选择图像区域矩形框控件【原创】 - Bonker

 1 year ago
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1. 矩形框控件效果如何?

  • 上下左右等8点可以拉伸
  • 鼠标滑轮支持缩放,矩形框边框等比例缩放
  • 选中矩形框左右拖拽
  • 返回矩形框区域对应的图片的X,Y坐标
  • 可同时支持多个矩形框

2. 矩形框使用方式?

rockRectControl.BackImage = bitmap;
RockRectangle rect = new RockRectangle();
var p1 = item.DistinguishRegion.LeftTopCorner;
var p2 = item.DistinguishRegion.RightBottomCorner;
rect.Rectangle = Rectangle.FromLTRB((int)p1.X, (int)p1.Y, (int)p2.X, (int)p2.Y);
  • 获取矩形框区域对应的图片坐标
Rectangle r = rockRectControl.RockRectangles[i].Rectangle;
var rp = new RockRegion();
rp.LeftTopCorner.X = r.X;
rp.LeftTopCorner.Y = r.Y;
rp.RightBottomCorner.X = r.Right;
rp.RightBottomCorner.Y = r.Bottom;

3. 矩形框控件源码?

  • RockRectangle源码
using System.Drawing;

namespace NcModule.Tools;

public class RockRectangle
    private List<LittleRectangle> littleRectangles = new List<LittleRectangle>();
    public Rectangle Rectangle { set; get; }

    internal List<LittleRectangle> GetLittleRectangles()
        littleRectangles.Add(new LittleRectangle(Rectangle, PosSizableRect.LeftUp));
        littleRectangles.Add(new LittleRectangle(Rectangle, PosSizableRect.LeftMiddle));
        littleRectangles.Add(new LittleRectangle(Rectangle, PosSizableRect.LeftBottom));
        littleRectangles.Add(new LittleRectangle(Rectangle, PosSizableRect.BottomMiddle));
        littleRectangles.Add(new LittleRectangle(Rectangle, PosSizableRect.RightUp));
        littleRectangles.Add(new LittleRectangle(Rectangle, PosSizableRect.RightBottom));
        littleRectangles.Add(new LittleRectangle(Rectangle, PosSizableRect.RightMiddle));
        littleRectangles.Add(new LittleRectangle(Rectangle, PosSizableRect.UpMiddle));
        return littleRectangles;

    public double RotationAngle { set; get; }

internal class LittleRectangle
    private int rectangleWidth = 8;

    /// <summary>
    /// 矩形放大的倍数
    /// </summary>
    public static double Enlarge = 1;

    /// <summary>
    /// 小矩形的位置
    /// </summary>
    public PosSizableRect Location { set; get; }

    public Rectangle Rectangle { set; get; }

    public LittleRectangle(Rectangle rect, PosSizableRect location)
        this.Location = location;
        switch (location)
            case PosSizableRect.LeftUp:
                this.Rectangle = createRectSizableNode(rect.X, rect.Y); break;

            case PosSizableRect.LeftMiddle:
                this.Rectangle = createRectSizableNode(rect.X, rect.Y + +rect.Height / 2); break;

            case PosSizableRect.LeftBottom:
                this.Rectangle = createRectSizableNode(rect.X, rect.Y + rect.Height); break;

            case PosSizableRect.BottomMiddle:
                this.Rectangle = createRectSizableNode(rect.X + rect.Width / 2, rect.Y + rect.Height); break;

            case PosSizableRect.RightUp:
                this.Rectangle = createRectSizableNode(rect.X + rect.Width, rect.Y); break;

            case PosSizableRect.RightBottom:
                this.Rectangle = createRectSizableNode(rect.X + rect.Width, rect.Y + rect.Height); break;

            case PosSizableRect.RightMiddle:
                this.Rectangle = createRectSizableNode(rect.X + rect.Width, rect.Y + rect.Height / 2); break;

            case PosSizableRect.UpMiddle:
                this.Rectangle = createRectSizableNode(rect.X + rect.Width / 2, rect.Y); break;
                this.Rectangle = new Rectangle(); break;

    private Rectangle createRectSizableNode(int x, int y)
        int rectWidth = (int)(rectangleWidth * Enlarge);
        if (rectWidth < rectangleWidth)
            Enlarge = 1;
            rectWidth = rectangleWidth;
        return new Rectangle(x - rectWidth / 2, y - rectWidth / 2, rectWidth, rectWidth);

