端文件系统:

// NOTE: This method is not thread-safe, however, it is acceptable as // mount/umount/remount/restore_mount is invoked from single thread in FSM fn mount(&self, cmd: FsBackendMountCmd) -> DaemonResult<()> { ifself.backend_from_mountpoint(&cmd.mountpoint)?.is_some() { returnErr(DaemonError::AlreadyExists); } let backend = fs_backend_factory(&cmd)?; let index = self.get_vfs().mount(backend, &cmd.mountpoint)?; info!("{} filesystem mounted at {}", &cmd.fs_type, &cmd.mountpoint); self.backend_collection().add(&cmd.mountpoint, &cmd)?;

// Add mounts opaque to UpgradeManager ifletSome(mutmgr_guard) = self.upgrade_mgr() { upgrade::add_mounts_state(&mutmgr_guard, cmd, index)?; }

Ok(()) }


backend_from_mountpoint方法调用了Vfsget_rootfs方法,首先得到传入pathinode,然后查看对应inode是否存在mountpoints Hashmap 中:

/// Get the mounted backend file system alongside the path if there's one. pubfn get_rootfs(&self, path: &str) -> VfsResult<Option<Arc<BackFileSystem>>> { // Serialize mount operations. Do not expect poisoned lock here. let _guard = self.lock.lock().unwrap(); let inode = matchself.root.path_walk(path).map_err(VfsError::PathWalk)? { Some(i) => i, None => returnOk(None), };

ifletSome(mnt) = self.mountpoints.load().get(&inode) { Ok(Some(self.get_fs_by_idx(mnt.fs_idx).map_err(|e| { VfsError::NotFound(format!("fs index {}, {:?}", mnt.fs_idx, e)) })?)) } else { // Pseudo fs dir inode exists, but that no backend is ever mounted // is a normal case. Ok(None) } }

然后,通过fs_backend_factory(&cmd)方法获取文件系统后端,该方法的返回值是实现了BackendFileSystem+Sync+Sendtrait 的结构体。




pubenum FsBackendType { Rafs, PassthroughFs, }

2.6.1 初始化 RAFS backend

首先,解析从cmd传入的config内容,并根据传入的bootstrap文件路径,打开用于(从 bootstrap 中)读取文件系统的元数据信息的reader,绑定到bootstrap变量。接下来创建 rafs 实例,传入参数包括配置信息、挂载路径、bootstrap文件对应的reader

FsBackendType::Rafs => { let rafs_config = RafsConfig::from_str(cmd.config.as_str())?; let mutbootstrap = <dyn RafsIoRead>::from_file(&cmd.source)?; let mutrafs = Rafs::new(rafs_config, &cmd.mountpoint, &mutbootstrap)?; rafs.import(bootstrap, prefetch_files)?; info!("RAFS filesystem imported"); Ok(Box::new(rafs)) }

通过Rafs::new(rafs_config, &cmd.mountpoint, &mut bootstrap)方法创建 rafs 实例。

首先,准备配置信息storage_conf,并通过传入的conf参数创建RafsSuper实例。创建RafsSuper只是初始化配置信息,包括 RafsMode(有 Direct 和 Cached 两种可选)。接下来,通过sb.load(r)方法从bootstarp加载 RAFS 超级块的信息。RAFS V5 和 V6 两个版本的加载方式不同,try_load_v6方法:

pub(crate) fntry_load_v6(&mutself,r: &mut RafsIoReader) -> Result<bool> { let end =r.seek_to_end(0)?; r.seek_to_offset(0)?;

// 创建 RAFSV6SuperBlock 实例 let mutsb = RafsV6SuperBlock::new(); // 读取 RAFS V6 的超级块信息 // offset 1024,length 128 ifsb.load(r).is_err() { returnOk(false); } if !sb.is_rafs_v6() { returnOk(false); } sb.validate(end)?; // 设置 RAFS 超级块的 meta 信息 self.meta.version = RAFS_SUPER_VERSION_V6; self.meta.magic =sb.magic(); self.meta.meta_blkaddr =sb.s_meta_blkaddr; self.meta.root_nid =sb.s_root_nid;

// 创建 RafsV6SuperBlockExt 实例 let mutext_sb = RafsV6SuperBlockExt::new(); // 读取 RAFS V6 的扩展超级块信息 // offset 1024 + 128,length 256 ext_sb.load(r)?; ext_sb.validate(end)?; // 设置 RAFS 超级块的 meta 信息 self.meta.chunk_size =ext_sb.chunk_size(); self.meta.blob_table_offset =ext_sb.blob_table_offset(); self.meta.blob_table_size =ext_sb.blob_table_size(); self.meta.chunk_table_offset =ext_sb.chunk_table_offset(); self.meta.chunk_table_size =ext_sb.chunk_table_size(); self.meta.inodes_count =sb.inodes_count();

self.meta.flags = RafsSuperFlags::from_bits(ext_sb.flags()) .ok_or_else(|| einval!(format!("invalid super flags {:x}",ext_sb.flags())))?; info!("rafs superblock features: {}",self.meta.flags);

// 设置 RAFS 超级块 meta 中的预取列表信息 self.meta.prefetch_table_entries =ext_sb.prefetch_table_size() / size_of::<u32>() asu32; self.meta.prefetch_table_offset =ext_sb.prefetch_table_offset(); trace!( "prefetch table offset {} entries {} ", self.meta.prefetch_table_offset, self.meta.prefetch_table_entries );

matchself.mode { // 如果 RAFS 模式是 Direct,还需要创建 // DirectSuperBlockV6 实例并读取相关信息 RafsMode::Direct => { let mutsb_v6 = DirectSuperBlockV6::new(&self.meta); sb_v6.load(r)?; self.superblock = Arc::new(sb_v6); Ok(true) } RafsMode::Cached => Err(enosys!("Rafs v6 does not support cached mode")), } }

