GitHub - jafarlihi/eemit: Tiny event emitter library for Java. Lets you emit obj...

 1 year ago
source link: https://github.com/jafarlihi/eemit
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eemit is a Java event emitter library





implementation 'com.github.jafarlihi:eemit:0.1.0'


import io.github.jafarlihi.eemit.EventEmitter;


// Create EventEmitter with any type as an event type, here just String
EventEmitter<String> emitter = new EventEmitter<>();

// Listen to events on channel "channel666", pass in a lambda that'll receive channel name and the event object
emitter.on("channel666", (channel, object) -> {
  // Do something with object (which is String because we parameterized EventEmitter with String)
  // "channel" argument will either be "channel666" or "*" here

// Listen to events on all channels
emitter.on("*", (channel, object) -> {
  // Do something with object

// Emit an event on "channel666", second parameter is of type that you parameterized EventEmitter with
emitter.emit("channel666", "Some string");

// Emit to all channels
emitter.emit("*", "Some string");

// How to unlisten:
String uuid = emitter.on("channel666", (channel, object) -> {
  // Do something with object
// Unregister callback

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