Refurbishment_subcontracting issues during GR

 1 year ago
source link: https://answers.sap.com/questions/13755364/refurbishment-subcontracting-issues-during-gr.html
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4 hours ago

Refurbishment_subcontracting issues during GR


I have three valuation types for a material for plant ABCD and storage location 0001

New, refurbished and faulty

All 3 have the same valuation class

New 300 USD

Refurbished 200 USD

Faulty 100 USD

I created a refurbishment order for subcontracting in transaction IW81

From plant ABCD storage location 0001 valuation faulty

To plant ABCD storage location 0001 valuation refurbished

I click control key PM02 click the checkbox subcontracting and enter other details, material I select rework

From the PR that gets generated automatically I go to tcode ADSUBCON then create PO via PR

For the PO in material data component tab valuation is faulty while in delivery tab the valuation is refurbished.I created a PO for quantity 1.

I then do the post goods issue in the ADSUBCON transaction for valuation type A and movement type 541. In MMBE I could see the stock transfer to vendor us 1.

Now while I do the GR in the ADSUBCON transaction, I could see two materials one for refurbished movement type 101 and other for faulty movement type 543. I Click on Item ok for both the items and post. Two material documents are posted. But when I check in MMBE no stock can be seen for refurbished or faulty valuation type.

What mistake am I doing?

Do the valuation types need to have different valuation class or maintained in different storage locations for the same plant.

Before doing post goods issue I don't click on the delivery for PO as that button is disabled.

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