RAFS 超级块信息加载后,获取blob信息,然后创建rafs实例:

pubfn new(conf: RafsConfig, id: &str,r: &mut RafsIoReader) -> RafsResult<Self> { let storage_conf = Self::prepare_storage_conf(&conf)?; let mutsb = RafsSuper::new(&conf).map_err(RafsError::FillSuperblock)?; sb.load(r).map_err(RafsError::FillSuperblock)?; // 获取 super block 之后,从中获取 blob 信息(BlobInfo) let blob_infos =sb.superblock.get_blob_infos(); // 根据配置信息和 blobs 信息,遍历每条 blob_info, // 创建 BlobDevice 的实例 let device = BlobDevice::new(&storage_conf, &blob_infos).map_err(RafsError::CreateDevice)?; // 创建 rafs 实例 let rafs = Rafs { id: id.to_string(), device, // BlobDevice ios: metrics::FsIoStats::new(id), sb: Arc::new(sb),

initialized: false, // 还未初始化 digest_validate: conf.digest_validate, fs_prefetch: conf.fs_prefetch.enable, // 支持预取 amplify_io: conf.amplify_io, prefetch_all: conf.fs_prefetch.prefetch_all, xattr_enabled: conf.enable_xattr, // 开启 xattr

i_uid: geteuid().into(), // uid i_gid: getegid().into(), // gid i_time: SystemTime::now() .duration_since(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH) .unwrap() .as_secs(), };

// Rafs v6 does must store chunk info into local file cache. So blob cache is required if rafs.metadata().is_v6() { if conf.device.cache.cache_type != "blobcache" { returnErr(RafsError::Configure( "Rafs v6 must have local blobcache configured".to_string(), )); }

if conf.digest_validate { returnErr(RafsError::Configure( "Rafs v6 doesn't support integrity validation yet".to_string(), )); } }

rafs.ios.toggle_files_recording(conf.iostats_files); rafs.ios.toggle_access_pattern(conf.access_pattern); rafs.ios .toggle_latest_read_files_recording(conf.latest_read_files);

Ok(rafs) }

关于 rafs 文件系统(以 v6 为例)元数据在 bootstrap 文件中的分布,在 rafs/src/metadata/layout/v6.rs 中有详细定义:

/// EROFS metadata slot size. pubconst EROFS_INODE_SLOT_SIZE: usize = 1 << EROFS_INODE_SLOT_BITS; /// EROFS logical block size. pubconst EROFS_BLOCK_SIZE: u64 = 1u64 << EROFS_BLOCK_BITS; /// EROFS plain inode. pubconst EROFS_INODE_FLAT_PLAIN: u16 = 0; /// EROFS inline inode. pubconst EROFS_INODE_FLAT_INLINE: u16 = 2; /// EROFS chunked inode. pubconst EROFS_INODE_CHUNK_BASED: u16 = 4; /// EROFS device table offset. pub constEROFS_DEVTABLE_OFFSET: u16 = EROFS_SUPER_OFFSET + EROFS_SUPER_BLOCK_SIZE + EROFS_EXT_SUPER_BLOCK_SIZE;

pubconst EROFS_I_VERSION_BIT: u16 = 0; pubconst EROFS_I_VERSION_BITS: u16 = 1; pubconst EROFS_I_DATALAYOUT_BITS: u16 = 3;

// Offset of EROFS super block. pub constEROFS_SUPER_OFFSET: u16 = 1024; // Size of EROFS super block. pubconst EROFS_SUPER_BLOCK_SIZE: u16 = 128; // Size of extended super block, used for rafs v6 specific fields const EROFS_EXT_SUPER_BLOCK_SIZE: u16 = 256; // Magic number for EROFS super block. const EROFS_SUPER_MAGIC_V1: u32 = 0xE0F5_E1E2; // Bits of EROFS logical block size. const EROFS_BLOCK_BITS: u8 = 12; // Bits of EROFS metadata slot size. const EROFS_INODE_SLOT_BITS: u8 = 5;

创建rafs实例后,通过rafs.import(bootstrap, prefetch_files)方法初始化(导入bootstrapprefetch信息):

/// Import an rafs bootstrap to initialize the filesystem instance. pub fnimport( &mutself, r: RafsIoReader, prefetch_files: Option<Vec<PathBuf>>, ) -> RafsResult<()> { ifself.initialized { returnErr(RafsError::AlreadyMounted); } ifself.fs_prefetch { // Device should be ready before any prefetch. self.device.start_prefetch(); self.prefetch(r, prefetch_files); } self.initialized = true;

Ok(()) }

主要是开启prefetch线程,self.prefetch(r, prefetch_files)方法传入两个参数,r是 bootstrap 文件的 reader,prefetch_files是已经从 bootstrap 读取的预取文件列表:

fn prefetch(&self, reader: RafsIoReader, prefetch_files: Option<Vec<PathBuf>>) { let sb = self.sb.clone(); let device = self.device.clone(); let prefetch_all = self.prefetch_all; let root_ino = self.root_ino();

let _ = std::thread::spawn(move || { Self::do_prefetch(root_ino, reader, prefetch_files, prefetch_all, sb, device); }); }


pub fnimport( &mutself, r: RafsIoReader, prefetch_files: Option<Vec<PathBuf>>, ) -> RafsResult<()> { ifself.initialized { returnErr(RafsError::AlreadyMounted); } ifself.fs_prefetch { // Device should be ready before any prefetch. self.device.start_prefetch(); self.prefetch(r, prefetch_files); } self.initialized = true;

