Greavard is a new adorable Pokemon with a dark side

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.mobigaming.com/2022/10/25/pokemon-scarlet-violet-greavard-is-a-new-adorable-pokemon-with-a-dark-side/
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Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Greavard is a new adorable Pokemon with a dark side

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet games are all set to release on November 18. As the release is just around the corner, Pokemon is actively revealing the new pocket monsters of the Paldea region. This time we are welcomed with a Ghost-type puppy, that looks cute at first, but don’t let him fool you; he is thirsty for souls. Pokemon releasing Greavard at the time of Halloween is a perfect choice. Furthermore, the new cinematic trailer showcasing the new pocket monster is just amazing.

The trailer follows a student of Paldea region’s Naranja Academy in search of a new Pokemon. She is greeted by the two old Pokemon including Mimikyu and Gengar. However, after some searching, she finally discovers some candles, and to her surprise these candles are Greavard. It is to be noted that at first; the Pokemon looks like a normal dog that is happily playing with the player, but in reality, the trainer starts to feel weakened. Zoned out, the trainer’s soul has been affected by Greavard. Alas, the Pokemon climbs on the trainer and check if she’s okay.

Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Greavard is a new adorable Pokemon with a dark side

Greavard and Litwick; Is there any connection?

Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Greavard is a new adorable Pokemon with a dark side

Now there is an interesting point to be noticed; the candles. They resemble a Pokemon from the past generations, Litwick. For those unaware, Litwick is a Ghost/Fire-type Pokemon, and it looks very similar to the candles featured in the new trailer. The candle is also seen on the head of Greavard, which forces us to think if there is a connection between the two Pokemon.

Well, time will tell if there is a link between them or not. For now, we are excited about the new Ghost-type dog Pokemon. That being said, make sure to stick around so that you can be updated with the latest mobile and console gaming news.

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