internal enum PosSizableRect
  • RockRectControl源码
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace NcModule.Tools;

public partial class RockRectControl : UserControl
    private Color borderColor = Color.Green;
    private float borderWidth = 2;
    private float defaultFontSize = 16;

    private List<RockRectangle> rockRectangles = new List<RockRectangle>();

    private bool isPrintNum = true;

    private Font font = new Font("宋体", 16, FontStyle.Bold);

    private Image backImage = default!;

    private Rectangle effectiveRect = default(Rectangle);

    private int zoomScale = 100;//图片本身的缩放比例

    private int oldZoomScale = 100;
    private int zoomMinScale = 60;
    private int zoomMaxScale = 500;
    private int stepScale = 20;//每次缩放比例
    private Bitmap cloneBackImage = default!;
    private double imageScale;//真实图片与显示是的缩放比例
    private Point realImageCorePoint = new Point();//真实图片的中心点坐标偏移量,当放大或拖拽 时中心点发生变更
    private Point wheelPoint = new Point();//滚动时的坐标
    private bool zoomScaleIsUpdate = true;

    public Image BackImage
            this.backImage = value;
            if (this.backImage != null)
                cloneBackImage = new Bitmap(this.backImage.Width, this.backImage.Height, PixelFormat.Format16bppRgb555);
        get { return this.backImage; }

    /// <summary>
    /// 矩形框的颜色
    /// </summary>
    public Color BorderColor
        set { this.borderColor = value; }
        get { return this.borderColor; }

    /// <summary>
    /// 矩形框边框的粗细
    /// </summary>
    public float BorderWidth
        set { this.borderWidth = value; }
        get { return this.borderWidth; }

    public List<RockRectangle> RockRectangles
        get { return this.rockRectangles; }

    public RockRectControl()

    private void init()
        this.DoubleBuffered = true;

    private void setFitImageRect()
        if (this.cloneBackImage == null)
        double imageAspect = this.cloneBackImage.Width * 1.0 / this.cloneBackImage.Height;
        double controlAspect = this.Width * 1.0 / this.Height;
        if (imageAspect < controlAspect)
            double imageHeight = this.Height;
            double imageWidth = imageHeight * imageAspect;
            int x = (int)((this.Width - imageWidth) / 2);
            this.effectiveRect = new Rectangle(x, 0, (int)imageWidth, (int)imageHeight);
            double imageWidth = this.Width;
            double imageHeight = imageWidth / imageAspect;
            int y = (int)((this.Height - imageHeight) / 2);
            this.effectiveRect = new Rectangle(0, y, (int)imageWidth, (int)imageHeight);
        this.imageScale = this.cloneBackImage.Width * 1.0 / this.effectiveRect.Width;
        this.zoomMaxScale = (int)Math.Round(imageScale * 100);

    private int oldCursorX, oldCursorY;

    private int selectRectIndex = -1;
    private PosSizableRect selectLocation = PosSizableRect.None;

    protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)
        if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
            if (this.effectiveRect.Contains(e.Location))
                Point imageP = this.localPoint2ImagePoint(e.Location);
                this.oldCursorX = imageP.X;
                this.oldCursorY = imageP.Y;
                this.changeCursor(imageP, true);
                if (selectLocation != PosSizableRect.None)
                foreach (var item in this.RockRectangles)
                    if (this.isInRect(imageP, item.Rectangle, item.RotationAngle))
                        this.selectRectIndex = this.RockRectangles.IndexOf(item);
        selectRectIndex = -1;

    protected override void OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
        selectRectIndex = -1;
        selectLocation = PosSizableRect.None;

    protected override void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs le)
        if (le.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
            if (this.selectRectIndex != -1)
                Rectangle rect = this.RockRectangles[this.selectRectIndex].Rectangle;
                Point e = this.localPoint2ImagePoint(le.Location);
                switch (selectLocation)
                    case PosSizableRect.LeftUp:
                        rect.X += e.X - oldCursorX;
                        rect.Width -= e.X - oldCursorX;
                        rect.Y += e.Y - oldCursorY;
                        rect.Height -= e.Y - oldCursorY;

                    case PosSizableRect.LeftMiddle:
                        rect.X += e.X - oldCursorX;
                        rect.Width -= e.X - oldCursorX;

                    case PosSizableRect.LeftBottom:
                        rect.Width -= e.X - oldCursorX;
                        rect.X += e.X - oldCursorX;
                        rect.Height += e.Y - oldCursorY;