Ok(()) }

self.prefetch(r, prefetch_files)方法中,开启了预取线程:

fn prefetch(&self, reader: RafsIoReader, prefetch_files: Option<Vec<PathBuf>>) { let sb = self.sb.clone(); let device = self.device.clone(); let prefetch_all = self.prefetch_all; let root_ino = self.root_ino();

let _ = std::thread::spawn(move || { Self::do_prefetch(root_ino, reader, prefetch_files, prefetch_all, sb, device); }); }

线程中运行do_prefetch方法,按 chunk 粒度进行预取:

fn do_prefetch( root_ino: u64, mutreader: RafsIoReader, // bootstrap 对应的 reader prefetch_files: Option<Vec<PathBuf>>, prefetch_all: bool, sb: Arc<RafsSuper>, device: BlobDevice, ) { // First do range based prefetch for rafs v6. if sb.meta.is_v6() { // 生成 BlobPrefetchRequest,按 chunk 为粒度的请求 let mutprefetches = Vec::new();

for blob in sb.superblock.get_blob_infos() { let sz = blob.prefetch_size(); if sz > 0 { let mutoffset = 0; whileoffset < sz { // 按 chunk 为粒度生成请求 let len = cmp::min(sz -offset, RAFS_DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE); prefetches.push(BlobPrefetchRequest { blob_id: blob.blob_id().to_owned(), offset, len, }); offset+= len; } } } if !prefetches.is_empty() { // 通过 device 的 prefetch 进行预取 device.prefetch(&[], &prefetches).unwrap_or_else(|e| { warn!("Prefetch error, {:?}", e); }); } }

let fetcher = |desc: &mut BlobIoVec, last: bool| { ifdesc.size() asu64 > RAFS_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE ||desc.len() > 1024 || (last &&desc.size() > 0) { trace!( "fs prefetch: 0x{:x} bytes for {} descriptors", desc.size(), desc.len() ); device.prefetch(&[desc], &[]).unwrap_or_else(|e| { warn!("Prefetch error, {:?}", e); }); desc.reset(); } };

let mutignore_prefetch_all = prefetch_files .as_ref() .map(|f| f.len() == 1 && f[0].as_os_str() == "/") .unwrap_or(false);

// Then do file based prefetch based on: // - prefetch listed passed in by user // - or file prefetch list in metadata let inodes = prefetch_files.map(|files| Self::convert_file_list(&files, &sb)); let res = sb.prefetch_files(&device, &mutreader, root_ino, inodes, &fetcher); match res { Ok(true) =>ignore_prefetch_all = true, Ok(false) => {} Err(e) => info!("No file to be prefetched {:?}", e), }

// Last optionally prefetch all data if prefetch_all && !ignore_prefetch_all { let root = vec![root_ino]; let res = sb.prefetch_files(&device, &mutreader, root_ino, Some(root), &fetcher); ifletErr(e) = res { info!("No file to be prefetched {:?}", e); } } }


/// Try to prefetch specified blob data. pubfn prefetch( &self, io_vecs: &[&BlobIoVec], prefetches: &[BlobPrefetchRequest], ) -> io::Result<()> { for idx in0..prefetches.len() { // 根据 blob_id 获取 blob 信息 ifletSome(blob) = self.get_blob_by_id(&prefetches[idx].blob_id) { // 通过 blob 的 prefetch 方法进行预取 let _ = blob.prefetch(blob.clone(), &prefetches[idx..idx + 1], &[]); } }

for io_vec in io_vecs.iter() { ifletSome(blob) = self.get_blob_by_iovec(io_vec) { // Prefetch errors are ignored. let _ = blob .prefetch(blob.clone(), &[], &io_vec.bi_vec) .map_err(|e| { error!("failed to prefetch blob data, {}", e); }); } }

Ok(()) }

根据 blob_id获取 blob 后,调用prefetch方法:

fn prefetch( &self, blob_cache: Arc<dyn BlobCache>, prefetches: &[BlobPrefetchRequest], bios: &[BlobIoDesc], ) -> StorageResult<usize> { // Handle blob prefetch request first, it may help performance. for req in prefetches { // 生成异步预取请求消息 let msg = AsyncPrefetchMessage::new_blob_prefetch( blob_cache.clone(), req.offset asu64, req.len asu64, ); // 将请求消息通过 channel 传递给 worker let _ = self.workers.send_prefetch_message(msg); }

// Then handle fs prefetch let max_comp_size = self.prefetch_batch_size(); let mutbios = bios.to_vec(); bios.sort_by_key(|entry| entry.chunkinfo.compressed_offset()); self.metrics.prefetch_unmerged_chunks.add(bios.len() asu64); BlobIoMergeState::merge_and_issue( &bios, max_comp_size, max_comp_size asu64 >> RAFS_MERGING_SIZE_TO_GAP_SHIFT, |req: BlobIoRange| { // 生成异步预取请求消息 let msg = AsyncPrefetchMessage::new_fs_prefetch(blob_cache.clone(), req); let _ = self.workers.send_prefetch_message(msg); }, );

