AI Canvas - Figma meets Midjourney and DALL–E | Product Hunt

 1 year ago
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Figma meets Midjourney and DALL–E

This is one of the most transformational collaborative generative AI art tools I've seen yet. I'm totally gobsmacked!
@chrismessina thanks for hunting us Chris! We had so much fun building it and can't wait for everyone to try it !

Hey, Product Hunt community! I’m Olof, founder of Kive. Thanks for hunting us @chrismessina

🪄 We are just pulling the wraps off AI Canvas, a magical new product from Kive that brings a multiplayer experience to image generation with AI. We’ve been working around the clock on this lately, and we are so excited to share it with you all and hear what you think! First, a quick story – maybe not the “typical” tech-story:

🎥 I spent the last decade as a film director, making ads for everything from Nike to Spotify. For my entire professional life I’ve been a creative, but two years ago I put the camera down, and started obsessively writing code instead.

🥜 If that sounds nuts, it totally was – but I had an idea I couldn’t shake about what AI would mean for creative work. In the 2 years since, Kive has sprung into being, and some of the best creatives in the world are now using AI to collect inspiration, creative assets and to collaborate.

🌊 This spring as a wave of generative AI started washing over the world, we realised this would change everything and got to work on the next phase of Kive. And today I’m so excited to show you AI Canvas.

So what’s AI Canvas?

It’s a collaborative tool for generating visuals with AI. It’s designed for teams and allows creatives in marketing, design, film, brand, communication or anything visual really, to generate visual assets with greater control, ease of use and most of all – together. Imagine Figma meets Midjourney.

We didn’t build this overnight. We’re big fans of many of the existing generative products out there, but we felt a number of things were lacking, and wanted to re-imagine image generation our way. In particular, we felt that:

🤝 Creating is better together Sharing a canvas to create together can be much more productive and fun than sending things back and forth. So we decided to build a multiplayer canvas. In AI Canvas you can add up to 20 people to the same project, which makes it incredibly fun and productive to:

- Brainstorm with collaborators - Engage your clients interactively - Sketch out an idea with your team

🤌 Tweaking Most generators out there let you enter a prompt and get an image. If the output is *almost* right but not 100%, you have to scrap it and start over. We thought this was very limiting. To change a detail in AI Canvas, all you have to do is erase that bit and generate something else in its place.

⚒️ Creating bit by bit In AI Canvas there are no boundaries, so you can keep adding and building outside the borders of your image. Building an image bit by bit turns out to allow for much greater flexibility. Suddenly you can mix and match styles, create highly detailed images, and brainstorm in an intuitive way. This is great for marketers, filmmakers, designers and all creatives who want to keep building on an idea.

🤳 Filters make prompting easier Generating with AI shouldn’t mean you have to hunt down complex prompts to make something that looks good. While filters are 100% optional in AI Canvas, they can help you:

- Get to a good result much quicker - Switch between different styles, and create within that style - Use filters like “Storyboard”, “Realistic” and “Concept Art” to create something astonishing in seconds.

Creating and using AI Canvas internally has been so much fun. Now, it’s time for us to invite you in and see what you think!

Try AI Canvas for your next brainstorm, to create a marketing asset or a social post and let us know what works and what doesn’t. Sign up today and get free credits to create with and 50% off a credit pack!

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