                    case PosSizableRect.BottomMiddle:
                        rect.Height += e.Y - oldCursorY;

                    case PosSizableRect.RightUp:
                        rect.Width += e.X - oldCursorX;
                        rect.Y += e.Y - oldCursorY;
                        rect.Height -= e.Y - oldCursorY;

                    case PosSizableRect.RightBottom:
                        rect.Width += e.X - oldCursorX;
                        rect.Height += e.Y - oldCursorY;

                    case PosSizableRect.RightMiddle:
                        rect.Width += e.X - oldCursorX;

                    case PosSizableRect.UpMiddle:
                        rect.Y += e.Y - oldCursorY;
                        rect.Height -= e.Y - oldCursorY;

                        rect.X = rect.X + e.X - this.oldCursorX;
                        rect.Y = rect.Y + e.Y - this.oldCursorY;
                this.RockRectangles[this.selectRectIndex].Rectangle = rect;
                this.oldCursorX = e.X;
                this.oldCursorY = e.Y;
            if (this.effectiveRect.Contains(le.Location))
                this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;

    protected override void OnMouseWheel(MouseEventArgs e)
        this.wheelPoint = this.localPoint2ImagePoint(e.Location);
        if (e.Delta > 0)//上滚放大
            if (this.zoomScale < this.zoomMaxScale)
                this.stepScale = Math.Abs(this.stepScale);
                this.zoomScale += this.stepScale;
            if (this.zoomScale > this.zoomMinScale)
                this.stepScale = -Math.Abs(this.stepScale);
                this.zoomScale += this.stepScale;

    protected override void OnSizeChanged(EventArgs e)

    protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs pe)
        if (this.cloneBackImage != null)

    private void paintRect()
        var g = Graphics.FromImage(cloneBackImage);
        g.DrawImage(this.backImage, 0, 0, cloneBackImage.Width, cloneBackImage.Height);
        //g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.Low;
        //g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighSpeed;
        g.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.AssumeLinear;
        using (var path = new GraphicsPath())
            foreach (var item in this.RockRectangles)
                double enlarge = this.imageScale * 100 / this.zoomScale;
                float nBorderWidth = (float)(this.borderWidth * enlarge);
                if (nBorderWidth < this.borderWidth)
                    nBorderWidth = this.borderWidth;
                LittleRectangle.Enlarge = enlarge;
                this.font = new Font("宋体", (float)(this.defaultFontSize * enlarge), FontStyle.Bold);
                this.getPath(path, item.Rectangle, item.RotationAngle);
                g.DrawPath(new Pen(this.borderColor, nBorderWidth), path);
                if (this.isPrintNum)
                    string num = (this.RockRectangles.IndexOf(item) + 1).ToString();
                    g.DrawString(num, this.font, new SolidBrush(this.borderColor), this.getCenter(item.Rectangle));
                var littleRects = item.GetLittleRectangles();
                Rectangle rect = item.Rectangle;
                Point center = new Point(rect.X + rect.Width / 2, rect.Y + rect.Height / 2);

                foreach (var littleRect in littleRects)
                    this.getPath(path, littleRect.Rectangle, item.RotationAngle, center);
                    g.DrawPath(new Pen(this.borderColor, nBorderWidth), path);

    private void paintImageToControl(Graphics g)
        g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.High;
        g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
        g.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.GammaCorrected;
        int width = (int)(cloneBackImage.Width * 100 / zoomScale);
        int height = (int)(cloneBackImage.Height * 100 / zoomScale);

        if (zoomScale != 100)
            if (this.oldZoomScale != this.zoomScale)
                realImageCorePoint.X = (int)Math.Round((this.stepScale * wheelPoint.X + (this.zoomScale - this.stepScale) * realImageCorePoint.X) * 1.0 / this.zoomScale);
                realImageCorePoint.Y = (int)Math.Round((this.stepScale * wheelPoint.Y + (this.zoomScale - this.stepScale) * realImageCorePoint.Y) * 1.0 / this.zoomScale);
                this.oldZoomScale = this.zoomScale;
                zoomScaleIsUpdate = true;
                if (zoomScaleIsUpdate)
                    zoomScaleIsUpdate = false;
            realImageCorePoint.X = (int)((cloneBackImage.Width - width) / 2.0);
            realImageCorePoint.Y = (int)((cloneBackImage.Height - height) / 2.0);
        Rectangle srcRect = new Rectangle(realImageCorePoint.X, realImageCorePoint.Y, width, height);
        g.DrawImage(cloneBackImage, this.effectiveRect, srcRect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