Ok(0) }


asyncfn handle_prefetch_requests(mgr: Arc<AsyncWorkerMgr>, rt: &Runtime) { // Max 1 active requests per thread. mgr.prefetch_sema.add_permits(1);

whileletOk(msg) = mgr.prefetch_channel.recv().await { mgr.handle_prefetch_rate_limit(&msg).await; let mgr2 = mgr.clone();

match msg { AsyncPrefetchMessage::BlobPrefetch(blob_cache, offset, size) => { let token = Semaphore::acquire_owned(mgr2.prefetch_sema.clone()) .await .unwrap(); if blob_cache.is_prefetch_active() { rt.spawn_blocking(move || { let _ = Self::handle_blob_prefetch_request( mgr2.clone(), blob_cache, offset, size, ); drop(token); }); } } AsyncPrefetchMessage::FsPrefetch(blob_cache, req) => { let token = Semaphore::acquire_owned(mgr2.prefetch_sema.clone()) .await .unwrap();

if blob_cache.is_prefetch_active() { rt.spawn_blocking(move || { let _ = Self::handle_fs_prefetch_request(mgr2.clone(), blob_cache, req); drop(token) }); } } AsyncPrefetchMessage::Ping => { let _ = mgr.ping_requests.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); } AsyncPrefetchMessage::RateLimiter(_size) => {} }

mgr.prefetch_inflight.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::Relaxed); } }

目前,有两种预取的方法:Blob 模式和 Fs 模式。

(1) Blob 模式预取


fn handle_blob_prefetch_request( mgr: Arc<AsyncWorkerMgr>, cache: Arc<dyn BlobCache>, offset: u64, size: u64, ) -> Result<()> { trace!( "storage: prefetch blob {} offset {} size {}", cache.blob_id(), offset, size ); if size == 0 { returnOk(()); } // 获取 blob object ifletSome(obj) = cache.get_blob_object() { // 获取 (offset, offset + size) 范围内的内容 ifletErr(e) = obj.fetch_range_compressed(offset, size) { warn!( "storage: failed to prefetch data from blob {}, offset {}, size {}, {}, will try resend", cache.blob_id(), offset, size, e );

ASYNC_RUNTIME.spawn(asyncmove { let mutinterval = interval(Duration::from_secs(1)); interval.tick().await; // 如果失败,重新发起预取消息 let msg = AsyncPrefetchMessage::new_blob_prefetch(cache.clone(), offset, size); let _ = mgr.send_prefetch_message(msg); }); } } else { warn!("prefetch blob range is not supported"); }

Ok(()) }

其中,主要的处理函数为obj.fetch_range_compressed(offset, size)

fn fetch_range_compressed(&self, offset: u64, size: u64) -> Result<()> { let meta = self.meta.as_ref().ok_or_else(|| einval!())?; let meta = meta.get_blob_meta().ok_or_else(|| einval!())?; let mutchunks = meta.get_chunks_compressed(offset, size, self.prefetch_batch_size())?; ifletSome(meta) = self.get_blob_meta_info()? { chunks = self.strip_ready_chunks(meta, None,chunks); } ifchunks.is_empty() { Ok(()) } else { self.do_fetch_chunks(&chunks, true) } }

meta.get_chunks_compressed方法用于获取包含(offset, offset + size)范围的chunk列表:

pubfn get_chunks_compressed( &self, start: u64, size: u64, batch_size: u64, ) -> Result<Vec<Arc<dyn BlobChunkInfo>>> { let end = start.checked_add(size).ok_or_else(|| { einval!(einval!(format!( "get_chunks_compressed: invalid start {}/size {}", start, size ))) })?; if end > self.state.compressed_size { returnErr(einval!(format!( "get_chunks_compressed: invalid end {}/compressed_size {}", end, self.state.compressed_size ))); } let batch_end = if batch_size <= size { end } else { std::cmp::min( start.checked_add(batch_size).unwrap_or(end), self.state.compressed_size, ) };

self.state .get_chunks_compressed(start, end, batch_end, batch_size) }


fn _get_chunks_compressed<T: BlobMetaChunkInfo>( state: &Arc<BlobMetaState>, chunk_info_array: &[T], start: u64, end: u64, batch_end: u64, batch_size: u64, ) -> Result<Vec<Arc<dyn BlobChunkInfo>>> { let mutvec = Vec::with_capacity(512); let mutindex = Self::_get_chunk_index_nocheck(chunk_info_array, start, true)?; let entry = Self::get_chunk_entry(state, chunk_info_array,index)?;

// Special handling of ZRan chunks if entry.is_zran() { let zran_index = entry.get_zran_index(); let pos = state.zran_info_array[zran_index asusize].in_offset(); let mutzran_last = zran_index;

whileindex > 0 { let entry = Self::get_chunk_entry(state, chunk_info_array,index - 1)?; if !entry.is_zran() { returnErr(einval!( "inconsistent ZRan and non-ZRan chunk information entries" )); } elseif entry.get_zran_index() != zran_index { // reach the header chunk associated with the same ZRan context. break; } else { index-= 1; } }

let mutvec = Vec::with_capacity(128); for entry in &chunk_info_array[index..] { entry.validate(state)?; if !entry.is_zran() { returnErr(einval!( "inconsistent ZRan and non-ZRan chunk information entries" )); } if entry.get_zran_index() !=zran_last { let ctx = &state.zran_info_array[entry.get_zran_index() asusize]; if ctx.in_offset() + ctx.in_size() asu64 - pos > batch_size && entry.compressed_offset() > end { returnOk(vec); } zran_last = entry.get_zran_index(); } vec.push(BlobMetaChunk::new(index, state)); } returnOk(vec); }

vec.push(BlobMetaChunk::new(index, state)); let mutlast_end = entry.compressed_end(); iflast_end >= batch_end { Ok(vec) } else { whileindex + 1 < chunk_info_array.len() { index+= 1;

let entry = Self::get_chunk_entry(state, chunk_info_array,index)?; // Avoid read amplify if next chunk is too big. iflast_end >= end && entry.compressed_end() > batch_end { returnOk(vec); }

vec.push(BlobMetaChunk::new(index, state)); last_end = entry.compressed_end(); iflast_end >= batch_end { returnOk(vec); } }

