SAP Data Warehouse Cloud: Embedding Business-Wide Data into Every Decision

 1 year ago
source link: https://blogs.sap.com/2022/10/21/sap-data-warehouse-cloud-embedding-business-wide-data-into-every-decision/
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October 21, 2022 2 minute read

SAP Data Warehouse Cloud: Embedding Business-Wide Data into Every Decision

The core functions of data management haven’t changed over the past decade, even as the volume of data generated and captured continues to grow in massive proportions. But perhaps they’re overdue for an upgrade, given the cloud ERPs, data analytics, machine learning, and self-service capabilities now available to help you better understand your entire business and make decisions confidently. 

Gartner predicts that core capabilities of public or private cloud data management systems will soon account for half of all databases purchased. In return for their investment, businesses can pull from multiple digital options to support a growing variety of data types and models. 

 The SAP Data Warehouse Cloud solution is bringing this vision to life for SAP customers through SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP). The solution breaks down information silos that emerge from traditional data management practices – unlocking insights within an integrated business-wide environment where data protection and access rights are tightly governed. 

Start extending the value of data for free 

 While “data warehousing” is not a new concept, SAP Data Warehouse Cloud takes data management – from ingestion, preparation, consolidation, and warehousing to discovery, access, and analytics – to a higher level of efficiency, simplicity, and integration. The solution strengthens the entire process with self-service capabilities to help businesses keep pace with the speed of data growth and analytics processing. 

The cloud-native, consumption-based nature of SAP Data Warehouse Cloud allows organizations to expand and consume resources as needed to support many different users, including business users as well as data analysts, engineers, and data scientists.  

Additionally, since it resides on SAP BTP, the solution can be combined with various analytics solutions, intelligent technologies, and low-code and no-code tools. Doing so turns disparate data into 360-degree insights across multiple views and data models, automates workflows and processes, and aids intelligent decision-making without physically moving or replicating data. 

With the introduction of the free tier plan, SAP customers can experience the flexibility and control needed to accelerate their data warehousing transformation without additional cost. The plan creates a low-risk productive environment for exploring the advantages of SAP Data Warehouse Cloud alongside other tools, services, and content from SAP BTP.  

Organizations can experiment with business scenarios that can scale more responsively with enhanced management of system resources, improve cost predictability, and increase transparency. Then after the free tier period, they can easily switch developments to a paid service plan without losing any work or effort. 

Take the first step toward a data-driven enterprise 

Could SAP Data Warehouse Cloud in a free tier plan empower your organizations to reap the benefits of a more transformative approach to data management? Join our experts on October 25, 2022, to explore how. 

As host of the webinar, “Getting Started with SAP Data Warehouse Cloud for Free,” Ammar Naji, senior director of Data Warehousing Solution Management at SAP, will discuss how the data warehouse cloud solution provides a multi-cloud, multisource business semantic foundation for enterprise analytics and planning. San Tran, product manager of SAP Business Technology Platform, will also join the session to demo the key capabilities available in the free tier model – such as data modeling, connectivity, virtualization, and enterprise access. 

In 30 minutes, you will gain a wealth of well-researched insights and experience a highly detailed demo. Such a clear understanding of the value of modern data warehousing practices can help you confidently accelerate better business outcomes by unleashing the full potential of your data and advanced analytics capabilities. 

Ready to accelerate innovation? Explore how SAP Business Technology Platform can help accelerate innovation and unlock your business potential. 


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