Samsung's One UI 5 update is largely about personalization

 1 year ago
source link: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/samsung-one-ui-5-release-date-personalization-security-privacy-200044860.html
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Samsung's One UI 5 update is largely about personalization

Kris Holt
·Contributing Reporter
Fri, October 14, 2022, 5:00 AM·4 min read

Samsung has revealed more details about One UI 5, the updated user interface it will begin rolling out to devices later this month. Galaxy S22-series devices will be the first to get the update. The company is placing an even bigger focus on personalization, including on the lock screen. You'll be able to select up to 15 photos and videos for the lock screen, with a different one appearing each time you turn on the display.

Alternatively, you can let Samsung handle the dynamic lock screen with a selection of curated images — you'll see a different one each time. You can choose up to five image categories (such as dogs, cats, animals, landscapes and plants) and Samsung will refresh the collections every two weeks. You'll also be able to tweak the wallpaper, clock style and notification pop-ups on the lock screen. Expect more color palette options to change the device-wide look of the UI and more customizable faces for Galaxy Watches.

Samsung Galaxy personalized lock screen
Samsung Galaxy personalized lock screen

Samsung says it has redesigned notifications to make them more intuitive and easier to parse with a glance. There's the promise of improved widget stacking on the home screen too. One UI 5 will also have "more defined answer and decline buttons" when you see the pop-up call display.

Speaking of calls, there's a new feature called Bixby Text Call. You'll be able to answer a call by typing a message and Bixby can read this to the caller. The voice assistant can convert what the caller says into text as well. This could come in handy if you're in a noisy environment and wouldn't be able to hear what the other person is saying. Bixby Text Call became available in Korean as part of One UI 4.1.1. An English version will arrive in early 2023.

One UI 5 will place an onus on modes and routines too. With routines, you can trigger several actions on your device based on your activities (such as starting a certain playlist when you leave home). In addition, you can have modes with custom settings for certain situations, such as when you're sleeping, relaxing or working out. In relax mode, you might mute notifications so you can focus on watching a video or playing a game. And when it's time for bed, perhaps turning off all sounds and reducing the screen brightness will do the trick.

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