    private Point localPoint2ImagePoint(Point p)
        p.X = (int)((p.X - (this.Width - this.effectiveRect.Width) / 2.0) * imageScale * 100 / zoomScale) + realImageCorePoint.X;
        p.Y = (int)((p.Y - (this.Height - this.effectiveRect.Height) / 2.0) * imageScale * 100 / zoomScale) + realImageCorePoint.Y;
        return p;

    private bool isInRect(Point p, Rectangle rect, double angle)
        Point centerP = this.getCenter(rect);
        return this.isInRect(p, rect, angle, centerP);

    /// <summary>
    /// 判断某个点是否在矩形内
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="p"></param>
    /// <param name="rect"></param>
    /// <param name="angle"></param>
    /// <param name="centerP"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private bool isInRect(Point p, Rectangle rect, double angle, Point centerP)
        Point rotateP = this.getRotatePoint(p, -angle, centerP);
        return rect.Contains(rotateP);

    /// <summary>
    /// 改变鼠标的图标
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="p"></param>
    private void changeCursor(Point p, bool updateSelectData = false)
        bool isInBigRect = false;
        foreach (var item in this.RockRectangles)
            if (this.isInRect(p, item.Rectangle, item.RotationAngle))
                isInBigRect = true;
            foreach (var littleRect in item.GetLittleRectangles())
                if (this.isInRect(p, littleRect.Rectangle, item.RotationAngle, this.getCenter(item.Rectangle)))
                    this.Cursor = this.getCursor(littleRect.Location);
                    if (updateSelectData)
                        this.selectRectIndex = this.RockRectangles.IndexOf(item);
                        this.selectLocation = littleRect.Location;
        if (isInBigRect)
            this.Cursor = Cursors.SizeAll;
            this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;

    private Cursor getCursor(PosSizableRect p)
        switch (p)
            case PosSizableRect.LeftUp:
                return Cursors.SizeNWSE;

            case PosSizableRect.LeftMiddle:
                return Cursors.SizeWE;

            case PosSizableRect.LeftBottom:
                return Cursors.SizeNESW;

            case PosSizableRect.BottomMiddle:
                return Cursors.SizeNS;

            case PosSizableRect.RightUp:
                return Cursors.SizeNESW;

            case PosSizableRect.RightBottom:
                return Cursors.SizeNWSE;

            case PosSizableRect.RightMiddle:
                return Cursors.SizeWE;

            case PosSizableRect.UpMiddle:
                return Cursors.SizeNS;

                return Cursors.Default;

    private Point getCenter(Rectangle rect)
        return new Point(rect.X + rect.Width / 2, rect.Y + rect.Height / 2);

    /// <summary>
    /// 获取矩形旋转后的路径
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="rectangle"></param>
    /// <param name="angle"></param>
    private void getPath(GraphicsPath path, Rectangle rect, double angle)
        Point center = this.getCenter(rect);
        this.getPath(path, rect, angle, center);

    private void getPath(GraphicsPath path, Rectangle rect, double angle, Point center)
        var a = -angle * (Math.PI / 180);
        var n1 = (float)Math.Cos(a);
        var n2 = (float)Math.Sin(a);
        var n3 = -(float)Math.Sin(a);
        var n4 = (float)Math.Cos(a);
        var n5 = (float)(center.X * (1 - Math.Cos(a)) + center.Y * Math.Sin(a));
        var n6 = (float)(center.Y * (1 - Math.Cos(a)) - center.X * Math.Sin(a));
        Matrix matrix = new Matrix(n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6);

    private Point getRotatePoint(Point p1, double angle, Point center)
        System.Windows.Media.RotateTransform rotateTransform = new System.Windows.Media.RotateTransform(angle, center.X, center.Y);
        System.Windows.Point p = new System.Windows.Point(p1.X, p1.Y);
        System.Windows.Point p2 = rotateTransform.Transform(p);
        Point result = new Point();
        result.X = (int)p2.X;
        result.Y = (int)p2.Y;
        return result;

4. 矩形框控件不足?

  • 目前矩形框控件不支持对背景图片的拖拽(本项目中未涉及此场景,后续可能会增加此功能)
  • 目前矩形框控件不支持旋转(源码中有旋转矩形框展示代码,但交互上没有实现,需要人为赋值旋转角度,后续可能会优化)

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