Fitness Service Supernatural Now Supports Single Controller Mode

 1 year ago
source link: https://uploadvr.com/supernatural-single-controller-mode/
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VR News

Fitness Service Supernatural Now Supports Single Controller Mode

Ian Hamilton

Fitness service Supernatural now supports a single controller mode.

The fitness app Meta is trying to acquire now supports a new “One Controller Mode” that “intelligently adjust workouts to ensure that there are no gaps or awkward sequences during the workout sets, ensuring no compromise to the fun and effectiveness Supernatural offers,” according to the company.

The feature is already supported in some other active rhythm games like Pistol Whip and Beat Saber, but Supernatural is specifically designed for VR fitness and the new feature joins existing “accessibility options, including front facing only, large floor platform, and no squats mode, ensuring members of varied abilities can take on fun, effective fitness journeys powered by virtual reality.”

We’ve interviewed Supernatural’s Head of Fitness Leanne Pedante as well as one of the app’s superfans Chesney Mariani and their comments indicate some advantages for VR fitness over physical gyms. Despite the heaviness of current headsets, Supernatural can deliver heart-pumping workouts without the need to leave the house or face the judgment of others. The app has found a supportive subscriber-base with workouts trackable by Apple Watch as well as a phone app for sharing accomplishments with others. With Meta seeking to acquire Supernatural, the company seems to be trying to lean into what’s emerging as a major use case for VR headsets.

We’ll be watching for more updates to Supernatural, and its acquisition process, as Meta faces ongoing scrutiny from regulators.

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Ian Hamilton

Ian Hamilton is a journalist based in Arkansas and managing editor at UploadVR. He's covered VR full-time since 2015 as well as Oculus VR since 2012. He is interested in the people creating VR and AR hardware and software, their motivations, and how that work affects the people who spend significant time in simulations. If you have information to pass along you can send him a direct message on Twitter, Facebook or via email.


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