也来玩 AI 作画

 1 year ago
source link: https://hsingko.github.io/post/2022/10/15/ai-drawing/
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也来玩 AI 作画

没想到 AI 崛起的第一步干掉的是画师……

2022-10-15 · 1 分钟 · hsingko

最近网上特别火的 NovelAI ,他们的代码被黑客窃取了,于是网络上出现了一大批免费资源,你可以在谷歌的 colab 上运行,也可以在本地自己跑。由于我的笔记本显卡非常垃圾,因此也只能借助于网络上的资源了。

随便找了一个网站,感觉体验不错:https://ai.nya.la (这个网站由于是用爱发电,因此不保证能长期访问)

这个 AI 生成的都是二次元风格的绘图,虽然不是很感兴趣,但姑且还是先尝试一下,prompt 都贴在了图片下方:

Figure 1: long black hair, sitting in the church, dawn, sun, mountain

long black hair, sitting in the church, dawn, sun, mountain

Figure 2: dark lake, mermaid, battleship, broken sky, blood rain

dark lake, mermaid, battleship, broken sky, blood rain

Figure 3: dark lake, mermaid, battleship, broken sky, {blood rain}

dark lake, mermaid, battleship, broken sky, {blood rain}


Figure 4: Motoko Kusanagi, tall building, cyberpunk

Motoko Kusanagi, tall building, cyberpunk

Figure 5: Eru Chitanda,maid outfit, library

Eru Chitanda,maid outfit, library

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