TSMC beats estimation with $20.23 billion in 2022 Q3, gives conservative guidanc...

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source link: https://technode.com/2022/10/14/tsmc-beats-estimation-with-20-23-billion-in-2022-q3-gives-conservative-guidance-for-next-quarter/
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TSMC beats estimation with $20.23 billion in 2022 Q3, gives conservative guidance for next quarter

by TechNode Feed Oct 14, 2022Oct 14, 2022

Chip manufacturer TSMC announced revenue of $20.23 billion for the third quarter on Thursday, a 35.9% yearly growth, beating the firm’s own estimate. Net income to shareholders of the parent company recorded 280.87 billion New Taiwan dollars ($8.81 billion), growing by 18.5% from the last quarter and 79.7% from last year. Revenues from 5 nm and 7 nm accounted for 54% of the company’s overall revenue. In terms of chip utilization, the smartphone business took the lead, accounting for 41% of the revenues, while high-performance computation comes next, taking 39% of the revenue. TSMC estimated its revenues to grow 0.4% in the next quarter. C. C. Wei, CEO of the firm, stated that due to the weak demands of personal computers and smartphones and semiconductor inventory adjustments, TSMC’s 7 nm production capacity utilization was affected, which will be relieved in the second half of 2023. [UDN, in Chinese]


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