Err(einval!(format!( "entry not found index {} chunk_info_array.len {}", index, chunk_info_array.len(), ))) } }


fn strip_ready_chunks( &self, meta: Arc<BlobMetaInfo>, old_chunks: Option<&[Arc<dyn BlobChunkInfo>]>, mutextended_chunks: Vec<Arc<dyn BlobChunkInfo>>, ) -> Vec<Arc<dyn BlobChunkInfo>> { ifself.is_zran { let mutset = HashSet::new(); for c inextended_chunks.iter() { if !matches!(self.chunk_map.is_ready(c.as_ref()), Ok(true)) { set.insert(meta.get_zran_index(c.id())); } }

let first = old_chunks.as_ref().map(|v| v[0].id()).unwrap_or(u32::MAX); let mutstart = 0; whilestart <extended_chunks.len() { let id =extended_chunks[start].id(); if id == first ||set.contains(&meta.get_zran_index(id)) { break; } start+= 1; }

let last = old_chunks .as_ref() .map(|v| v[v.len() - 1].id()) .unwrap_or(u32::MAX); let mutend =extended_chunks.len() - 1; whileend >start { let id =extended_chunks[end].id(); if id == last ||set.contains(&meta.get_zran_index(id)) { break; } end-= 1; }

assert!(end >=start); ifstart == 0 &&end ==extended_chunks.len() - 1 { extended_chunks } else { extended_chunks[start..=end].to_vec() } } else { while !extended_chunks.is_empty() { let chunk = &extended_chunks[extended_chunks.len() - 1]; if matches!(self.chunk_map.is_ready(chunk.as_ref()), Ok(true)) { extended_chunks.pop(); } else { break; } } extended_chunks } }

然后,通过self.do_fetch_chunks(&chunks, true)方法获取chunks的数据:

fn do_fetch_chunks(&self, chunks: &[Arc<dyn BlobChunkInfo>], prefetch: bool) -> Result<()> { // Validate input parameters. assert!(!chunks.is_empty()); if chunks.len() > 1 { for idx in0..chunks.len() - 1 { assert_eq!(chunks[idx].id() + 1, chunks[idx + 1].id()); } }

// Get chunks not ready yet, also marking them as in-flight. let bitmap = self .chunk_map .as_range_map() .ok_or_else(|| einval!("invalid chunk_map for do_fetch_chunks()"))?; let chunk_index = chunks[0].id(); let count = chunks.len() asu32; let pending = match bitmap.check_range_ready_and_mark_pending(chunk_index, count)? { None => returnOk(()), Some(v) => v, };

let mutstatus = vec![false; count asusize]; let (start_idx, end_idx) = ifself.is_zran { for chunk_id in pending.iter() { status[(*chunk_id - chunk_index) asusize] = true; } (0, pending.len()) } else { let mutstart = u32::MAX; let mutend = 0; for chunk_id in pending.iter() { status[(*chunk_id - chunk_index) asusize] = true; start = std::cmp::min(*chunk_id - chunk_index,start); end = std::cmp::max(*chunk_id - chunk_index,end); } ifend <start { returnOk(()); } (start asusize,end asusize) };

let start_chunk = &chunks[start_idx]; let end_chunk = &chunks[end_idx]; let (blob_offset, blob_end, blob_size) = self.get_blob_range(&chunks[start_idx..=end_idx])?; trace!( "fetch data range {:x}-{:x} for chunk {}-{} from blob {:x}", blob_offset, blob_end, start_chunk.id(), end_chunk.id(), chunks[0].blob_index() );

// 从 backend 读取数据 matchself.read_chunks_from_backend( blob_offset, blob_size, &chunks[start_idx..=end_idx], prefetch, ) { Ok(mutbufs) => { ifself.is_compressed { let res = Self::persist_cached_data(&self.file, blob_offset,bufs.compressed_buf()); for idx in start_idx..=end_idx { ifstatus[idx] { self.update_chunk_pending_status(chunks[idx].as_ref(), res.is_ok()); } } } else { for idx in start_idx..=end_idx { let mutbuf = matchbufs.next() { None => returnErr(einval!("invalid chunk decompressed status")), Some(Err(e)) => { for idx in idx..=end_idx { ifstatus[idx] { bitmap.clear_range_pending(chunks[idx].id(), 1) } } returnErr(e); } Some(Ok(v)) => v, };

ifstatus[idx] { ifself.dio_enabled { self.adjust_buffer_for_dio(&mutbuf) } self.persist_chunk_data(chunks[idx].as_ref(),buf.as_ref()); } } } } Err(e) => { for idx in0..chunks.len() { ifstatus[idx] { bitmap.clear_range_pending(chunks[idx].id(), 1) } } returnErr(e); } }

if !bitmap.wait_for_range_ready(chunk_index, count)? { if prefetch { returnErr(eio!("failed to read data from storage backend")); }

// if we are in on-demand path, retry for the timeout chunks for chunk in chunks { matchself.chunk_map.check_ready_and_mark_pending(chunk.as_ref()) { Err(e) => returnErr(eio!(format!("do_fetch_chunks failed, {:?}", e))), Ok(true) => {} Ok(false) => { info!("retry for timeout chunk, {}", chunk.id()); let mutbuf = alloc_buf(chunk.uncompressed_size() asusize); self.read_chunk_from_backend(chunk.as_ref(), &mutbuf) .map_err(|e| { self.update_chunk_pending_status(chunk.as_ref(), false); eio!(format!("read_raw_chunk failed, {:?}", e)) })?; ifself.dio_enabled { self.adjust_buffer_for_dio(&mutbuf) } self.persist_chunk_data(chunk.as_ref(), &buf); } } } }

