Tim Cook: Apple is still hiring but being ‘very deliberate’

 1 year ago
source link: https://macdailynews.com/2022/11/14/tim-cook-apple-is-still-hiring-but-being-very-deliberate/
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Tim Cook: Apple is still hiring but being ‘very deliberate’

Monday, November 14, 2022 2:29 pmMonday, November 14, 20221 Comment

As many tech and other U.S. firms institute hiring freezes and layoffs, Apple CEO Tim Cook said Monday that the company was hiring new employees in some roles even as it takes a more deliberate hiring approach overall.

Apple CEO Tim Cook
Apple CEO Tim Cook

Emily Bary for MarketWatch:

“What we’re doing as a consequence of being in this period is we’re being very deliberate on our hiring,” he told CBS News in an interview. “That means we’re continuing to hire, but not everywhere in the company.”

Cook added that Apple executives “believe strongly in investing for the long term” and that they “don’t believe you can save your way to prosperity.”

Cook also described Apple’s philosophy on employees returning to the office, commenting that the nature of the company means that people “have to hold [the] product” and “collaborate with one another.” With that in mind, he said he sees value in the serendipity of in-person interactions, although he noted that Apple employees aren’t in the office five days a week and that on Fridays, the company’s offices resemble a “ghost town.”

MacDailyNews Take: Paying employees for 5 days per week. Getting a total of 4 at most. Genius.

Apple’s current openings are here.

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