Sea of Thieves 'Return of the Damned' Adventure offers pirates another decision

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.neowin.net/news/sea-of-thieves-return-of-the-damned-adventure-offers-pirates-another-decision/
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Sea of Thieves 'Return of the Damned' Adventure offers pirates another decision

Another Sea of Thieves Adventure has kicked off, and it's one of the events where the community's actions decide the outcome. Dubbed Return of the Damned, the Adventure has pirates choosing to ally with the forces of Pendragon or Captain Flameheart, with the two groups clashing over Sea Forts.

Once the quest is accepted from Larinna, players can opt to save Pendragon by working with Belle at Shipwreck Bay, or side with the Servant of the Flame in his mission to resurrect Flameheart.

Pirates from either side can take control of the six Sea Forts across the Sea of Thieves and deliver the Bewitching Dolls found within them to whichever party they choose. One side having more captured Sea Forts means the doll delivery will net more power towards their own camp. Of course, pirates can invade and flip Sea Forts and even steal dolls from others during these turbulent times.

The Sea of Thieves Return of the Damned Adventure concludes on November 17, and Rare is planning to host a special livestream soon after to let players know which side took the win, and also reveal what will be the consequences of their actions.

The update is now available across PC and Xbox consoles, for both owners of the game and Game Pass subscribers. The full patch notes are here. Meanwhile, for those wanting a refresher or what has happened in the Sea of Thieves throughout the nine Adventures it has had so far, Rare has also published a helpful blog post here.

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