Ok(()) }

其中self.read_chunks_from_backend方法实现从 backend 读取数据:

fn read_chunks_from_backend<'a, 'b>( &'aself, blob_offset: u64, blob_size: usize, chunks: &'b [Arc<dyn BlobChunkInfo>], prefetch: bool, ) -> Result<ChunkDecompressState<'a, 'b>> where Self: Sized, { // Read requested data from the backend by altogether. let mutc_buf = alloc_buf(blob_size); let start = Instant::now(); let nr_read = self .reader() .read(c_buf.as_mut_slice(), blob_offset) .map_err(|e| eio!(e))?; if nr_read != blob_size { returnErr(eio!(format!( "request for {} bytes but got {} bytes", blob_size, nr_read ))); } let duration = Instant::now().duration_since(start).as_millis(); debug!( "read_chunks_from_backend: {} {} {} bytes at {}, duration {}ms", std::thread::current().name().unwrap_or_default(), if prefetch { "prefetch" } else { "fetch" }, blob_size, blob_offset, duration );

let chunks = chunks.iter().map(|v| v.as_ref()).collect(); Ok(ChunkDecompressState::new(blob_offset, self, chunks,c_buf)) }

self.reader().read方法是对 backend 的抽象,每个请求失败后会重试retry_count次:

fn read(&self,buf: &mut [u8], offset: u64) -> BackendResult<usize> { let mutretry_count = self.retry_limit(); let begin_time = self.metrics().begin();

loop { matchself.try_read(buf, offset) { Ok(size) => { self.metrics().end(&begin_time,buf.len(), false); returnOk(size); } Err(err) => { ifretry_count > 0 { warn!( "Read from backend failed: {:?}, retry count {}", err,retry_count ); retry_count-= 1; } else { self.metrics().end(&begin_time,buf.len(), true); ERROR_HOLDER .lock() .unwrap() .push(&format!("{:?}", err)) .unwrap_or_else(|_| error!("Failed when try to hold error")); returnErr(err); } } } } }

不同 backend 的try_read方法实现不同,目前,nydus分别实现了localfsregistryOSS三种 backend。

(2) Fs 模式预取


fn handle_fs_prefetch_request( mgr: Arc<AsyncWorkerMgr>, cache: Arc<dyn BlobCache>, req: BlobIoRange, ) -> Result<()> { let blob_offset = req.blob_offset; let blob_size = req.blob_size; trace!( "storage: prefetch fs data from blob {} offset {} size {}", cache.blob_id(), blob_offset, blob_size ); if blob_size == 0 { returnOk(()); }

// Record how much prefetch data is requested from storage backend. // So the average backend merged request size will be prefetch_data_amount/prefetch_mr_count. // We can measure merging possibility by this. mgr.metrics.prefetch_mr_count.inc(); mgr.metrics.prefetch_data_amount.add(blob_size);

ifletSome(obj) = cache.get_blob_object() { obj.prefetch_chunks(&req)?; } else { cache.prefetch_range(&req)?; }

Ok(()) }

Fs 模式的预取有两种情况,(1)如果有缓存的blob时:

fn prefetch_chunks(&self, range: &BlobIoRange) -> Result<()> { let chunks_extended; let mutchunks = &range.chunks; ifletSome(v) = self.extend_pending_chunks(chunks, self.prefetch_batch_size())? { chunks_extended = v; chunks = &chunks_extended; }

let mutstart = 0; whilestart <chunks.len() { // Figure out the range with continuous chunk ids, be careful that `end` is inclusive. let mutend =start; whileend <chunks.len() - 1 &&chunks[end + 1].id() ==chunks[end].id() + 1 { end+= 1; } self.do_fetch_chunks(&chunks[start..=end], true)?; start =end + 1; }

Ok(()) }

准备好chunks后,也是调用了do_fetch_chunks方法,和 Blob 模式相同。


fn prefetch_range(&self, range: &BlobIoRange) -> Result<usize> { let mutpending = Vec::with_capacity(range.chunks.len()); if !self.chunk_map.is_persist() { let mutd_size = 0; for c in range.chunks.iter() { d_size = std::cmp::max(d_size, c.uncompressed_size() asusize); } let mutbuf = alloc_buf(d_size);

for c in range.chunks.iter() { ifletOk(true) = self.chunk_map.check_ready_and_mark_pending(c.as_ref()) { // The chunk is ready, so skip it. continue; }

