Microsoft Store gets jump list with recent apps and categories

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.neowin.net/news/microsoft-store-gets-jump-list-with-recent-apps-and-categories/
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Microsoft Store gets jump list with recent apps and categories

The Microsoft Store Logo

Microsoft has finished this week with a humongous fresh Dev build containing all sorts of changes and improvements, such as website recommendations on the Start menu, numerous upgrades for Task Manager, new Suggested Actions, and many more. As frequently happens in the Dev Channel, the latest build comes with extra app updates, and it is Microsoft Store's turn to receive new features alongside the operating system.

Windows Insiders can download a new Microsoft Store version (22210.1401.X) with jump list support. If you are unfamiliar with the feature, jump lists are contextual menus that appear on the screen when you right-click an icon on the taskbar. Jump lists provide access to popular actions in apps, pinned items, and recent files. Now the Microsoft Store has received these capabilities.

A Windows Tablet with a jump list for the Microsoft Store

The latest Microsoft Store version lets you right-click the icon to open a specific category (Apps, Gaming, Movies, Library) and launch recently added apps. Not a groundbreaking improvement by any means, but still a welcomed addition that makes the Microsoft Store a little more convenient.

Jump list support joins other enhancements Microsoft introduced for its storefront not so long ago. Earlier this month, Microsoft added an improved and optimized search UX and the ability to discover software bonuses that come bundled with your computer.

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