Enjin Coin (ENJ) and ApeCoin (APE) Holders Continue to Take a Beating; Flasko (F...

 1 year ago
source link: https://cryptomode.com/enjin-coin-enj-and-apecoin-ape-holders-continue-to-take-a-beating-flasko-flsk-poised-to-go-parabolic/
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Enjin Coin (ENJ) and ApeCoin (APE) Holders Continue to Take a Beating; Flasko (FLSK) Poised to Go Parabolic

November 1, 2022

It’s safe to say that we’re fully in the thick of the worst Crypto Winter in years – and with it, Metaverse Mania is well and truly over. The latter is evidenced by the complete and total obliteration in value in metaverse-related cryptos like Enjin Coin (ENJ) and ApeCoin (APE). Both Enjin Coin (ENJ) and ApeCoin (APE) enjoyed stellar runs as the hype surrounding the metaverse peaked in 2021, but have since lost over 90% and 80% of their all-time highs as of this writing.

Fortunately, the bear market still presents opportunities to get on the gravy train before it leaves the station rather than buying the dip and hoping for a recovery. One of those opportunities is Flasko, which we will discuss in this article.

Enjin Coin (ENJ): Trapped in the Bearish Zone

Enjin Coin (ENJ), like many metaverse coins, has lost a ton of momentum since the bear market, showing little signs of turning the corner since. Enjin Coin (ENJ) is hovering around $0.45, or over 90% of its ATH of $4.82, which is indicative of the deflated interest in the metaverse which not even Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta can’t prop up.  Enjin Coin (ENJ) will take more than just mere hype to succeed as a metaverse gaming platform, and Enjin Coin (ENJ) holders are beginning to sweat about the long-term viability – and profitability – of the token.

ApeCoin (APE): All Sizzle, Very Little Steak (If Any)

ApeCoin (APE) is the utility token for the ApeCoin (APE) DAO. Holders can use their ApeCoin (APE) holdings to vote on governance proposals and join the ApeCoin (APE) Decentralized Autonomous Organization. ApeCoin (APE) takes its name from the best-selling NFT collection of all time – the Bored Ape Yacht Club – from where it gets a lot of its clout in the market.

However, since the NFT market itself has taken a massive downturn, so have ApeCoin (APE) prices. Besides the massive hype, very little substance actually backs the project. ApeCoin (APE) prices have been in a holding pattern at the $5 level despite the slight recovery most cryptos experienced in the recent week, and savvy investors would be better served buying into projects with a whole lot more to offer.

Flasko (FLSK): The Key to the $13.4T Alternative Investments Industry

Flasko is one of the rising stars in crypto in 2022. What with a unique value proposition – namely, the chance to invest in the $13.4 trillion-dollar alternative investments industry. In particular, Flasko is developing the first asset-backed alternative investment platform in the vintage wines, whiskeys, and champagnes sector. Flasko allows investors to buy NFTs representing casks and bottles of the finest investment-grade wines, whiskeys, and champagnes and benefit from their scarcity and constantly increasing value.

Alternative investments are the hottest thing now because of their ability to help shield portfolios from the inherent volatility in equities – more so in crypto. Flasko brings that opportunity for everyone.

Investors are lining up for the Flasko presale – and your last chance to buy in at just $0.077 is almost up. With platform liquidity locked for the next 33 years, and a fully-audited smart contract, Flasko is almost certainly primed for a massive run in 2023 and beyond.

Website: https://flasko.io

Presale: https://presale.flasko.io


Twitter: https://twitter.com/flasko_io

Always conduct proper research when dealing with pre-sales of currencies and tokens. The information above does not constitute investment advice by CryptoMode or its team, nor does it reflect the views of the website or its staff. 

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