// For digested chunk map, we must check whether the cached data is valid because // the digested chunk map cannot persist readiness state. let d_size = c.uncompressed_size() asusize; matchself.read_file_cache(c.as_ref(), &mutbuf[0..d_size]) { // The cached data is valid, set the chunk as ready. Ok(_v) => self.update_chunk_pending_status(c.as_ref(), true), // The cached data is invalid, queue the chunk for reading from backend. Err(_e) =>pending.push(c.clone()), } } } else { for c in range.chunks.iter() { ifletOk(true) = self.chunk_map.check_ready_and_mark_pending(c.as_ref()) { // The chunk is ready, so skip it. continue; } else { pending.push(c.clone()); } } }

let muttotal_size = 0; let mutstart = 0; whilestart <pending.len() { // Figure out the range with continuous chunk ids, be careful that `end` is inclusive. let mutend =start; whileend <pending.len() - 1 &&pending[end + 1].id() ==pending[end].id() + 1 { end+= 1; }

let (blob_offset, _blob_end, blob_size) = self.get_blob_range(&pending[start..=end])?; matchself.read_chunks_from_backend(blob_offset, blob_size, &pending[start..=end], true) { Ok(mutbufs) => { total_size+= blob_size; ifself.is_compressed { let res = Self::persist_cached_data( &self.file, blob_offset, bufs.compressed_buf(), ); for c inpending.iter().take(end + 1).skip(start) { self.update_chunk_pending_status(c.as_ref(), res.is_ok()); } } else { for idx instart..=end { let buf = matchbufs.next() { None => returnErr(einval!("invalid chunk decompressed status")), Some(Err(e)) => { forchunk in &mutpending[idx..=end] { self.update_chunk_pending_status(chunk.as_ref(), false); } returnErr(e); } Some(Ok(v)) => v, }; self.persist_chunk_data(pending[idx].as_ref(), &buf); } } } Err(_e) => { // Clear the pending flag for all chunks in processing. forchunk in &mutpending[start..=end] { self.update_chunk_pending_status(chunk.as_ref(), false); } } }

start =end + 1; }

Ok(total_size) }

明确需要获取的数据 range 后,直接调用read_chunks_from_backend从 backend 读取内容。

2.6.2 初始化 PassthroughFs backend

创建 fs 配置信息实例,根据配置信息创建 PassthroughFs 实例:

let fs_cfg = Config { root_dir: cmd.source.to_string(), do_import: false, writeback: true, no_open: true, xattr: true, ..Default::default() }; // TODO: Passthrough Fs needs to enlarge rlimit against host. We can exploit `MountCmd` // `config` field to pass such a configuration into here. let passthrough_fs = PassthroughFs::<()>::new(fs_cfg).map_err(DaemonError::PassthroughFs)?; passthrough_fs .import() .map_err(DaemonError::PassthroughFs)?; info!("PassthroughFs imported"); Ok(Box::new(passthrough_fs))

创建 PassthroughFs 实例:

/// Create a Passthrough file system instance. pubfn new(cfg: Config) -> io::Result<PassthroughFs<S>> { // Safe because this is a constant value and a valid C string. let proc_self_fd_cstr = unsafe { CStr::from_bytes_with_nul_unchecked(PROC_SELF_FD_CSTR) }; // 打开 /proc/self/fd 文件 let proc_self_fd = Self::open_file( libc::AT_FDCWD, proc_self_fd_cstr, libc::O_PATH | libc::O_NOFOLLOW | libc::O_CLOEXEC, 0, )?;

Ok(PassthroughFs { inode_map: InodeMap::new(), next_inode: AtomicU64::new(fuse::ROOT_ID + 1),

handle_map: HandleMap::new(), next_handle: AtomicU64::new(1), mount_fds: MountFds::new(),


writeback: AtomicBool::new(false), no_open: AtomicBool::new(false), no_opendir: AtomicBool::new(false), killpriv_v2: AtomicBool::new(false), no_readdir: AtomicBool::new(cfg.no_readdir), perfile_dax: AtomicBool::new(false), cfg,

phantom: PhantomData, }) }

passthrough_fs.import() 初始化文件系统。

/// Initialize the Passthrough file system. pubfn import(&self) -> io::Result<()> { let root = CString::new(self.cfg.root_dir.as_str()).expect("CString::new failed");

let (file_or_handle, st, ids_altkey, handle_altkey) = Self::open_file_or_handle( self.cfg.inode_file_handles, libc::AT_FDCWD, &root, &self.mount_fds, |fd, flags, _mode| { let pathname = CString::new(format!("{}", fd)) .map_err(|e| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, e))?; Self::open_file(self.proc_self_fd.as_raw_fd(), &pathname, flags, 0) }, ) .map_err(|e| { error!("fuse: import: failed to get file or handle: {:?}", e); e })?;

// Safe because this doesn't modify any memory and there is no need to check the return // value because this system call always succeeds. We need to clear the umask here because // we want the client to be able to set all the bits in the mode. unsafe { libc::umask(0o000) };

// Not sure why the root inode gets a refcount of 2 but that's what libfuse does. self.inode_map.insert( fuse::ROOT_ID, InodeData::new( fuse::ROOT_ID, file_or_handle, 2, ids_altkey, st.get_stat().st_mode, ), ids_altkey, handle_altkey, );

Ok(()) }

初始化 backend 文件系统完成。

回到daemon.service.mount(cmd)方法。接下来,通过self.get_vfs().mount(backend, &cmd.mountpoint)方法挂载 backend 文件系统:

/// Mount a backend file system to path pubfn mount(&self, fs: BackFileSystem, path: &str) -> VfsResult<VfsIndex> { let (entry, ino) = fs.mount().map_err(VfsError::Mount)?; if ino > VFS_MAX_INO { fs.destroy(); returnErr(VfsError::InodeIndex(format!( "Unsupported max inode number, requested {} supported {}", ino, VFS_MAX_INO ))); }

// Serialize mount operations. Do not expect poisoned lock here. let _guard = self.lock.lock().unwrap(); ifself.initialized() { let opts = self.opts.load().deref().out_opts; fs.init(opts).map_err(|e| { VfsError::Initialize(format!("Can't initialize with opts {:?}, {:?}", opts, e)) })?; } let index = self.allocate_fs_idx().map_err(VfsError::FsIndex)?; self.insert_mount_locked(fs, entry, index, path) .map_err(VfsError::Mount)?;

