Remedy releases investor update on five projects it has in production | TechSpot

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Remedy releases investor update on five projects it has in production

Alan Wake 2 is due out next year, but the other four are still in the very early stages

By Cal Jeffrey November 1, 2022, 5:26 PM
Remedy releases investor update on five projects it has in production

Something to look forward to: Remedy CEO Tero Virtala revealed some progress updates last week for several projects the studio has in progress. Currently, five titles are at various stages of development, including Alan Wake 2, Max Paine 1 & 2 Remake, Vanguard, Codename Condor, and Codename Heron.

The investor report noted that Alan Wake 2 is the only project close to launch. The sequel to the recently released remaster of the 2010 beloved Xbox 360/PC title is in "full production" but still needs work.

"There is still a lot of work to be done, but the game is coming together on all fronts," said Virtala.

Despite all the finishing work, Creative Director Sam Lake told IGN in May that a large portion of the game was already playable. Virtala confirmed it is still on track for a 2023 release, so it sounds like it mainly needs polish and bug work.

In April, Remedy announced it would again partner with Rockstar Games to remake its iconic Max Paine franchise. The dual-set remake of both games in the series is still in early development, with no release window. However, it might be a while on this one. Virtala mentioned that through Q3 2022, both studios had "a small core team" working on the project.

Vanguard is a free-to-play multiplayer co-op game Remedy is working on with Tencent. Announced last December, the PvE shooter will utilize Unreal Engine. However, the game is still in the very early stages. Virtala says it is only a "proof of concept" (POC).

Codename Condor is likewise in the POC stage. Not much is known about the project, but the CEO mentioned that it is a spinoff of Control and would feature "a cooperative player experience." Remedy has shifted some resources to this game and increased the size of its development team, but it still has no timeline for release. However, the team has some gameplay elements running, and Virtala says they "feel fun."


Lastly, Codename Heron is another title Remedy has based in the Control universe. Like the previous two projects, it is still in the POC phase but has a bigger budget. Development is moderately staffed tapping Remedy's Northlight team to work on the concepts. As expected, Virtala had nothing to say regarding a release window.

All titles sound intriguing on paper. Let's hope Remedy doesn't have too many irons in the fire. While a follow-up to the excellent Control would be welcomed, as would a sequel to Alan Wake, poorly executed versions of either would be sad and inexcusable for games with such excellent source material.

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