Swann's CoreCam Wireless is ready to record in minutes - Ausdroid

 1 year ago
source link: https://ausdroid.net/2022/10/19/swanns-corecam-wireless-is-ready-to-record-in-minutes/
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Swann's CoreCam Wireless is ready to record in minutes


Swann continues to deliver new hardware to join its DIY security arsenal. The latest addition is the CoreCam Wireless Security Camera, a 100% Wire-Free installation with a battery life of up to 90 days; longer if you pair it with a solar charging panel.

Like so many other DIY security cameras, the CoreCam Wireless provides an array of features that makes monitoring your home easier:

  • 1080p video feed along with night vision
  • Heat and motion sensing to minimise false alerts
  • 2-way talk and siren options
  • Smart mobile alerts to the Swann Security App on your devices
  • Weatherproof design
  • Free local recording on the included 32GB SD Card

As part of the launch, Mike Lucas, CEO of Swann Security said:

Swann’s new CoreCam™ cameras are a fantastic addition to our market leading product lineup that provide seamless 24/7 security to everyday consumers. We look forward to bringing additional products to market that make security easy. The CoreCam™ is a great entry point for anyone looking for an easy to install, yet feature-packed security camera.

The CoreCam is said to be ready to use in minutes from unboxing, by simply pairing to your Wi-Fi via the app. Mounting your camera will be the time-consuming part.

If it’s sounding like something you might like to check out a bit closer, David will be reviewing one soon so keep your eyes out. If you’re ready to buy now, you can at Swann.com and through Amazon and JB-HI-FI for $179.95 AUD

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