Ok(index) }

首先,通过fs.mount()方法获取 backend 文件系统root inodeentry和最大的inode,对于 RAFS:

impl BackendFileSystem for Rafs { fn mount(&self) -> Result<(Entry, u64)> { let root_inode = self.sb.get_inode(self.root_ino(), self.digest_validate)?; self.ios.new_file_counter(root_inode.ino()); let e = self.get_inode_entry(root_inode); // e 为 root inode 的 entry,第二个参数是支持的最大 inode 值 Ok((e, self.sb.get_max_ino())) } ... }



由于nydus通过index区分不同的pseudofs文件系统(具体来说,长度为 64 位的 inode 中前 8 位),因此,最多可以有 256 个pseudofs文件系统。

接下来,通过self.insert_mount_locked(fs, entry, index, path)方法挂载path,并且将index和新建pseudofsentry关联起来:

fn insert_mount_locked( &self, fs: BackFileSystem, mutentry: Entry, fs_idx: VfsIndex, path: &str, ) -> Result<()> { // The visibility of mountpoints and superblocks: // superblock should be committed first because it won't be accessed until // a lookup returns a cross mountpoint inode. let mutsuperblocks = self.superblocks.load().deref().deref().clone(); let mutmountpoints = self.mountpoints.load().deref().deref().clone(); // 挂载 path,得到 inode let inode = self.root.mount(path)?; let real_root_ino =entry.inode;

// 根据 index 对 inodes 进行 hash entry.inode = self.convert_inode(fs_idx,entry.inode)?;

// 如果已经存在 mountpoint,先设置为 None // Over mount would invalidate previous superblock inodes. ifletSome(mnt) =mountpoints.get(&inode) { superblocks[mnt.fs_idx asusize] = None; } superblocks[fs_idx asusize] = Some(Arc::new(fs)); self.superblocks.store(Arc::new(superblocks)); trace!("fs_idx {} inode {}", fs_idx, inode);

let mountpoint = Arc::new(MountPointData { fs_idx, ino: real_root_ino, root_entry:entry, _path: path.to_string(), }); // 将新的 mount 添加到 self.mountpoints mountpoints.insert(inode, mountpoint); self.mountpoints.store(Arc::new(mountpoints));

Ok(()) }


// mount creates path walk nodes all the way from root // to @path, and returns pseudo fs inode number for the path pubfn mount(&self, mountpoint: &str) -> Result<u64> { let path = Path::new(mountpoint); if !path.has_root() { error!("pseudo fs mount failure: invalid mount path {}", mountpoint); returnErr(Error::from_raw_os_error(libc::EINVAL)); }

letmut inodes = self.inodes.load(); letmut inode = &self.root_inode;

'outer: for component in path.components() { trace!("pseudo fs mount iterate {:?}", component.as_os_str()); match component { Component::RootDir => continue, Component::CurDir => continue, Component::ParentDir => inode = inodes.get(&inode.parent).unwrap(), Component::Prefix(_) => { error!("unsupported path: {}", mountpoint); returnErr(Error::from_raw_os_error(libc::EINVAL)); } Component::Normal(path) => { let name = path.to_str().unwrap();

// Optimistic check without lock. for child in inode.children.load().iter() { if child.name == name { inode = inodes.get(&child.ino).unwrap(); continue'outer; } } ... // 没找到对应 name 的 node,新建 let new_node = self.create_inode(name, inode); inodes = self.inodes.load(); inode = inodes.get(&new_node.ino).unwrap(); } } }

// Now we have all path components exist, return the last one Ok(inode.ino) }

self.convert_inode(fs_idx, entry.inode)方法将pseudofs的 inode 根据 index 进行偏移,避免多个pseudofs的 inode 相同:

// 1. Pseudo fs 的根 inode 不进行 hash // 2. 由于 Index 总是大于 0,因此 pseudo fs 的 inodes 不受影响(也会进行 hash) // 3. 其它 inodes通过 (index << 56 | inode) 进行 hash fn convert_inode(&self, fs_idx: VfsIndex, inode: u64) -> Result<u64> { // Do not hash negative dentry if inode == 0 { returnOk(inode); } if inode > VFS_MAX_INO { returnErr(Error::new( ErrorKind::Other, format!( "Inode number {} too large, max supported {}", inode, VFS_MAX_INO ), )); } let ino: u64 = ((fs_idx asu64) << VFS_INDEX_SHIFT) | inode; trace!( "fuse: vfs fs_idx {} inode {} fuse ino {:#x}", fs_idx, inode, ino ); Ok(ino) }

挂载 backend 文件系统结束。

根据mount_cmd准备好文件系统后端(例如,RAFS backend),接下来通过 FUSE 进行挂载。daemon.service.session.lock().unwrap().mount()函数是fuse-backend-rsFuseSession结构体的方法:


fuse_kern_mount方法中,准备好需要的参数后,会调用nix crate 中的mount方法,这个方法最终调用了libc中的mount函数:





StartService => d.start().map(|r| { d.set_state(DaemonState::RUNNING); r }),

nydusd 在运行期间有 8 个线程,到目前为止,我们已经启动了其中的 6 个线程(fuse_server 的数量可以配置),接下来,还要启动两个线程 nydus-http-server 和 api-server。

最后,获取挂载点的 major 和 minor 信息,存储在元数据中。

create_fuse_daemon() 方法执行完成后,如果成功会打印如下日志信息:

[1] nydus: https://github.com/dragonflyoss/image-service.git

[2] fuse-backend-rs: https://github.com/cloud-hypervisor/fuse-backend-rs



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